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Old 05-19-2000, 08:08 PM
KIMJAZ KIMJAZ is offline
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Default To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Hi Steve.
I didn't tried the upgrade to gigastudio, cause it's not released in my country yet, I can't wait to test it, but I think I should also upgrade my PC system to run the promissed polyphony (around 160 voices) plus 64 tracks....

My current computer config are:

Pentium III 450
256 ram
Segate HD IDE U/DMA (2x: 10.2 GB for the system and stortage files, the other one 8.4 GB for audio files and gig temp files)
Echo Gina Soundcard (8 analog outs plus a spdif pair)
Advance Sound Logic Multimedia card (for the Midi in)
Diamond Monster Fusion 16mb video card
ASUS p2-99 Motherboard
Windows 98 FE <---this one sux.
Sound Forge 4.5 to edit the samples.

I know my english is terrible, but I will try to explain you the way I use Gigasampler anyway, it's very easy.
My Midi tracks are recorded on PT5 or Logic, so I conect my mac to MOTU XT USB midi interface (via USB), from XT I will conect a midi cable in the PC's midi in (via Advance sound logic card). As you can see, just like connect a regular synth module like Korg DR5, JV 2080, Proteus etc... This way I can get 16 channels. You can load more than 16 sample files (if you still have CPU power) and use Patch change command in PT to swicht beetween samples in the same track, but only 16 samples can be played back at once (for me it's enough). I can route any Gigasampler tracks to any of the 10 Gina's outputs.
You can also run the sequencer and Gigasampler on the same machine, I used this way a few times in the past, works ok but you will loose too much polyphony and CPU Power, that's why I use a dedicated machine, it's like have a hardware sampler only with a big screen, mouse and a keyboard and your favorite audio editor for sample editing. You got the idea...

If you have more questions, pls do it !!
I don't post my email on public Forums nevermore, cause everytime I posted in the past, unfortunately I recieved tons of spam emails, and I just hate those spams

ps: sorry for my english !!
ps: sorry for my english !!
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Old 05-20-2000, 04:56 AM
stevegalante stevegalante is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Thank you Kimjaz, it seems only me and you want to use GS in PT...
I plan to buy a Gigastudio dedicated PC with this configuration: PIII (they told me it's better than Athlon) 750MHz, MB Asus P3V 133, 256M SDRam, SCSI U160 controller, Quantum 10,2G EIDE for W98, Quantum Atlas 18G SCSI U-160 for GS, Millenium G400 32M, SB Live Player, DVD Pioneer 10x, 17" LG monitor (approx 3,000 US $... sob sob...). I want to have maximum quality 16 channels analog output from audio board to connect to a 1622 or digital to 888s (not ADAT bridge because it's only 20bit), so I'm quite confused about available options on this matter, and also about the MIDI PC input (I have a MTP-AV non USB with my G3).
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Old 05-20-2000, 11:07 AM
KIMJAZ KIMJAZ is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Wow, very nice configuration, just be aware from Quantum drives, I had bad expiriences in the past with quantum drives used for Audio, you know, just take care, segates and maxtors have more better results on the PC DAW world. Also, Nemesys don't recomend Athlon, just Intel Pentium.

If you want 16 phisical outputs, you should go with a Creamware Pulsar sound card. As far as I know it's already compatible with GS.
Take a look at: http://www.creamware.de/
It does 24 bits, you prolly will skip the others plusar's features, like dsp sharcs and etc..cause you already have Pro Tools.
If 8 phisical outputs is ok, (wich is not your case), try DELTA 10/10 from MIDIMAN. A friend of mine got this card, it have the best sound quality for GS I ever heard. You prolly can hook 2 Deltas to get 16 channels but im not sure about.

Steve , pls correct me if Im wrong, but I'm almost sure that the 1622 I/O is 20 bits AD/DA conversion, just like the Adat Bridge, the Digital I/O is 24 bits like all digis interfaces. You will get 24 bits AD/Da conversion with the 888/24 interface only.

Your MTP AV is much better than my XT, you don't need a USB port, I just use USB cause I have it's port on my G4, you can use your comunication ports instead. This is not a problem.

What's the SB Live Player ??

ps: sorry for my english !!
ps: sorry for my english !!
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Old 05-21-2000, 04:07 AM
stevegalante stevegalante is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Thank you Kimjaz, I'll change for Cheetah. I like Creamware stuff, I thought going directly digital to 2x 888/16, which can manage 24bit digital signals from audio interfaces. I'll let you know (SB live player is the SoundBlaster audio card for PC).

p.s. your english is for sure better than mine...
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Old 05-22-2000, 05:31 AM
stevegalante stevegalante is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Kimjaz, do you know what's going on about Pulsar II driver for Gigasampler ? It seema they still don't let you have separate outputs... and also I couldn't find a way to digitally connect a Pulsar II to 2x 888/16...
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Old 06-06-2000, 07:24 AM
dougthor dougthor is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Hey guys you are not alone!!!
I am using Gigastudio with Pro Tool Mix also..
using athlon 700 with 512 megs of ram and 2x 40gig maxtor drives. IT ROCKS! i have never been so pleased in eq. for awhile. I would recomend to anyone thinking of giga to use a standalon pc for it. it just much more stable.
but i am using the wavecenter/pro from frontier with the adat outs into a digi adat bridge. WOW these sounds never sounded so good...iw ould really say stay digital if you can.
I am glad to see other using this system these two make alot of sense together.

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Old 06-06-2000, 07:26 AM
dougthor dougthor is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

just a note the SB Live really conflicted with other audio cards. so w sent one back.....
also it can not clock from any other source.
I am slaving the PC with giga from the 888 clock and it works great.

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Old 06-06-2000, 11:13 AM
MeltMediaMusic MeltMediaMusic is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

For the Gigasampler interested.

Check out Soundscapes Mixtreme card. 16 outs on TDIF that I use a TDIF to AES convertor on and run digital into the 888's AES inputs. This lets you have a 24 bit digital audio path into Pro Tools. This was the only 24 bit solution I could come up with until Digi finally makes the Adat Bridge 24 bit. Maybe they will do this sometime after they replace all their existing hardware with 96/ 24 or after they stop making Adats, whichever comes first. (Sorry for the dig but my Soundscape system interfaces had 24 bit Adat I/O 3 years ago).
Take Care
Kenny Meriedeth
Melted Media Music
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Old 06-06-2000, 04:18 PM
stevegalante stevegalante is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

To Kenny meriedeth : that's what I'm trying to do using two 888/16's digital AES/EBU 24bit inputs. What do you use as a TDIF to AES converter ?
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Old 06-06-2000, 04:54 PM
Jules Jules is offline
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Default Re: To Stevegalante about Gigasampler (sorry but I couldn\'t post a reply, forum\'s bug)

Apogee AD8000 carries 24 bit down it's Adat optical / light pipe BTW...I will butt out now

London, UK
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