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Old 11-02-2020, 03:30 PM
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Default Track Color Switches


We've looked at a few of these functions related to other topics previously, but let's look holistically at what you can do with the Track Color Switches located just below the faders on your Fader Module or Channelstrip Module.

(1) Obviously - do assign specific Colors to any track elements within your session.

(2) Use the User 1 and User 2 switches to Bank Left or Bank Right, either within a Spill Zone (if you've already opened one up) or simply to Bank the standard channels. Under Settings > User you can decide whether you want the Bank functions to work on 8 Faders at a time or to bank based on the total number of faders on your surface.

(3) Use these switches as Modifiers. Hold Option while pressing any Select switch to quickly Select All Tracks or Deselect All Tracks.

(4) Hold Option while touching individual Faders or Encoders to Null / Default the parameters.

(5) Defining Selections. Press Select on the first track, then hold Shift and press Select on the final track to bound a range. Use Command + Select within the range to subtract that specific track.

(6) Hold Shift from any Fader Module while pressing any Numpad switch on the Automation Module to invoke a QuickJump to change all 4 Soft Key panels based on workflow. Shift + 7 will access Editing functions. We've accessed a simple Active/Inactive or use the Control modifier to access Hide+Inactive.

Track Color Switches

Jeff Komar
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