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Old 08-11-2007, 06:09 AM
jdjustice jdjustice is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 7
Default PT LE 7.3.1cs4 will not launch - bounces once in the dock...

hello everyone.
after installing Mac OS X 10.4.10, i was getting several error messages and the application was quitting on me.

after going through a number of possible fixes including attempting to repair the prebinding files, i decided to downgrade back to OS X 10.4.9 by Archive and re-installing OS 10.4.0 then using the Combo update to upgrade to 10.4.9.

the application now will not open at all.
these are the things i have tried:

-enabling a new Administrator user account and trying to lauch PT from there.
-using the Tech Support Utility at the command line to delete database preferences and print a version log.
-essentially everything in the list provided on the DUC above EXCEPT for re-installing PT 7.3 from the original disc.

i have not re-installed PT LE 7.3 from the original disc because i am having trouble locating it now.
i did however re-install 7.3.1cs4 from the downloads on the Digi website.

CoreAudio Manager will not launch either.

this is my system info, please help me if you can at all:

Computer: Apple Macintosh 2.0GHz iMac G5 with 2.0GB SDRAM installed, Apple variety.
OS: Apple Macintosh OS X 10.4.9 PowerPC
Interface: Digidesign 003 Rack.
Peripherals: USB Hub with 3 iLok keys and 1 Synchrosoft key plugged in (all plugins are PT 7-supported).

Thank you in advance, and PS:
if I have misplaced my original install disc that came with my 003 Rack, how do I replace it? this is a problem as I can't do a clean re-install without these discs, and I will be purchasing a new iMac soon (Intel) and will need these discs.

Thanks again,
~J.D. Justice
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Old 08-11-2007, 07:42 AM
meesterdammit meesterdammit is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Berlin, Germany
Posts: 1
Default Re: PT LE 7.3.1cs4 will not launch - bounces once in the doc

Hello everyone,
After installing Mac OS X 10.4.10, i was getting several error messages and the application was quitting on me.

after going through a number of possible fixes including attempting to repair the prebinding files, i decided to downgrade back to OS X 10.4.9 by Archive and re-installing OS 10.4.0 then using the Combo update to upgrade to 10.4.9.

the application now will not open at all.
these are the things i have tried:

-enabling a new Administrator user account and trying to lauch PT from there.
-using the Tech Support Utility at the command line to delete database preferences and print a version log.
-essentially everything in the list provided on the DUC above EXCEPT for re-installing PT 7.3 from the original disc.

Hello out there,
I need help please.

I just bought a Mac Pro laptop.
System 10.4.10
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

My previous Mac was running Protools 6.9.2 perfectly with a Digi 002 rack.
Upon setting up the new Mac, I installed the 6.9.2 (what appeared to be successfully) from my disc and tried to launch it. It stalled during launch always at the same place (upon installing the plug-in BF-2A).

A little research online and I saw I needed to upgrade to 7.1.
I purchased that upgrade last night, as well as the 7.3 upgrade.
I downloaded them both and installed it all.

When I double click on the new ProTools LE Icon, it bounces once or twice and stops...!

I'm still running from my Digi 002.

I can see online that a lot of people are having trouble getting the new Macs and the new Protools set up.

I'll be soooooo grateful.


i have not re-installed PT LE 7.3 from the original disc because i am having trouble locating it now.
i did however re-install 7.3.1cs4 from the downloads on the Digi website.

CoreAudio Manager will not launch either.

this is my system info, please help me if you can at all:

Computer: Apple Macintosh 2.0GHz iMac G5 with 2.0GB SDRAM installed, Apple variety.
OS: Apple Macintosh OS X 10.4.9 PowerPC
Interface: Digidesign 003 Rack.
Peripherals: USB Hub with 3 iLok keys and 1 Synchrosoft key plugged in (all plugins are PT 7-supported).

Thank you in advance, and PS:
if I have misplaced my original install disc that came with my 003 Rack, how do I replace it? this is a problem as I can't do a clean re-install without these discs, and I will be purchasing a new iMac soon (Intel) and will need these discs.

Thanks again,
~J.D. Justice
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