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Old 12-02-2008, 10:57 PM
Sadie Tango Sadie Tango is offline
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Default Digi 002 fader automation is erratic

I'm having trouble with the fader on my Digi 002 responding to the proper touch when I try to move them. Sometimes they respond normally and show a change in gain level when I move them. Other times they refuse to move at all or move in horrid jerks. I had this problem a few years ago and it was fixed for awhile by replacing the original power supply but the problem has returned again in the past week with a vengeance. Today when I was mixing much of the time I could only automate the mix in the mix window or worse, using the volume view and rubber banding. I'm wondering if there is a firmware upgrade I can do, if there is a hardware fix, or if this old Digi 002 is finally wearing out. I know it's five and a half years old, but my old analog mixer used to last much longer than that.

System: Mac Pro 3 ghz 4 duo core, OS 10.5.3 Pro Tools LE 7.4.2, Digi 002, PreSonus Digimax FS, Mackie Big Knob
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Old 12-03-2008, 01:09 AM
RussUK RussUK is offline
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Default Re: Digi 002 fader automation is erratic

It can be one of the symptoms of a faulty power harness, I got through 2 on one 002.
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Old 12-03-2008, 02:07 PM
Angelo of Onello Angelo of Onello is offline
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Default Re: Digi 002 fader automation is erratic

do you have volume automation written on the particular track you are trying to use the fader on? if so, it'll give your fingers that binding feeling when trying to move against it.

i had the power harness problem, and my unit is very old too. hope that helps.
- Angelo
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Old 12-03-2008, 05:09 PM
Sadie Tango Sadie Tango is offline
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Default Re: Digi 002 fader automation is erratic

I replaced the power harness a couple years ago and that fixed the problem then. I'm surprised it should be so flaky that I need to replace it again.

To the second question, I have problems moving faders with and without automation written. But in good times when everything is working right I should be able to easily move the fader even if there is volume automation written.
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Old 12-03-2008, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: Digi 002 fader automation is erratic

You may have 2 separate problems going on here. First off, I would reseat the harness(several times on each connector) because that helps many times(IF the power harness is at fault). It will take 15 minutes so what do you have to loses? Next, do the faders work correctly following automation? If so and the only act up when you touch them, that could be a grounding issue. Since the fader caps are conductive and sense the capacitance of your skin when you touch them(just try to move a fader with a fingernail or a pencil), a solid earth ground at the AC plug is important.
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