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Old 01-19-2025, 09:34 PM
BScout BScout is offline
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

I find the HD600 vs HD650 preference mostly comes down to bass.
I find the less pronounced bass of the HD600 more natural and I think that’s more common with people coming from orchestral/jazz backgrounds.

And the HD600 are the closest I can get to my main monitors (which I adore) — kind of a chicken/egg situation: I worked on a version of my main monitors years before I could afford them and got the HD600 around then. A decade later I had those monitors, and if I use the HD600 dialed in with the advanced HTRF of the SPL Phonitor, I can get them sounding near the same (play mix on loop, headphones off/on switching with the main speakers adjusting the Phonitor controls.)

And that’s all I want… not to have to redo work from when I was wearing headphones.
(I also keep a pair of closed Beyerdynamics for tracking. And have tried the Senn 800S but it didn’t do it for me and was fatiguing over long periods of listening time)
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Old 01-20-2025, 12:37 AM
Marsdy Marsdy is offline
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

Originally Posted by BScout View Post
I find the HD600 vs HD650 preference mostly comes down to bass.
I find the less pronounced bass of the HD600 more natural and I think that’s more common with people coming from orchestral/jazz backgrounds.

And the HD600 are the closest I can get to my main monitors (which I adore) — kind of a chicken/egg situation: I worked on a version of my main monitors years before I could afford them and got the HD600 around then. A decade later I had those monitors, and if I use the HD600 dialed in with the advanced HTRF of the SPL Phonitor, I can get them sounding near the same (play mix on loop, headphones off/on switching with the main speakers adjusting the Phonitor controls.)

And that’s all I want… not to have to redo work from when I was wearing headphones.
(I also keep a pair of closed Beyerdynamics for tracking. And have tried the Senn 800S but it didn’t do it for me and was fatiguing over long periods of listening time)
Interesting thanks for that. I had always assumed the 650 was the superior model because it was 50 higher! I’ll check the 600s out. My 650s are falling to pieces and need replacing.
Dave Marsden
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Old 01-20-2025, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

I use HD600s for work and HD650s for pleasure.
Will Russell
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Old 01-25-2025, 01:46 AM
kosmokrator kosmokrator is offline
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

We recently ordered a variety of phones in the range around €500 for the team, and preferences were all over the place, so it's super personal. You have to listen to them yourself.

We had the following, and you can have my personal opinion. The opinion of my team would differ.

. Beyer 1990: Was liked a lot. It's very detailed in the highs. For me, for mixing too much. It shows you sibilance problems where there are none. Super comfortable.
Sennheiser 650. I like the Sennheiser sound. It's much 'warmer'. Cable on both sides is a bummer though.
- Neumann HD30: Something weird in the sound for me. They are also quite heavy in comparison. Not my favorite
- AKG702: Love them. Bass-shy without mod. Extremely comfortable and best sound stage. Personally, I have the 701 with the bass mod for many years. It's the best bang for the buck ever. I was very reluctant with the bass mod, but it's fully reversible and after doing it for me there's no way back. It just improves them: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/reve...ss-mod.660408/

Hope that helps.
Senior Manager Audio Post Production @ Red Bull
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Old 01-25-2025, 02:45 AM
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

Problem with comparing headphones is this. They actually age when used. It is called "burning in". So if you buy new headphones from the store for comparison you should leave them on nonstop playback for a month before trying.

That is the #1 reason why many "feel" the old headphones sound more familiar, or "better", or however you describe it. New ones are not yet ready for work.
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Old 01-26-2025, 05:26 AM
kosmokrator kosmokrator is offline
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

Originally Posted by JFreak View Post
Problem with comparing headphones is this. They actually age when used. It is called "burning in". So if you buy new headphones from the store for comparison you should leave them on nonstop playback for a month before trying.

That is the #1 reason why many "feel" the old headphones sound more familiar, or "better", or however you describe it. New ones are not yet ready for work.
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Old 01-26-2025, 09:11 AM
Kelly2003 Kelly2003 is offline
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

With the sound of th LCD-X in the back of my mind I got the newest MM-100 to try and compare with a Neuman NDH30.
I just so happened that I have a problem with my rhythm guitars and according to a review I read somewhere the MM-100 are a bit harsh on the high mids. I can hear that.[ EDIT: however if I had been able to mixe those guitars with the MM-100 I may not have a problem with them.]

But I do think they are very very good headphones for the price adn I recommend them to people who cannot afford the LCD-X. For me if my ears would let me I would go with the LCD-X.

What takes MM100 price down is the material of the actual cans is of lesser quality but still quite good to me, the cable is I think a mini jack in the headphones and just 1 side compared to LCD-X 2side custom hi-q connectors. LCD_X comes in a case that is priced £130/$162 on its own.

Trying the MM-100 for several hours I felt slightly nauseous and very mentally fatgued. Probably because I'm used to Ultrasone and exposed to at least 3db less.

Unfortunately the Neumann NDH30 is malfunctioning -gear4music has delivered them wrapped in 4 dpd plastic bags taped together - so no idea what they really sound like. My wide stereo mix is played back MONO. Unplug and repluggin sound only left. The headphone in cable connection is very poor and cheap -for a £500 plus headphones.

@ Will Russell. You have won a Grammy using the HD600 and 650? Something to think about...
@JFreak Audeze headphones comes with a message they are ready to use and broken in.
@kosmokrator thanks for the break in link. Saves me trying some other headphones.
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Old 01-26-2025, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

Senn HD 600's for mixing
Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 Ohm for overdub
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Studio - Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2024.10.2 Mid 2020 (intel) iMac 27" OS Sequoia 15.2

Mobile - 2021 14 " MBP M1 Pro PT Ultimate 2024.10 --Sequoia 15.1

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.... Kev...
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Old 02-09-2025, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: What headphones are professional audio mixing engineers using?

Left-field answer here: AirPods Max. Mainly because they sound pretty good, but mostly because a ton of consumers are listening to our content on them. While I love Sennheiser or Grado for declicking or dialog editing, their sound character is not what most consumers get. I don't want to send a mix without having at least spot-checked with AirPods Max.
Nathaniel Reichman
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