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Old 10-19-2008, 03:29 PM
EricWillhelm EricWillhelm is offline
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Default DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

I have since found the answer to this question, but I can't find the dang ol' DELETE THREAD button, so here it is anyway, with the answer for anyone who also thought as I did, at the bottom...

So I just saw the pricing scheme for upgrades from previous versions of the toolkits to the new ones...

  • Music Production Toolkit to Music Production Toolkit 2 Upgrade: $49.95
  • Music Production Toolkit to Complete Production Toolkit** Upgrade: $1,595
  • DV Toolkit to New DV Toolkit 2 Upgrade: $295
  • Original DV Toolkit 2 to New DV Toolkit 2 Upgrade: $49.95
  • DV Toolkit to Complete Production Toolkit Upgrade**: $995
  • Original DV Toolkit 2 to Complete Production Toolkit** Upgrade: $695
...now, if I'm a current owner of DV Toolkit 2 who wants to get the Complete Production Toolkit, would it not make more sense to get the New DV Toolkit 2 upgrade for $49.95, and then just buy the Music Production Toolkit separately for it's regular price of $395? (or is it $495? I've seen both) That comes to around either $450 or $550, whereas the 'Original DV Toolkit 2 to Complete Production Toolkit Upgrade' is $695.

Or am I missing something?

ANSWER: Aha, so I'm just now noticing that surround mixing and 128 tracks are only available in the Complete toolkit, and NOT in the new DV Toolkit. So THAT'S where your extra money is going!
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Old 10-19-2008, 05:08 PM
waterbedman waterbedman is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

what is the NEW DV Toolkit 2 ???
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:00 PM
Alan Brownstein Alan Brownstein is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

Yeah, I'm a bit confused. I currently own DV Toolkit 2. Is there going to be a $49.95 upgrade necessary to use it with PT8?
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:46 PM
EricWillhelm EricWillhelm is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

That's what I first thought, too. DV Toolkit 2 was necessary to run with v7.1 and higher (and a $395 upgrade at that, if memory serves). But then the DVTK2 to NEW DVTK2 upgrade doesn't have the "requires PT8 to run" asterisks by it. So who the heck knows! I'll be curious to see what the difference is!
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Old 10-19-2008, 09:04 PM
Alan Brownstein Alan Brownstein is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

It isn't clear, but sounds from the pricing scheme as though current owners of DV Toolkit 2 will have to pay $49.95 to upgrade it for use with PT8, which will bump you to 64 tracks and also give you the X-Form plug-in, which apparently now ships with DVTK2. It also appears that this "new" upgraded version of DV Toolkit 2 will work with earlier versions such as PT 7.1 through 7.4 (hence no asterisk), albeit in this case will only give 48 tracks. Hopefully Digi will clarify.

In any case, it kinda makes you wonder why they don't just call it DV Toolkit 3. :)
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Old 10-20-2008, 12:11 AM
mixaudio mixaudio is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

So, no upgrade path for us who own MORE THAN ONE toolkit currently???

Not fair. Big disappointment.

My best bet at getting CPTK would be DV Toolkit 2 to CPTK for $695… you've gotta be kidding!!

That's pricey for the few extra features. I might be missing something, but this is just not exciting. I was expecting a reasonably priced upgrade path for those who own both toolkits or who have purchased separately several of the included software parts (I've heard of users who got Eleven or X-Form, besides owning both toolkits).

Neyrinck's Mix 51 will add surround capabilities to LE for just $189. Maybe CPTK will offer better integration of surround mixing in ProTools, but still, $695 could buy other ways to do it, considering that surround mixing is probably the most significant and exciting upgrade feature from DV Toolkit 2 to CPTK.

I've been a loyal Digidesign customer/ProTools user for a little more than 10 years, and this feels like a dis-respectful token of appreciation for customers who've spent a good deal of money on "add-ons" to "un-lock" features in LE. Features that most pro-level competitors offer without forcing you to purchase separate toolkits.

On top of that, an upgrade at this price, and still no ADC engine or any features to deal with plug-in delay??? Many of us deal with plug-in delay by nudging the audio earlier by the amount in samples it would be delayed. Why not give at least this capability in an automated way, so we don't have to shift our audio manually??? This would actually solve a lot, be simpler and less CPU consuming than delaying everything else like ADC does in HD.

Also, with the ability to mix 128 tracks, a lot more plug-in instantiation and CPU demand will happen… yet, CPTK won't offer any track freeze function???

With these upgrade path prices, ADC and track freeze should be included too.

Ohhhh, I'm starting to get it… by the time we've all upgraded to Complete Production Toolkit, they're gonna release CPTK 2… which will add ADC and track freeze to LE… right?

Rodolfo F.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:07 AM
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

I was expecting a reasonably priced upgrade path for those who own both toolkits
We are well aware of this and are still working on the details, but we will be offering just that, a reasonably priced upgrade to the Complete Production Toolkit for registered owners of both DV Toolkit 2 and Music Production Toolkit.

That particular upgrade is more complicated than the other "1 to 1" toolkit upgrades, so they will be done individually by Customer Service via a form that we will be posting online when the Complete Production Toolkit is released.

We still have some details to work out, but stay tuned and we will post more information as that becomes available.
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Old 10-20-2008, 10:25 AM
mixaudio mixaudio is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

Oh, wow, that would put the excitement of this upgrade back on many of us willing to upgrade to CPTK soon.

I understand this may be more complicated than the upgrades for owners of single toolkit packages. I'm actually glad and pleased to read that this makes sense to Digi as well.

I'll keep my hopes high… on a lower and reasonably priced upgrading path then.

Thanks again for the response Digi Admin.

Rodolfo F.
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Old 10-20-2008, 12:52 PM
mrbobb mrbobb is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

Let me put my name in the hat of those who own both toolkits (and have already upgraded from the previous DV toolkit 1 a while back) and is looking forward to a very generous upgrade path to the complete production kit.

Come on Digi, keep your loyal customers happy!

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Old 10-31-2008, 09:45 AM
Lou Teti Lou Teti is offline
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Default Re: DV Toolkit/Music Production Toolkit upgrade price question

Anyone have any info on how many busses will be available in the different toolkits? The 32 Bus limit is driving me nuts.


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