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Old 10-26-2004, 07:35 AM
1tonstudio 1tonstudio is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Raleigh, NC
Posts: 70
Default No Midi signal, no audio signal, buzzing monitors!

Hey everyone-

Posted this last night but didn't get any responses - so I thought I'd change the subject line. Here's the info again. ANY help is appreciated. (By the way, I shared this same info w/some audio guys I know - not PT useres, but know their stuff, and they said "maybe the 002 came broken - ie: some internal wires detached or something." Is this possible? read on:

Just am getting my 002 system set up. Pretty much building it from scratch. Here's my gear: Have a Mac G4 dual 1Ghz processor w/ 1.5 G RAM, 120G internal HD, 120 G external quantegy FW drive. Running freshly installed OSX 10.3.4. Connected to Mac is my 002R, Command 8, Midisport 2x4 with a controller keyboard using 1 in and 1 out, 2 other outs going to rack synths. My monitors are Roland DS-90s.

Here are my questions/problems:

Set up MIDI in the Midi Setup (ran 1 in/1 out to my controller, 1 out to each of my other 2 rack synth ins). Get an led signal on the in of the midisport, but no "out" led. Get no midi signal in Pro Tools. (by the way, all midi devices are showing up as being active)

Ran 1/4" from my two outs of the keyboard to to inputs of the 002R. Choose the analog inputs in the audio track. No signal. No sound from headphones or monitors. Plugged same 1/4" cables into monitor and did get signal so I know the keyboard is making sound.

Opened demo file that came with PT to test monitors, etc. Tried unbalanced 1/4" into monitors - buzzing sound w/audio, tried balanced 1/4" into monitors - less buzzing, but still there w/audio. Read that I could get a stereo out of the S/PDF that mirrors the main monitor outs. Since my DS-90s have S/PDF and Optical ins, thought I'd try that - no buzzing, no audio.

Essentially, all of the hardware (ie the 002R, Command 8, computer, monitors, synths, midisport) is acting the way I anticipate it to react. Everything opens fine, runs fine, reacts the way it says it will in the manuals. I just am getting no input or midi signals.
All of which basically means that I have a bunch of brand new, expensive paper weights. Hopefully, some of you can help me with one or two issues (if not all)!

Thanks in advance!

...be kind to geckos
Mac G4 Dual 1G cpu
120GB ide/120 Quantegy external FW/addt'l HD's for backup
PT 7.4
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Old 10-26-2004, 08:01 AM
41217 41217 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 205
Default Re: No Midi signal, no audio signal, buzzing monitors!

Use the AMS utility (found in applications-Utility-Audio Midi Setup)so ProTools knows which type of hardware it is connected/talking to!All should be fine then(at least i hope so)
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