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Old 05-22-2007, 03:17 PM
thearnicasync thearnicasync is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6
Default Copying midi notes?

Hi there! This probably belongs in the midi forum, but I think it's simple and there isn't much traffic over there.

I have 3 measures of midi notes for the NI battery drums thing. I want to duplicate the notes in the last of the three measures, making it four. When I simply drag/select the notes in the measure -> copy -> paste at blank measure, I get nothing. I have an undo option which suggests that it pasted somewhere, but not in the current instrument track at the cursor location. What am I missing?

Thanks a bunch if you can help...I'm digging this song, and want it to work!!

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Old 05-22-2007, 03:28 PM
Scott Church Scott Church is offline
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Default Re: Copying midi notes?

Hi Kelly,

There are a few ways to do this. If your track is set to Regions view, using the track view selector just below the track name state plate, you can place your edit cursor a 3|1|000 and separate the region using Command + E. Then you can select the entire region with the Grabber tool and choose Edit > Duplicate (Command+D). This is just like moving your Edit cursor to the end of that region and pasting, so you can also just put your Edit cursor where you want to paste that region and choose Edit > Paste (Command+V). Or, you can hold down the Option key while dragging that region to the location you want to copy it (this works great in Grid mode).

If your track is set to Notes view, using the track view selector just below the track name state plate, you can make a note selection with either the Selector or Grabber tool and choose Edit > Copy (Command+C). Then, move the Edit cursor to the location you want to paste (the destination of a paste is always the location of the Edit cursor, so right now you are just copying and pasting over the very same notes, which is why it seems like nothing is happening) and choose Edit > Paste (Command+V). Or, you can hold down the Option key while dragging those selected notes to the location you want to copy them to (this also works great in Grid mode).

Scott Church
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Old 05-22-2007, 03:30 PM
tomdiek tomdiek is offline
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Default Re: Copying midi notes?

Try selecting the notes, holding the option key and then dragging into place.
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Old 05-22-2007, 10:09 PM
thearnicasync thearnicasync is offline
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Default Re: Copying midi notes?

Thanks a lot!!! Got it working. You rule.
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