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Old 05-27-2013, 07:34 PM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

Hey all,

I've got an issue with both of my interfaces (an Mbox 2 Mini and an M-Audio Fast Track). Originally I had Pro Tools 8 M-Powered Essentials installed (on my MacBook Pro) which came with my Fast Track. Everything was working fine and I decided to try out the demo version of Pro Tools 10 (my full version is on it's way in the mail as we speak!)

Since running PT10 I haven't been able to record any signal through my FastTrack. Fearing that it was an issue with the interface, I've tried my old Mbox Mini and have the same issue. The signal LEDs don't light up anymore on the FT either.

At the moment I am running a Line 6 amp which I DI straight into the Mbox (which worked fine on the FT with PT8) and then output to my monitor. However now, my guitar plays directly through my monitors and headphones but no signals gets recorded.

I have installed the most recent drivers for both interfaces, have reinstalled OSX 10.8.7 and have even gone back to 10.6.8 to see if it would help. I did a clean removal of PT10 and reinstalled PT8 Essentials to see if it might be the newer version, but there was no luck. So at the moment, I am currently running PT10.0 and am about to install Lion 10.7.

Here are the settings I currently have:
Hardware Setup: Peripherals - Digidesign Mbox 2 Mini
Playback Engine: Mbox 2
I/O Setup:

I think it is important to note that originally I was able to select the input on the FastTrack in the Mix Window under I/O -> Input -> Interface, where it would show "FastTrack input 1 and input 2." These do not appear anymore, the only thing that shows up is Input 1 and Input 2.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Last edited by lokimojo; 05-27-2013 at 08:05 PM. Reason: Wanted to make my info a bit clearer
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Old 05-27-2013, 07:38 PM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

I have also tried both Track -> Input Monitoring Only and Track -> Auto Input Monitoring
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Old 05-27-2013, 08:00 PM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

I have been battling with this for over a week now and I am getting absolutely nowhere. I've been spending hours upon hours looking for an answer on this and other forums and I am at a loss. I really need to get this setup running ASAP as I am losing so many ideas in my head.

Can anyone please help?
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Old 05-27-2013, 08:41 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

It would help a lot if you clearly explain what exactly is connected to what. Exactly what input connector, what type of cable, what position of gain knobs and input selector buttons. Where is the Mbox 2 Mini mix knob is set to etc.

What exactly is connected to what and using exactly what cables. What exact Line 6 amp? have you tried debugging things with say a Microphone into a Mic input? Seriously try that, just a single mic into a mono audio track. You use the amp sim/line level output of the Line 6 amp going to the interface, what exact cable are you using to do that? I suspect the Line 6 amps "direct output" is a stereo signal on a single TRS, you need to spit that to two separate mono TS plugs to go into two inputs on the Mbox Mini, or you can work with just one side and stay mono (depending on use of stereo he FX in the amp). If you take the TRS stereo output of a Line 6 amp through a straight TRS-TRS cable then the signal should pretty much cancel if its mono (and you'll hear a distorted uncanceled L-R signal if you are running stereo effects). So what's the chance you just have made a mistake and are now using a straight through TRS cable?

So the Mbox 2 Mini driver really shows up as graphics of a Mbox 2 (non-Mini) in the Output page? And its "Mbox 2" not a "Mbox 2 Mini"? in the Playback engine dialog, playback engine pulldown?

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Old 05-27-2013, 10:09 PM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

Hi Darryl, thanks for the reply.

I've just been running a basic setup in order to get some practice in, and this setup was 100% working earlier on PT8 M-Powered Essentials.

So, this is how I'm hooked up at the moment:
Guitar -> Line 6 Spider III 75W Amp -> (guitar lead) Headphone out to FastTrack USB Guitar In (aka Input 2) -> (RCA leads) left and right output to JBL LSR2325p monitors.

I've also tried the same with both DI inputs on my Mbox 2 Mini, and running a guitar lead from the outputs to the monitors. Also on both units, I have tried changing the levels of all the dials while making noise on the guitar, but I have currently left everything at 12 o'clock. I don't have a mic at the moment so I can't check the other input, but I'll grab it from by guitar rig and give it a try later this week. I've only been using TS leads to record in mono as I don't use stereo effects from this amp, also, I don't have any TRS leads so the chances of making that mistake are minimal :) But it's a good thought!

You are also correct with "Mbox 2" appearing in the pulldown instead of "Mbox 2 Mini" however when I use the FastTrack it comes up saying "M-Audio Fast Track"

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Old 05-27-2013, 10:48 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

Originally Posted by lokimojo View Post
Hi Darryl, thanks for the reply.

I've just been running a basic setup in order to get some practice in, and this setup was 100% working earlier on PT8 M-Powered Essentials.

So, this is how I'm hooked up at the moment:
Guitar -> Line 6 Spider III 75W Amp -> (guitar lead) Headphone out to FastTrack USB Guitar In (aka Input 2) -> (RCA leads) left and right output to JBL LSR2325p monitors.

I've also tried the same with both DI inputs on my Mbox 2 Mini, and running a guitar lead from the outputs to the monitors. Also on both units, I have tried changing the levels of all the dials while making noise on the guitar, but I have currently left everything at 12 o'clock. I don't have a mic at the moment so I can't check the other input, but I'll grab it from by guitar rig and give it a try later this week. I've only been using TS leads to record in mono as I don't use stereo effects from this amp, also, I don't have any TRS leads so the chances of making that mistake are minimal :) But it's a good thought!
OK the Line 6 amps are supposed to tolerate having one channel shorted to ground, which is what will happen when you use a TS/instrument cable. But just to be sure, check with a stereo headphone, does the amp output sound OK? You need to work though and check each step in the signal path, devices and cables and see where things stop.

Do you get any error messages? When you try to record a track? Does the track record arm and does the transport appear to engage? (record/play buttons stay lit) but just nothing appears? Attach a screen shot of your edit window after trying to record, make sure this shows the IO assignments for the tracks (select IO in the "edit window view selector" (the "[ ]]]] V" looking icon on the very left top all the track displays).

You are creating a mono audio track to record to right? You are not creating an instrument track?

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Old 05-29-2013, 12:06 AM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

You need to work though and check each step in the signal path, devices and cables and see where things stop.
That is the best way to find a solution to the problem :) I've checked the output of the Line 6 using my IEMs, both left and right are working perfectly. Here are the settings I've been using when starting a new PT session:

I have set all the dials to 12 o'clock on the Fast Track USB and then tried again on the Mbox 2 Mini. I create a new track with the following settings:

When I hit Track Record Enabled the red light starts blinking and no error messages pop up. I've armed the track and hit play (and tried simply hitting F12) to record sound and nothing gets recorded. The sound is coming through my monitors live, however PT is not recording anything. The screen shot below was taken while playing my guitar. No signal is showing up on the track.

When I was running PT Essentials 8, I was able to select the Fast Track from the I/O pulldown menu, however it doesn't show up anymore. These are the only options I have for the input and output now:

Selecting In 1 (Mono) or In 2 (Mono) makes no difference. However as mentioned earlier, the Line 6 is audible through the monitors (on both input settings).
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Old 05-29-2013, 12:55 AM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

Well part of this should be easy.... Go to Setup>IO and on each page there (Input/output/bus) hit the [DEFAULT] button. That should get you back what you expect for Input and Output IO options. Does it?

Thanks for all the screen shots, a good reason for the edit window screenshot is its clarifying something *is* getting recorded, its just silence, that's very different from the other possible meanings of "not recording anything".

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Old 05-29-2013, 01:05 AM
lokimojo lokimojo is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

I've tried defaulting the input/output and bus before. Either way, this is the option I get for both the Fast Track and Mbox Mini:

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Old 05-29-2013, 01:39 AM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Signal runs straight through Mbox 2 mini/FastTrack

Uh? This is looks like you have aggregate IO selected as the playback engine. What interface are you trying to use? You need to select that in the playback engine dialog. You should not be using aggregate IO. Have you been going into the OS X Audio/midi settings and tryign to switch interfaces via the aggregate device? (is so *don't* do that).

Once you are talking to the correct interface then default the IO as described above.

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