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Old 07-27-2023, 04:14 PM
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Default Dolby ATMOS Renderer

I got the Dolby ATMOS Renderer from Avid so that I could convert my 7.1.4 ADM-BWF files into MP4 files to play on my Blu-ray player. That way I could text my ATMOS deliverables before I sent them out.

But when I try playing the files, I get an error mesage saying there's NO PLAYABLE FILES on this disk. I work in Nuendo. So, I can do everything I need there expect generate a consumer rated playable file. THAT was my entire reason for the purchase.

Can anyone here tell me how to get the files to play on my home theater system?
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Old 07-27-2023, 04:35 PM
its2loud its2loud is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Your Blu-Ray player probably only reads Dolby True HD or Dolby Digital encoded media. It may not play an MP4 Dolby Renderer file.
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Old 07-27-2023, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Originally Posted by its2loud View Post
Your Blu-Ray player probably only reads Dolby True HD or Dolby Digital encoded media. It may not play an MP4 Dolby Renderer file.
Thanks for the prompt reply. Is there a way I can get around the Blu-ray player altogether? I had the same thought as you're suggesting and started researching 4K HD Blu-ray players and got hesitant about spending all that money only to have the same results. I saw a lot of complaints by owners of these high priced units that they couldn't get ATMOS based files to play on their machines.

I tried using my laptop (Brand new HP Win 11 Pro/ 2TB ssd/64Gb Ram) to play the files through the HDMI port Using a VLC media player, since it supposedly supports ATMOS. But I got nothing. I also tried converting to AC3 files which is ATMOS and got the same error message from the Blu-ray.

What I need is a WAY TO TEST THE MIX OUTSIDE OF MY STUDIO. Any advice to that end would be greatly appreciated. How are you guys doing it? Don't you have to send roughs for approval/changes before your final prints?

It's like all the rules have changed since the arrival of ATMOS for MUSIC. This has really got me perplexed.
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Old 07-28-2023, 04:28 AM
chaos audio chaos audio is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

from Avid Recources

Export an MP4 from the Dolby Renderer: after recording the master on the Dolby Renderer, go to File > Export Audio > MP4 and choose the setting for Music, then click ok for export.
Transfer this MP4 to your Apple device (iPhone) and save it in the Files app.
Play back the MP4 in the device from the Files App and monitor using AirPod Pro or AirPod Max headphones—make sure that you disable head tracking.
PT Ultimate 2023.6, HD NATIV PCIe,
MacStudio Max, Sonnet EchoIIID, MTRX Studio, 2x192, UAD2 Quad, Sonnet Fusion SSD Raid, Dolby Atmos 7.1.4,
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Old 07-28-2023, 08:11 AM
coaxmw coaxmw is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Most BlueRays can play the file from a thumb drive, you can also airplay it to an apple TV from a Safari browser or an Iphone as was mentioned earlier. Or get the Dolby Media Player and play from that.
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Old 07-28-2023, 08:52 AM
quadraphonics quadraphonics is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Ask your Dolby Rep for access to the Dolby Reference Player software. It will play mp4s.

I think it is free for now...

Originally Posted by KeyplayerG View Post
Thanks for the prompt reply. Is there a way I can get around the Blu-ray player altogether? I had the same thought as you're suggesting and started researching 4K HD Blu-ray players and got hesitant about spending all that money only to have the same results. I saw a lot of complaints by owners of these high priced units that they couldn't get ATMOS based files to play on their machines.

I tried using my laptop (Brand new HP Win 11 Pro/ 2TB ssd/64Gb Ram) to play the files through the HDMI port Using a VLC media player, since it supposedly supports ATMOS. But I got nothing. I also tried converting to AC3 files which is ATMOS and got the same error message from the Blu-ray.

What I need is a WAY TO TEST THE MIX OUTSIDE OF MY STUDIO. Any advice to that end would be greatly appreciated. How are you guys doing it? Don't you have to send roughs for approval/changes before your final prints?

It's like all the rules have changed since the arrival of ATMOS for MUSIC. This has really got me perplexed.
Randall Smith
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Old 07-28-2023, 09:11 AM
its2loud its2loud is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Or…if you don’t have a Dolby rep, use this link to get a limited license.

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Old 07-29-2023, 11:21 AM
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Originally Posted by chaos audio View Post
from Avid Recources

Export an MP4 from the Dolby Renderer: after recording the master on the Dolby Renderer, go to File > Export Audio > MP4 and choose the setting for Music, then click ok for export.
Transfer this MP4 to your Apple device (iPhone) and save it in the Files app.
Play back the MP4 in the device from the Files App and monitor using AirPod Pro or AirPod Max headphones—make sure that you disable head tracking.
Thanks. My MP4 file was made by importing my ADM directly into the Converter section of the renderer to generate it. I don't use the Dolby renderer as anything other than a converter for my ADM files. The only Apple device I own is an old iPad. I'm 100% PC/Android for all of my hardware. I have no idea how I would get a file INTO a tablet. So, I would need more guidance in that regard.

Someone suggested the Dolby Reference Player and I am TRYING to figure out how to download that to my new HP laptop. But so far, no luck on that end.

To be clear, I'm looking for a way to play my files through my home theater system coming out of ALL THE SPEAKERS. I'm not interested in the Binaural fold down, as I can do that right in the studio.
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Old 07-29-2023, 04:58 PM
LDS LDS is offline
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Originally Posted by KeyplayerG View Post
Thanks. My MP4 file was made by importing my ADM directly into the Converter section of the renderer to generate it. I don't use the Dolby renderer as anything other than a converter for my ADM files. The only Apple device I own is an old iPad. I'm 100% PC/Android for all of my hardware. I have no idea how I would get a file INTO a tablet. So, I would need more guidance in that regard.

Someone suggested the Dolby Reference Player and I am TRYING to figure out how to download that to my new HP laptop. But so far, no luck on that end.

To be clear, I'm looking for a way to play my files through my home theater system coming out of ALL THE SPEAKERS. I'm not interested in the Binaural fold down, as I can do that right in the studio.

It is probably worth noting that Dolby formats are proprietary technology. Historically they have sold sets of tools to content creators to make stuff like Atmos. They have sold separate sets of tools to the content consumer side of the market (theatres, home entertainment system manufacturers, etc) like format decoders. And they have sold tools in the middle that take a Dolby production and encode it for Dolby distribution.

DAPS outputs an Atmos master that usually gets encoded for distribution.

Dolby Reference Player was a product sold to production companies to allow them to QC their Dolby based productions before sending them off to distribution.

The Dolby Atmos logo on a home entertainment system usually means it is capable of decoding an encoded Dolby Atmos format, which isn’t something DAPS is designed to make.

That has at least historically, always been the case. In the last 6 months Dolby has started relaxing some of their licensing requirements. Producers no longer need to pay licensing fees to make feature films with Atmos sound, for example. Dolby Reference Player is apparently free now, but you are going to need to contact Dolby and request it, and they may want to know what your business does and why you need it. That is just them protecting their business model.

You are going to need to do a bunch of your legwork on this, as it isn’t necessarily meant to be easy. An MP4 on an exFAT usb stick tossed into an Xbox can output Atmos, but success also depends on the receiver you are using.
Pro Tools Ultimate 2024.6. OSX 13.6.6. Win 10. Avid Carbon. Lynx AES16e. i9-13900KF. ASRock Z690 Steel Legend. 64GB Ram. AMD Vega 64. BM Decklink. Dolby Atmos Renderer 5.2. Trinnov D-Mon. D-Command.
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Old 08-01-2023, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Dolby ATMOS Renderer

Originally Posted by LDS View Post
It is probably worth noting that Dolby formats are proprietary technology. Historically they have sold sets of tools to content creators to make stuff like Atmos. They have sold separate sets of tools to the content consumer side of the market (theatres, home entertainment system manufacturers, etc) like format decoders. And they have sold tools in the middle that take a Dolby production and encode it for Dolby distribution.

DAPS outputs an Atmos master that usually gets encoded for distribution.

Dolby Reference Player was a product sold to production companies to allow them to QC their Dolby based productions before sending them off to distribution.

The Dolby Atmos logo on a home entertainment system usually means it is capable of decoding an encoded Dolby Atmos format, which isn’t something DAPS is designed to make.

That has at least historically, always been the case. In the last 6 months Dolby has started relaxing some of their licensing requirements. Producers no longer need to pay licensing fees to make feature films with Atmos sound, for example. Dolby Reference Player is apparently free now, but you are going to need to contact Dolby and request it, and they may want to know what your business does and why you need it. That is just them protecting their business model.

You are going to need to do a bunch of your legwork on this, as it isn’t necessarily meant to be easy. An MP4 on an exFAT usb stick tossed into an Xbox can output Atmos, but success also depends on the receiver you are using.
All that notwithstanding, I PAID DOLBY FOR SOFTWARE THAT WOULD LET ME TEST MY MIXES. What they sold me isn't doing that. I shouldn't have to be doing any "legwork" or all of this subsequent research to find out why this isn't working.

I did my ATMOS mix, I exported an approved master file. I imported that approved master file into the DOLBY CONVERTER/RENDERER to get an MP4 that I could burn into a blank Blu-ray disk or play directly from my laptop into my home theater system via the HDMI port. Instead, I'm getting no sound and spending weeks online talking to mastering houses and forums to finally get a file that will deliver ANY sound to my home theater system and that's coming out STEREO. This is ridiculous.
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