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Old 12-17-2001, 07:51 AM
Tone Tone is offline
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Default 96kHz FireWire Interface

I just wish it said 'Digidesign' on the front

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Old 12-17-2001, 09:37 AM
Tone Tone is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

I would love for Digi to get beyond using PCI breakout boxes for their audio and instead use Firewire. This way you can get rid of -6042 errors and run a tonne of ins and outs from 1 port and buy whatever DSP cards you nned independantly. It's also time Digi did 96k - everyone else is. Some people do actually want it.
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Old 12-17-2001, 12:23 PM
Noiz2 Noiz2 is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by relaxo:

So you could run ProTools on it...why else.
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Old 12-17-2001, 10:09 PM
Peter Steinbach Peter Steinbach is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

Has anyone considered the fact that post-production (a pretty significant chunck of digi's market) really does'nt care about 96K? Digi's new business model is in hardware, a la control surfaces. Sort of like Fairlight's DREAM system. Please lay off the tedious 96k stuff. Aside from some wanky music engineers, (myself included) nobody cares about 96k. Sad but true. Deal with it.
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Old 12-17-2001, 10:20 PM
BothMan BothMan is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

Digidesign is in the business of making a reliable, professional daw that works. I think they do it well. If you are looking for a daw that adopts any new buzz word and does it at the cost of stabililty, on a system that may have not been stable to begin with. Perhaps you should look into another product. For me, I'm pretty happy where I am at. I'm not saying that Pro Tools cannot be improved. I'm just saying that I trust it will happen when it can be done right.

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Old 12-17-2001, 11:07 PM
tomhartman tomhartman is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by BothMan:
Digidesign is in the business of making a reliable, professional daw that works. I think they do it well. If you are looking for a daw that adopts any new buzz word and does it at the cost of stabililty, on a system that may have not been stable to begin with. Perhaps you should look into another product. For me, I'm pretty happy where I am at. I'm not saying that Pro Tools cannot be improved. I'm just saying that I trust it will happen when it can be done right.


Couldn't agree more. I get tickled when I hear people raving about other systems, especially the sequencer/audio programs with the worst user interfaces in the world, and busy signals for tech support.

Digi is the standard for a reason. It isn't the cheapest. But it will be around long after the new buzzword guys have run out of cash. It's the best interface on the planet and you pay for the best...in anything. JMHO
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Old 12-17-2001, 11:21 PM
relaxo relaxo is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by Noiz2:

So you could run ProTools on it...why else.

I don't even want to run ProTools software. I use Logic Audio for composition. I bought ProTools for the TDM hardware. Period. Everything else out there is nickel-dime candy junk. I don't want a "CueMix" knob, I want a real time system that lets my native CPU breathe freely when running softsamplers.
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Old 12-17-2001, 11:56 PM
Noiz2 Noiz2 is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:<HR>Originally posted by relaxo:

I don't even want to run ProTools software. I use Logic Audio for composition. I bought ProTools for the TDM hardware. Period. Everything else out there is nickel-dime candy junk. I don't want a "CueMix" knob, I want a real time system that lets my native CPU breathe freely when running softsamplers.
You asked why? you didn't ask why you would want a digi compatable firewire interface.
Personaly I think 96K is a royal wank but what it might get you are better 44.1/48 converters, and firewire would free a slot ant that would be useful. I would also like to have a TDIF interface.
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Old 12-18-2001, 02:35 AM
Kasper Kasper is offline
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Default Re: 96kHz FireWire Interface

Peter Steinbach-

I must say, I don't agree.

I have owned and used Digi products in post since before it was called "ProTools." At that time no "wanky music engineers" could even dream of owning their own recording system.
The cost of analog was just too high.
At that point Digi was a little known company on the cutting edge of a brand new world. Not anymore.
Digi is in dire need of a complete overhaul.

I will agree that the software is the best by far. If i didn't love it and use it everyday I wouldn't care what they did. I would just move on to something else, but the attitude of the company has gone steadily down hill. The cost of often minor upgrades and the cost of very outdated hardware is ridiculous.
The new MOTU box list is $1,295.00.
Digi has nothing even close. Not for 10x that price !

The writing is on the wall. Look at what "Final Cut Pro" has done to Avid's market share. That, all by itself could be the end of Digi as We know it.
The days of paying crazy prices for marginal hardware, in order to run "the" software or to be in the "Big Boys" club are over.
The market has changed and there is no going back.
For every "Pro" who can afford it there are 1,000 musicians and DJ's and bedroom engineers who can't or won't shell out that kind of cash. And the latest buzz words are exactly what is important to this market.
Digi needs a new system with vastly improved hardware at a competitive price. And "Le" is not the answer. Take a look in the "Le" forum. There are not very many satisfied customers there.
The crippled software and cheap, closed-end hardware will only keep 'em happy for so long.
In fact, the best thing Digi could do would be to open up PT and let it run on any hardware or get out of the hardware business altogether and just concentrate on the software. That's what they do best.
Better yet, I'd really like to see Apple come out with the audio equivalent of "Final Cut Pro." That would light a fire under Digi.
Or sink them. Either way We would end up better off but I don't really see Apple doing that.

As it sits now, I've got a rack full of Digi boat anchors, with Christmas lights.

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