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Old 11-29-2024, 09:34 AM
Zergei72 Zergei72 is offline
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Default LE 8 on an ancient Acer - Laptop

I have LE 8 on Windows XP Professional SP3 installed on a Acer Aspire 7720Z laptop .

I’m getting DAE Error -1115, on loading Pro Tools .
I’ve tried installing the latest 8.0.5 update on top of it, but with that it’s even more troublesome.

I get some ugly looking nag dialogs .
I’ll post them here later, if it’d help matters .

At some point Pro Tools nagged about loading updated firmware for the audio-interface; DIGI 002 Rack version, that is, but I don’t have the nerves to go through it .

/ Z .
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Old 11-29-2024, 01:20 PM
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albee1952 albee1952 is offline
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Default Re: LE 8 on an ancient Acer - Laptop

Shot in the dark here due to the age of what you have, but...since I started out on XP with a DIGI002; first thing I suggest is let the firmware update run(and it can take 20-30 minutes). Some other things to consider:
1-are you positive the 002 works?(are you aware of the infamous "power harness" issue
2-do you have the authorization code for LE 8(it would start with "DIGI....." and you must include the spaces).

Since I'm here, re the "power harness" issue; this is something that hits almost every 002(with the possible exception of the very last production run). The fix might be very simple, so here it is. With the 002R facing you(and unplugged from the wall), remove the top panel. The PSU is attached to the right side of the case and there is a multi-wire connection(maybe 12 wires) that goes from the PSU to one circuit board, and then jumps to another. Take all 3 of these connections(one at a time) and pull the connector off and reseat at least 6 times for each connector. This often will scrape thru oxidation buildup on the pins and make the old beast good for another year. Some people will hit everything with a good contact cleaner and some go so far as to ditch the plastic connector and solder the wires onto the pins(a bit too severe for me)
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

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