Problems with "Please locate Waves 5.5 Plugins Folder"
Just had to reformat a computer and reinstall everything. Currently just installed the Waves Restoration bundle (which, of course, came with a handy "Mercury Bundle" install disc...which, of course, installs EVERYTHING rather than allowing the user a 'custom install' and picking the plugins one wants...grr).
Now Pro Tools (7.2 HD, OS 10.4.11) is giving me the "Please locate Waves 5.5 Plugins Folder" and then "Please locate Waves 5.7 Plugins Folder".
I have moved/hidden the following in an attempt to get rid of this p.i.t.a. (the other option is repeated meetings with "Buy/Quit" messages on various plugins every time pro tools is launched):
the Waveshell-DAE 5.5 and Waveshell-DAE 5.7 (because this worked with 5.9.5) as well as anything related to 5.5 and 5.7, like the MAS bundles, AU and VST parts as well.
Then I moved a bunch of plugins to the 'unused plugins' folder. (everything I could figure was attributed to the plugin bundles giving me the Buy/Quit messages every time: ZNoise, guitar Tool Rack, Maxx Volume, Vintage Bundle)
Anyone have tips on how to fix this so it doesn't go looking for 5.5 and 5.7 every time??? Or---anyone familiar with exactly which plugins belong with guitar tool rack, maxx volume, vintage bundle because--from what I can tell--I've grabbed all of them and it is obviously still looking for something.