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Old 09-09-2003, 03:44 PM
storm-01 storm-01 is offline
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Default 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

I recently created a session on my PC w/ PT 6.1. I saved it as wav. session, 24 bit, 44.1K and enforced Mac/PC compatability. I then took those files and dumped them on a Mac G3 with PT 5.1.3. at work. All of the audio files are there, but the session file looks like a blank piece of paper instead of the Pro Tools icon. Why is this the case? If compatability was inforced, what's my problem? Can a mac read a PT session that is saved as a Wav. or does it need to be a AIFF session? When going back and forth from a mac to a pc, which audio type is best, wav. or aiff?
Could it be that I need to download the Juliet file extension and that's why the mac would not see my session? It's weird because usually it wouldn't see my audio but it would see the session. I've searched the Answerbase with little help.

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Old 09-09-2003, 03:46 PM
citi citi is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

you have to open pro tools first then open the "paper" icon from there. It should pull everything in from there. MACs can read wav files fine.
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Old 09-09-2003, 04:24 PM
storm-01 storm-01 is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

Sweeeet!Thanks! I got my session to open, however, PT keeps asking me where each audio file is. All audio files are in the correct corresponding folder for the song and session, but I have to manually find each track. How can I get around this? I want to be able to click on the session and everything appear exactly where I left it.

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Old 09-09-2003, 05:17 PM
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The Weed The Weed is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

Not sure, but the problem may be that you are trying to open a 6.1 session with 5.1 software. Usually newer software versions will open files saved under an older version, but older versions won't open a file saved under a newer version. Could be what's happening here.

And be careful if I'm wrong and you can open 6.1 sessions with an older version. In the PT reference manual under "Opening a Session That Contains Unavailable Resources" (pages 48 and 49) it states:

"With Pro Tools LE 6.x only:
Any tracks beyond the maximum number of
available voices on the current system are set to
voice off.

With Pro Tools LE 5.3.x and lower only:
Any tracks beyond the maximum number of
available voices on the current system are removed
from the session. If the session is saved,
the removed tracks are lost."

So if you have more than 32 "voices" in 6.1 and open the session in 5.3 or lower and then save, the extra voices over 32 will be lost in that session.

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Old 09-09-2003, 06:02 PM
storm-01 storm-01 is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

My session is only 15 tracks and I can finally get the session to open in pro tools. Now my problem is having all of the audio tracks in the session appear just as they did before in the correct spot. Instead, I'm having to go through every track and manually find the audio, then select open. It not only takes forever, but then the audio is not in the correct spot and I have to place/nudge everything back to the original spot. All of the audio is in the corresponding folder with the correct session.
My question is, is there a way (once my session and audio have been burned to disc, and then transferred to another machine) for all of the audio to magicly hop back into my session exactly where it was on the other computer just by clicking my session icon?
I would think that it would be disc allocation, because that is done once your in the session, not when opening it up from the session. Any help would totally rock!

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Old 09-09-2003, 06:06 PM
storm-01 storm-01 is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

I mean, I wouldN'T think that it would be disc allocation.
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Old 09-09-2003, 06:07 PM
citi citi is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

I think this is a 5.1 thing cause If I open up a pt folder froma backup dvd when I click on the file it asks for one file and then it says "use current folder" and that's it. So it's probably a 5.1 thing.
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Old 09-09-2003, 06:19 PM
storm-01 storm-01 is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

Okay, thanks for you help citi. Much appreciated.

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Old 09-09-2003, 11:33 PM
Rail Jon Rogut Rail Jon Rogut is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

It's probably because you're using Joliet ISO 9660 CD's and you don't have the Joliet extension on your Mac.. so the file names aren't right.. To read the long file names on the CD on the Mac you need to download the Joliet extension from here. As for why there's no icon for the Pro Tools session on the Mac.. is because you haven't associated the PTS extension with Pro Tools in your PC or File Exchange setup.

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Old 09-10-2003, 01:43 AM
Datus Datus is offline
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Default Re: 6.1 session not appearing with 5.1?

Nice one Rail....honestly....you were on the ball on this. It was going to end up being blamed on the 6.1 to 5.1 issue, but i think you nailed it.

Sorry, I am seriously just impressed by how you kept on your toes on that.

Its good to see some like minded troubleshooters out there....
Stephen Tyler
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