Eucontrol Network Configuration Alert - Windows 10
I'm hoping someone can help me out. I've been trying to get my new Artist Mix up and running on my PC to no avail. It seems the issue is with the EuControl software. Currently, when I open EuControl, I get the following message:
"EUCON network services could not be started
There was a problem with the current network configuration that could not be resolved. Please check your network settings and connections and try restarting the EuControl application. If that doesn't work, please restart your computer."
The only options are a button that says "Quit" or to close the window. Closing the window seems to continue initialization of the app, but it then crashes and generates a crash report.
I've seen other users with similar issues, but the solutions out there on this forum seem specifically oriented towards Mac OS. Also, not really sure what I'm supposed to be checking for in "network settings" here, and am struggling to find this in the setup manuals. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?