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Old 11-23-2000, 02:51 PM
vtone vtone is offline
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Louisville
Posts: 168
Default hidden tracks

Is there a way to make hidden tracks that play without the numbers counting down?

I've read on here that MLCD won't let you make hidden tracks. If this is true, has anyone found a program that will??

[This message has been edited by vtone (edited November 23, 2000).]
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Old 11-24-2000, 02:49 PM
vtone vtone is offline
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Location: Louisville
Posts: 168
Default Re: hidden tracks

Well I followed the manual's instructions about how to make hidden tracks but here's what happens:

I have 8 songs. I want song number 8 to be hidden, with 5 minutes of silence before it starts. I added the silence in the audio file itself.

In MLCD, for track 8, I set the # of tracks to 0. However after burning a CD, track 7 in the CD player continued to countdown as if tracks 7 & 8 had merged. I would like it to stop counting down after track 7 and appear as if the CD is "idle" when actually it is playing the digital silence of track 8.

Any suggestions?
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Old 11-28-2000, 11:58 AM
sburgess sburgess is offline
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Default Re: hidden tracks

I don't think the Red Book spec allows for what you want to do. If the CD's a-playin' the counter's a-countin'! The only way I've ever seen hidden tracks at the end of a disk is with an extra-long last track which really contains both tunes, which is basically what you are describing. Since the player derives its location information from the disc's table of contents, if you rigged the table so the player wouldn't count the extra audio, it would also not play the extra audio, AFAIK.

On the other hand, if someone else has found a way to do this, I'd love to hear it!

Scott Burgess
Audio Production Manager
Central Michigan University
PT 6.4, OS 10.3.4, Dual 2.0 G5, 4.5 GB RAM, Dual 250G ATA drives
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Old 11-28-2000, 03:25 PM
vtone vtone is offline
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Posts: 168
Default Re: hidden tracks

Originally posted by sburgess:
Since the player derives its location information from the disc's table of contents, if you rigged the table so the player wouldn't count the extra audio, it would also not play the extra audio

I see, that makes sense.

What about when there is a hidden track before track one? I have a CD that is like that; the only way to listen to it is to start playing track one and hold down rewind until it reaches the begining of the hidden track. Cool!

[This message has been edited by vtone (edited November 28, 2000).]
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