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Old 10-17-2001, 09:02 PM
Mt.Everest Mt.Everest is offline
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Default New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

I just noticed a new bug. I came across it while tabbing thru a track of regions.

I had an 8 bar audio loop that I CMD-D (duplicated) down the whole song, about 5 minutes worth. When I tabbed from region to region, I noticed every few regions, there was a tiny space between them that made me have to tab an extra time to get across it.

So it seems like, even tho i edited an exact 8 bars, when i repeat duplicated, PT nudged some of the regions randomly.. I verified this on all the other tracks i did it with and it happened as well.

To sum up, out of 50 copies of the same region, every 5 or so, PT added a gap of a few samples of silence, where it SHOULD just be making every CMD-D region butt up against the previous one.. The weird thing is it doesnt seem to throw off the regions.. You would guess that if a gap of a few samples occurred every few regions, that eventually your 8 bar loop would drift out of the grid. However, it does not seem to do that...

Can anyone else verify this--users or digi?

PT|HD4 Accel PCIx w Magma Chassis & 192 I/O
PT HD 9.0.5 - Mac Pro 8-Core 2.4Ghz Westmere 10.6.8
PT|HD 9.0.5 - MacMini Core-Duo, 10.6.8 - ProFire 2626
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Old 10-18-2001, 12:49 AM
mtung mtung is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

I can confirm this as well.

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Old 10-18-2001, 12:59 AM
Dr. Marius Dr. Marius is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

You are most likely running 29.97fps. Try 25fps (in sessien setup window).
This will solve the problem!

Marius [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 10-18-2001, 01:22 AM
Mt.Everest Mt.Everest is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

Well, Im not running 29.97, im running 30...

But either way Im not running either cuz i dont lock to SMPTE or anything while recording... So i guess it doesnt matter what setting that is on...

But Dr. Marius, are you saying that PT is putting those few sample breaks in to adjust for potential drift IF i was chasing smpte? That sounds like one of those , um, "features".... But it doesnt sound logical to me... Any insight Marius?

PT|HD4 Accel PCIx w Magma Chassis & 192 I/O
PT HD 9.0.5 - Mac Pro 8-Core 2.4Ghz Westmere 10.6.8
PT|HD 9.0.5 - MacMini Core-Duo, 10.6.8 - ProFire 2626
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Old 10-18-2001, 07:22 PM
booyakka booyakka is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)


I just discovered this today as well and it's breaking my heart. The amount of De-Glitching I was doing was getting ridiculous, until I discovered the following:

Taking a simple "grid-locked" loop, duplicating it, or "repeating it" or alt-dragging it resulted in random shortening of regions, and repositioning of subsequent regions before/after the grid by exactly one sample.

duplicate several tracks at once and they all move independently in different directions!

OK, one sample at a time, but if you write like I do, over a couple of weeks of re-arranging and jesus is it a mess! Glitch city. And Fragmented HD city! You can't even see the millions of tiny files, and consolidating obviously make the problem go, but the audio sound terrible!

What is going on? This is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen, and makes tools very painful.

I have had a deep look at a lot of files made in the past few months and the problem seems to be getting worse.

In fact to the point where a single duplication (depending on the bar number ie 59 is ok, 60 bad, 67 bad, 19 bad 22 bad etc etc) will leave a nice little one sample hole. Multiply this by a 64 voice tune, 4 minute tune, and ouch!

Please Brent, What's Happening fella?!

TIA [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img]
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Old 10-19-2001, 02:04 AM
Dr. Marius Dr. Marius is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

This isue has been fully covered some time ago. Basically, the answer is due to simple mathematics -not a bug. It seems like Digidesign is aware of the problem. We all hope to see a workaround in a future upgrade!

Marius [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 10-19-2001, 11:17 AM
nipple nipple is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

This is not new, been around for quite some time, maybe back as far as version 4.0
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Old 10-20-2001, 04:21 AM
booyakka booyakka is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

Well if it's that old a problem why the hell is it still here?! It's ruining my patience and my record.

Never seen anything like it in Logic.

Yours sadly,
booyakka [img]images/icons/rolleyes.gif[/img]
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Old 10-21-2001, 12:38 PM
polyorchid polyorchid is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

Yikes, this sucks!!!!!

I am in reediting hell with this one. The tracks are filled with unwanted audio regions and some regions have slipped up to a full click!!! When is this going to be fixed?

Does this happen when pasting/duplicating over existing regions? If so, it does it seems it does it in grid mode too. What a bummer. [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img]

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Old 10-22-2001, 12:47 PM
Baixo Baixo is offline
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Default Re: New Bug in 5.1.1? (duplicating regions)

found this on page 244 of our friend Manuel:

Duplicating Audio

When using Duplicate or Repeat for audio that must fall cleanly on the beat (for loops), it is im-portant that you select the audio material with the Selector, or by typing in the start and end points in the Event Edit area. If you select an au-dio
region with the Grabber (or by double-click-ing it with the Selector), the material may drift by several ticks because of sample-rounding. If, on the other hand, you want to Duplicate or
Repeat audio that is not bar- and beat-based, set the Time Scale to any format except Bars:Beats. This ensures that the duplicated audio material
will have the correct number of samples and will be placed accordingly.
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