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Old 03-13-2014, 06:59 PM
IVcrane IVcrane is offline
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Default Apogee Duet 2 for monitoring new HD Native setup

Can anybody tell me if the Apogee Duet 2 will work with a HD 8x8 for monitoring?

I've been using a 002r and the Duet for a while now. I'm looking to take advantage of the trade in deal and want to know if I would be able to use the Duet for my monitor section. So the output of the HD 8x8 => Duet 2 => my powered Event monitors.

I'm looking at the following HD Native setup to go with my brand new top of the line Macbook pro.

Native HD Thunderbolt
HD 8x8 i/o
SSL Alpha VHD 4 ch pre into the 1st 4ch of HD 8x8 i/o
Duet 2 as the HD 8x8 monitor output control to my monitors.

I'm just not sure if the Duet can function as the monitoring section as with the 002r the monitoring was part of the box. If not then I would look at selling and finding a different alternative.

Thank you
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Old 03-13-2014, 08:02 PM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Re: Apogee Duet 2 for monitoring new HD Native setup

I don't see any way that this could be done, as I don't think the Duet works in any standalone mode.

In this situation, you'd be better off getting a dedicated monitor controller, preferably a good one like the Dangerous Source, although you could go with a cheaper one like the Presonus Central Station (although the audio quality will be better with the Dangerous).

Alternatively, you could buy a used HD Omni off Ebay or the Forums, and that could be your monitor controller, as well as providing you with more inputs and outputs.

EDIT: After seeing your other post about recording drums, I suggest that you get the HD IO 16x16 and a good monitor controller.
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Old 03-13-2014, 10:01 PM
IVcrane IVcrane is offline
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Default Re: Apogee Duet 2 for monitoring new HD Native setup


While the 16x16 would be nice, it would pose 2 other problems. 1) it is a $1000 more expensive, 2) I don't own 16 channels of analog pres to feed into it. Currently my only pres, outside of 002r and apogee duet 2, are my 8ch pre CIA lightpipe I use w/ the 002r and my UA6176.

My thoughts, in order to keep a reasonable budget, are:
HD Native Thunderbolt
HD 8x8x8 (8 analog and 8 digital via lightpipe)
SSL Alpha VHD 4ch analog pre
D-box or other monitoring solution.

This would give me 4 SSL pres and 8 pres via lightpipe, giving me 12 channels for drums. The HD 8x8x8 can do 16 inputs simultaneously.

If I go this route then I would probably contemplate selling the Apogee Duet 2, 002r, and UA6176. While I like the 610 pre and actual 1176, I think I'm content with the 1176s I have ITB via Waves CLA Compressors. Plus if I sell the UA6176 then I would probably get the Dangerous D-Box and would have both monitoring and 8ch summing.

Part of me keeps going back to wether or not I should stay w/ Pro Tools 11 vanilla and just pick up a Symphony I/O 8x8.
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Old 03-14-2014, 08:41 AM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Re: Apogee Duet 2 for monitoring new HD Native setup

Got it. When you mentioned you needed 12 channels I was assuming they all needed to be analog. So the 8x8 makes sense if you're using an 8 channel preamp via digital.

I would have mentioned the D-box, but that's more expensive and I assumed you were wanting to keep costs down and just get a basic monitor controller. But that's a good choice, as the summing will be a nice additional feature.

You mentioned selling the 002. If you did the trade in, you couldn't sell the 002 because you would need to send it in to Avid as part of the deal, just FYI.

Regarding the Symphony, that's a tough choice. I guess you'd need to decide if you need/want the extra features in the HD software. Also, I didn't know if you were wanting to use the Apogee Thunderbridge to use the Symphony via Thunderbolt vs. USB. That's an added expense.
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Old 03-14-2014, 10:13 AM
IVcrane IVcrane is offline
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Default Re: Apogee Duet 2 for monitoring new HD Native setup

I realize the trade-in of the 002r. My mind is in two different scenarios, one of which is not going the HD route and just getting a symphony I/O. In that situation I would sell the 002r.

I made a new post outlining my thoughts on what I am planning to do, possibly as soon as today. If you could please glance through and offer an opinion I'd appreciate it.
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