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Old 08-12-2013, 10:24 PM
jschmidtiii jschmidtiii is offline
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Default A way to create a new playlist when re-recording over playlist section?


Sorry if the subject heading is convoluted. Let me explain the context first; I think the question will make more sense after that.

You're recording a vocal take, and you play back the take to the artist. They say "Oh, I love everything except for that last line. Can we take that again?"
I think most people would probably play back what they recorded and then punch in once they've reached the part the artist is talking about. If you do that, the previous take will still be there, and the punched in take will be layered on top of it. That's OK, but what if you do that 6 times? Then you have to create 5 new audio tracks to act as placeholders for the 5 other takes? What I would love to happen is for PT to create a new playlist each time you punch in, just as it creates new playlists automatically when you loop record (if you've activated that preference).

The question: Is there a way to do this? As far as I know, the only other way to take care of this is to keep the whole take you did initially, break between the part they liked and the part they didn't, mute the region that contained the part they didn't like, create a new audio track, and re-record the part they didn't like on that new track so they can still hear the part they liked from the previous track on playback, but can also record new takes repeatedly in a way that doesn't ruin your organization (you can have multiple new playlists for that new section on that new audio track).

Does that make sense? Please let me know if it doesn't, because I would love to find a way to fix this problem! Any workarounds would be appreciated too. Thanks!
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Old 08-12-2013, 11:21 PM
Andrew. D Andrew. D is offline
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Default Re: A way to create a new playlist when re-recording over playlist section?

Instead of creating a new playlist, create a duplicate which will give you another playlist with what you all ready have recorded on to it, then just do your drop in as you need to, knowing that the original take is going untouched.
Mac Pro, Mid 2010 dual 3.33 Ghz, 64 Gig RAM
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Old 08-13-2013, 03:28 AM
tj_davies tj_davies is offline
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Default Re: A way to create a new playlist when re-recording over playlist section?

Originally Posted by jschmidtiii View Post

Sorry if the subject heading is convoluted. Let me explain the context first; I think the question will make more sense after that.

You're recording a vocal take, and you play back the take to the artist. They say "Oh, I love everything except for that last line. Can we take that again?"
I think most people would probably play back what they recorded and then punch in once they've reached the part the artist is talking about. If you do that, the previous take will still be there, and the punched in take will be layered on top of it. That's OK, but what if you do that 6 times? Then you have to create 5 new audio tracks to act as placeholders for the 5 other takes? What I would love to happen is for PT to create a new playlist each time you punch in, just as it creates new playlists automatically when you loop record (if you've activated that preference).

The question: Is there a way to do this? As far as I know, the only other way to take care of this is to keep the whole take you did initially, break between the part they liked and the part they didn't, mute the region that contained the part they didn't like, create a new audio track, and re-record the part they didn't like on that new track so they can still hear the part they liked from the previous track on playback, but can also record new takes repeatedly in a way that doesn't ruin your organization (you can have multiple new playlists for that new section on that new audio track).

Does that make sense? Please let me know if it doesn't, because I would love to find a way to fix this problem! Any workarounds would be appreciated too. Thanks!
When recording a vocal talent, we always have two audio tracks. One for playback and one for recording. The takes that are good go on the playback track. On the recording track we have about 50 playlist created prior the recording and can skip through the playlist take per take.

Hope this helps,
Mac Studio Ventura 13.6
PT 2020.12.0
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