Originally Posted by alike127
I tried this solution from reelgirly, along with the optional terminal sudo (what is that for?) an my Mbox2 STILL won't work. I have also tried the 'solutions' (for driver 3.3.) suggested for the Mbox Mini and no joy there either, maybe because mine is a full size Mbox?
I'm running OS X Yosemite 10.10.5 on a 2009 MacBook Pro, and I need to use my MBox2 (full-size but not pro version) with Logic Pro 9 (9.1.8).
I have now in my system preferences two Mbox options, one for 'Digidesign Mbox 2 Pro' which does nothing, and another for 'Digidesign Mbox 2', which fails to connect to my Mbox.
All the optional push button lights are working (DI on/off etc), but neither the USB or S/PDIF green lights with come on, no matter how many times i change the USB input. A Logic AU scan shows the Mbox 'MIDI' device as not working.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Updated my instructions a bit, have a look at it again :)
be sure to remove all previous Mbox2 and Mbox2 Pro drivers before reinstalling any new one and using my solution :)
also remove the preferences panes in "/Library/PreferencePanes"
btw, the "optional sudo command" launches the service immediately without rebooting... :)