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Old 02-02-2014, 09:36 AM
Fraser.Sims Fraser.Sims is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Nottingham UK
Posts: 83
Default What about updating scorch?

Thanks, we've seen the hype for Sibelius 7.5, does this mean we are going to get some update for scorch for iOS soon? Hopefully we will get the bugs sorted and the features we need. I see no point in making it easy to export to this if I can't use it for performance as exporting currently isn't much of a hardship. I need set lists and reliable and fast opening in music stand view and ideally metadata that works. Until I can use scorch for performance, it will remain something that I keep but use perhaps once a year. (Hopefully you will also have fixed the major bug in Sibelius to make it easy to close using the file you are working on without it crashing when you next open a file.)

Yes it's great being able to play back, transpose and change instruments in my Sibelius files, and Scorch is brilliant for this.

I would love to use Scorch and I would have really valued being able to transpose some carols on the fly. For example, I was playing with a scratch choir standing in ASDA trying to raise money for charity as we hadn't had opportunity to rehearse. But actually viewing, finding, sorting and everything else you need to do with your files is very poorly thought out as it totally relies on search and doesn't use the metadata fields available in Sibelius. Compare Scorch to something like forScore which sets the standard as far as I am concerned. forScore is on my bottom tab and I use it daily, despite the extra step of having to export my sib files to PDF and the inherent disadvantages of that format. Scorch is buried away in one of my groupings for those odd occasions when I need to try something out in different keys or want to use the play back for rehearsal while I Learn a new song. Scorch isn't ready for performances where you need more than one score in a hurry, particularly if playing an instrument.

Last edited by Fraser.Sims; 03-03-2014 at 04:20 AM. Reason: Clarification
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