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Old 12-27-2008, 01:32 AM
whatsprotools whatsprotools is offline
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Default PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

I have spoken to Digi about this several times, and can't find anything on the www about it, so I figured I'd try here.

First, a little about my setup:
-G5 PPC dual processor, 6G of RAM
-OS X.5.5
-PT 8 HD
-Apogee Big Ben
-Digi Sync HD
-96 i/o (5)

For about the last year or two, I have have the Apogee generating the master clock, and feeding it to the sync, and the interfaces one at a time. Everything has worked great.

After updating to PT8 (which i think is amazing btw) something has gone wrong. When i open or close PT, the big ben's word clock jumps to crazy #'s like 35.29, etc...

I can't lock the clock, and there is digital noise like crazy. Typically, I would just reselect the sampling rate for each interface one at a time (ie-pull down menu>48k in the session setup window) and then select 'sync' when i'm done. boom. locked. But NOW, as soon as I select a sampling rate the clock source jumps to Loop Sync (which is not hooked up, and incorrect, and normally on Internal/VSO). No matter what, it seems like PT is hellbent on using Loop Sync.

The whole reason I got the Big Ben in the first place, is to try and implement some better/cleaner clocking.

The word from Digi at this point is, they haven't heard about this problem from anyone else, and that I should just ditch the Big Ben, and use the Loop Sync to connect the SYNC HD and all the interfaces. (obv not really my first choice)

Some things I've tried
-trashing the prefs
-updating the SYNC HD's firmware
-reinstalling PT again

If anyone has heard anything like this, or has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Thanks in advance,
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Old 02-12-2009, 08:24 PM
SunsetLodge SunsetLodge is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

Its prolly a wire. Ha.
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Old 02-12-2009, 09:02 PM
Craig F Craig F is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

check your cabling
check with Apogee

"Fly High Freeee click psst tic tic tic click Bird Yeah!" - dave911

Thank you,

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Old 02-13-2009, 12:49 AM
whatsprotools whatsprotools is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

I wish it was that simple. Nothing ever changed though. not one cable changed. Thats why I think that its clearly software related (specifically the SYNC firmware update) b/c when I made the change to PT 8, and updated the new firmware, WC disaster. I spend many hours troubleshooting this with and without Digi, to no avail.

In the end, I had to just use all digi, all loop sync (which is not ideal) but it's all we've been able to do to get working again.

I'm hoping for a Digi Engineer to see this, or waiting on an update just like everyone else....

If anyone has experienced this, or has any ideas, please let me know.
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Old 02-13-2009, 08:01 AM
Craig F Craig F is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

cables can/do go bad

"Fly High Freeee click psst tic tic tic click Bird Yeah!" - dave911

Thank you,

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Old 02-13-2009, 08:41 PM
whatsprotools whatsprotools is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

they def do. but at the moment that I updated to PT8, seems hard to believe.

Has ANYONE else had any problems w/ PT8/SYNC/Big Ben???
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:50 AM
HassanDavis HassanDavis is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

Craig is correct in suggesting that you try new cable(s).

This is an inexpensive and quick item to rule out before spending a lot of time (read money) on what is possible (and hopefully) a non-issue for you.

Please let us know how that goes.

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Old 02-15-2009, 11:45 PM
Guy McDude Guy McDude is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

Originally Posted by whatsprotools View Post

For about the last year or two, I have have the Apogee generating the master clock, and feeding it to the sync, and the interfaces one at a time. Everything has worked great.

After updating to PT8 (which i think is amazing btw) something has gone wrong. When i open or close PT, the big ben's word clock jumps to crazy #'s like 35.29, etc...

Im a bit confused.
IF, Big Ben is the WC master, delivering discreet clock runs to your sync i/o and interfaces, [ very similar to the way my rig is setup]

Theres no way I can think of for the Big Ben to get any data that would cause the changing of its sample rate.


Youve got its clock source set to internal. [which it should be]
and theres no BNC cables connected to its WC input. [which there shouldnt be] only outs going to Sync i/o and other recpients.

please correct me if Ive got this wrong.

Sean McDonald
Red Medicine Recording LLC
Sofa King Music Services
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Old 02-16-2009, 12:11 AM
whatsprotools whatsprotools is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

You are correct, which is exactly why I'm so confused myself!

It makes no sense. Just to clarify, even when I was able to get the clock to "lock" and everything was set correctly, and all interfaces, SYNC, Apogee was set correctly, I was STILL getting WC pops. Bad ones. ie- even when PT thought that it was all good, it wasn't.

Furthermore, simply by CLOSING a PT session, the whole WC would immediately fall apart, and begin going nuts, jumping down to crazy numbers like 36.33

Also, might I add, that I have tried to trouble shoot the cables as much as possible by breaking the system down to its core components of just one interface, the SYNC, and the Apogee in order to test with as few cables as possible. However even after 'breaking the system down to its core' I was unable to get the WC happy again. I must again stress that the WC went down the tubes LITERALLY the moment that we upgraded to PT8/updated our firmware for the SYNC.

***Also, While I agree that just buying new BNCs is seemingly an easy thing to try, buying 8 25 ft. BNC cables isn't actually all that convenient.

Am I to understand that your running PT8, and using the Big Ben, w/ no problems? My only idea at this point is to wipe my drive and do a clean install of PT8 again, as our initial upgrade was over 7.4.2, and not clean. Seems like a bit of a long shot, but it is all that seems to be left on the list.
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Old 02-16-2009, 10:27 AM
Guy McDude Guy McDude is offline
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Default Re: PT8//Word Clock//Loop Sync//Big Ben

Originally Posted by whatsprotools View Post
You are correct, which is exactly why I'm so confused myself!

It makes no sense. Just to clarify, even when I was able to get the clock to "lock" and everything was set correctly, and all interfaces, SYNC, Apogee was set correctly, I was STILL getting WC pops. Bad ones. ie- even when PT thought that it was all good, it wasn't.

Furthermore, simply by CLOSING a PT session, the whole WC would immediately fall apart, and begin going nuts, jumping down to crazy numbers like 36.33

Also, might I add, that I have tried to trouble shoot the cables as much as possible by breaking the system down to its core components of just one interface, the SYNC, and the Apogee in order to test with as few cables as possible. However even after 'breaking the system down to its core' I was unable to get the WC happy again. I must again stress that the WC went down the tubes LITERALLY the moment that we upgraded to PT8/updated our firmware for the SYNC.

***Also, While I agree that just buying new BNCs is seemingly an easy thing to try, buying 8 25 ft. BNC cables isn't actually all that convenient.

Am I to understand that your running PT8, and using the Big Ben, w/ no problems? My only idea at this point is to wipe my drive and do a clean install of PT8 again, as our initial upgrade was over 7.4.2, and not clean. Seems like a bit of a long shot, but it is all that seems to be left on the list.

So Im clear....
There's no "input" type of connection gong into the Big Ben at all?
only outputs?

it makes no sense that Big Ben would try to lock to an incoming clock source if there isnt an incoming clock connection.

Get with Apogee, theyre great folks, Im sure they can help.

Sean McDonald
Red Medicine Recording LLC
Sofa King Music Services
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