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Old 04-10-2004, 09:35 PM
robbieb robbieb is offline
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Default Pro Tools Keyboard

I was looking at the ProTools Custom Keyboard that is for sale on the digistore site for an unbelievable $250 (though it is currently out of stock)
My question is actually a bunch of little questions all in one:
1)Is that thing made of solid gold to cost $250 or what?
2) Isn't it really just a regular old usb computer keyboard with the shortcuts written on the keys?
3) If that's so...then has anyone out there fabricated a template that we can place over our regular old keyboards and "see" all the shortcuts?
4) I've been drinking beer and shots of Jack Daniels at my gigs for the last 6 years. The previous 8 years I was drinking beer and shots of Jagermeister, and the 12 years before that I was drinking Vodka and Grapefruit. I tended to mix all that with acid and a lot of coke. Now I'm on a health kick so I switched to Michelob Ultra and cut out the acid and the coke (mostly)...but I'm thinking about going to Vodka and OJ. Should it be Grey Goose or Stoli?
5)Don't forget about the computer keyboard question.
Robbie Boyette
I'm A Bad Man
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Old 04-10-2004, 09:45 PM
TheLP TheLP is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

The reason its 250 is cause its not a regular keyboard, its mainly for people who just use PT on there computer. I don't think it operates like a normal keyboard, just shortcuts but shouldn't be used for typing essays or anything. Basically if your using anything besides PT with it, you'll get confused. Thats my assumption....
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Old 04-10-2004, 09:53 PM
robbieb robbieb is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

If that's true then it would be well worth the price. Does anyone out there have one? I'm still a little confused on how it could be anything but a "normal" keyboard with the shortcuts "written" on it unless they combined the modifier key and the secondary key together as one key. BUT, having said that I also noticed that in the description for the keyboard it says the following:
And, since the Pro Tools Custom Keyboard also features all the regular letter, number, and symbol labeling that you will find on a conventional keyboard, it can either be added to your computer in conjunction with your conventional keyboard or simply used as a substitute.
That sounds like a "normal" old keyboard to me...but I could be misreading it. We really need someone who has one of these magical $250 keyboards to give us the skinny on it. 'Cause if it does have the keyboard shortcuts all set up on single keys and labeled then I would definitely pay the $250 BUT if it's just a regular keyboard that's labeled...then I would rather keep my wireless keyboard and get out the masking tape and sharpie and make my own!
Robbie Boyette
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Old 04-10-2004, 09:55 PM
Chris Cavell Chris Cavell is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

Your assumption about the keyboard I believe (but could be wrong) is correct...that it's a normal keyboard with pretty keys. Search for keyboard stickers and you'll find them. It's not made of solid gold, but having a custom keyboard manufactured in what are relatively short runs (by computer manufacturing standards) is pretty darn expensive. Go grey goose if you're drinking it neat (or belvedere). Go stoli for mixing...especially with any citrus, cran, or light colored soda. Go flavored stoli for mixers that will send you numb into tomorrow without ever realizing you were drinking vodka.

Hope that helps.
Cavell Studios
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Old 04-10-2004, 10:04 PM
robbieb robbieb is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

Chris, I don't know you personally...but the more I post on here the more I like you! You've helped with my questions and even managed to thow in some drinking advice. Now, if you would only custom design a set of those keyboard stickers for my keys I would gladly pay you for them! Your knowledge of the keyboard shortcuts would take me the next year to learn. Let me know if you are interested in such a thing. I'll bet you could sell a set of those for $20 a shot and sell a ton of them right here on the message board. If you decide to...I'll take the first set! Do you take Pay Pal?
Robbie Boyette
I'm A Bad Man
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Old 04-10-2004, 10:19 PM
Chris Cavell Chris Cavell is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

Sorry Robbie, no stickers here on my setups. But KB shortcuts are pretty easy to learn; just play with the modifiers. Each one of the modifiers has a sort of 'feel' that can apply to several functions that just becomes intuitive after awhile...even if you've never used a specific shortcut in the past, you'll often find yourself saying correctly, "I bet this is it...click click click...eureka!"

I'll share with you my favorite shortcut that I notice so many engineers don't know and just love giving newbies and trainee's a little jump for joy speeding up their session setup a little...you may already know it though:

when naming audio tracks, try ctrl + arrow left or arrow right to move to the previous/next track without having to grab the mouse and click the previous/next buttons...it's apple + arrows on a mac

You may already know this one, but you'd be surprised how many people don't.

(My keyboard shortcuts often are actually very confused; going from mac to pc all the time, and using an original hui that has some out of date info underneath the modifiers keys when used with a modern version of PT...I usually wind up using my controllers instead of the keyboard for my modifiers...it's just an instinctive feel for me now.)

Cavell Studios
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Old 04-10-2004, 10:20 PM
robbieb robbieb is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

Ah-HA!!! I found them! You have to go to the Digi Store and THEN do a search for "keyboard stickers" and it will bring up a set for Windows or another one for Mac! I just ordered them. Sorry Chris...I guess this means that my dream of you becoming the Donald Trump of keyboard shortcuts is over. Oh well, I guess you still have the "music thing" to fall back on!
Robbie Boyette
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Old 04-10-2004, 10:20 PM
IntelDoc IntelDoc is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

Here is the link. I bought them and they look great!


Saves you serious cash!



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Old 04-10-2004, 10:30 PM
robbieb robbieb is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

I can't wait to get mine. They should have included that set up when I first bought my digi002. Or at least had all the shortcuts listed on one page in the manual...(please God, don't let that be the case. I don't want anyone to know that I only use the manual to figure out problems as they arise and have never been able to actually sit down and read it from cover to cover without falling asleep)
Robbie Boyette
I'm A Bad Man
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Old 04-10-2004, 10:32 PM
TheLP TheLP is offline
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Default Re: Pro Tools Keyboard

looks nice, would it be right on a laptop keyboard? the sticks look a little long for my laptop keys.
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