I have hoped for many months this "bug" would work itself out in the updated versions, but as of now, it still remains.
I edit lots of music for my company. This (usually) means taking a full length song and editing it down to 30 seconds or less, then transitioning into another song. If I edit a song and use a crossfade
anywhere in the edit, then "Consolidate" the clips together to produce one single clip, distortion occurs in the consolidated clip exactly where the crossfade should have been. I have done this process successfully many times in PT10 without issue. It seems only PT11 struggles with this and I am puzzled as to why? This is a real aggravation because I frequently use this process to "Consolidate" an edited song, then "Export" the newly edited clip for future use. I can remove any crossfades and everything is fine, so the issue definitely is caused by the crossfade. Simple fades, out or in, are OK. Again, PT10 can consolidate a crossfade without any problems, so I see no reason 11 shouldn't be able to do the same. Is there something I am missing? On the rare occasion, PT11 will successfully consolidate a crossfade, but 4 out of 5 times, it distorts.