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Old 06-09-2011, 12:24 AM
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Lightbulb Features and Suggestions

We're keen to hear how we can improve Scorch. So if you find something that doesn't work how you'd like it or would like new features in Scorch, please post them here and we'll consider these for inclusion in future updates.
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Old 06-10-2011, 12:29 AM
Jeff Grossman Jeff Grossman is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

When I open a file which uses a music font not available on the iPad -- for example, I have many files engraved using Partita or Saxby -- it should simply display with Opus or Helsinki. (Currently the behavior is to show it with no noteheads, which is a bit of a disaster. Perhaps a message should be shown the first time the file is opened, saying that a font substitution is occurring.) If I use the Appearance control in Scorch on the iPad, it seems to reapply a default House Style, which messes up all sorts of things. Or maybe there could just be another Appearance submenu: Music Font.
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Old 06-10-2011, 01:02 AM
hihat hihat is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

I have loaded over 200 .sib files (mostly one page lead sheets.) The ipad1 does not show any titles of my songs - except the library ones it already has. Icon view does not label the songs either. Maybe I need to do something to activate titles... does it take it from the file name or the Title used in the file? (irrelevant at the moment!)
When you tap on the song icon (that is all you can see) you can open it ... it says ... null...
It often crashes.
I have cold started a few times. The first time after installation, it did not even open any songs and I had to cold start ipad.
Very slow to open the one page lead sheets.

In text view for index of songs, maybe no icons but just title names with an alphabet along the right side to get from one end to the other (hundreds of tunes.)

Also it is difficult to delete all the tunes. I did it in iTunes, with the app closed but they are still there (cannot open them though).
I have relaunched the app several times but they still list (without titles obviously.)

My main use is jazz heads and chords, but could add my flute sonatas from midi files, my classical guitar compositions.

I tried to find an email address to avid-support from the link but there does not seem to be one, so posting here.
Good to have the app. Looking forward to updates. Thanks.

------ amendment
I have deleted the app then only added 20 files. The titles are all there.

Better more efficient title, index system showing more titles on the page (no icons.)
Multiple categories or playlists for organizing a set or concert tunes in one place, or groups of composers
Background audio on/off ... work with Amplitube etc. and allow iPod app audio access.
Does not seem to scroll in landscape viewing a single part with the rest of the band playing.
Auto zoom to eliminate any margins around the score.
Zoom setting in Music stand mode if needed.
PDF import
In icon view, could there be a preference to open automatically (as list view does) rather than having to tap Open?
Hide cursor (useful when not playing, just viewing.)
Midi file import or pasteboard? play?

Last edited by hihat; 06-10-2011 at 02:42 AM. Reason: added amendment
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Old 06-10-2011, 04:34 AM
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Firstly, thanks for the feedback. I've sent it all on to Product Management for consideration in future updates.

@Jeff: This is known behaviour that we're looking into making better in the future.

@hihat: Glad the file names are showing up now. There's a known issue with deleting scores that we're also trying to fix so watch this space! I've passed on your suggestions but wanted to say that you can double-tap on a score too to open it rather than having to tap it once to get the open button.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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Old 06-10-2011, 03:41 PM
bgk bgk is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Bug report:
  • Initially, after loading the app I tried to open a Sibelius file (from Dropbox) and Scorch crashed; upon reopening the scores with the "default" icon were blank (although they did open successfully). I deleted the app, reinstalled and this time started the app before loading in any other scores and everything worked fine. I'm wondering if there is some initialisation that gets missed if the app is first started via "Open with…".
  • I'm also seeing some strange transposition after viewing a part, but I don't have my iPad in front of me, so more details will have to follow later.

Feature request:
  • What would make this more than just a novelty for me would be the ability to generate a PDF of the score (for when travelling without a laptop and someone to see a score). (Maybe something like the Share and Print menu in Apple's Pages app.)
  • Somewhat related, the ability to import additional fonts would be useful, although unlike Jeff Grossman, I'm more interested in this for text rather than music.
  • And, hey, if you can throw in full editing capabilities, that would be neat!
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Old 06-11-2011, 04:37 PM
hihat hihat is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Originally Posted by Sam.Butler View Post
@hihat: Glad the file names are showing up now. There's a known issue with deleting scores that we're also trying to fix so watch this space! I've passed on your suggestions but wanted to say that you can double-tap on a score too to open it rather than having to tap it once to get the open button.
Hello Sam,
I have dragged in another 30 since then and the titles do not arrive, so I think it could be a bug they might like to check out. Also dragging in a number of them often resulted in the ipad1 rebooting! All my test files are about 34k - just one page files. But I managed to get a couple of hundred in finally, although it took an hour, freezing, crashing, closing app from multi-tasking dock, auto rebooting, deleting app, downloading twice, all caused by dragging in from iTunes more than about 10 lead sheet files. A bit buggy!

Thanks for the information about double-tapping (although I miss the point as to why a single tap action just flips the cover open - perhaps it works when there are number of pieces in the file and it opens to its Table of Contents, which would then make sense.)

- there could be a preference to either open where you last were or at Index which for me would be more useful (small point though.)
- import Music XML would be a nice addition;
- iPod controls or being able to play a tune from the iPod app. for backing or transcribing (stop, play, pause, maybe slow down at pitch) or practicing with;
- transpose instrument buttons (what you have reflects Sibelius but this is a different kind of thing), so with the two options of transpose, add another one.... Bb, Eb, F, G buttons (I realize you can change instruments, but this is for a different purpose);
- octave up or down for selection of measures of the whole instrument (related to transposing) otherwise you can be out of range;
- preference to either remember transpose setting or not when exiting that score;
- 'play from here' ... put this where the arrow is showing the bar, not under the 'Change instrument' (which applies to the whole stave) ... I think this needs clarity;
- guitar tab - better order needed do you think? (bass, standard guitars near the top of the list so they are visible in the window rather than scrolling down.) Personally I think they are more commonly used than the others listed at the top.
- disable sleep, if you are using it as static score you would want it to not go to sleep?
- no black background (desk)
- perhaps an inverse white music on black paper for less light emitting in a orch. pit, or low light situations

Thanks for your reply.

Last edited by hihat; 06-12-2011 at 03:16 AM. Reason: added to the 'also' list
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Old 06-11-2011, 04:44 PM
hihat hihat is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Originally Posted by bgk View Post
...What would make this more than just a novelty for me would be the ability to generate a PDF of the score
...And, hey, if you can throw in full editing capabilities...
bgk - you could do a screenshot and send the photo (jpg.) This would function until they do PDF export, which, I agree would be very good (and a more efficient file format.)

Yes, some editing facility or even start from blank to input notation, lyrics, chords etc.... kind of a mini-Sibelius, then add on midi keyboard via camera connection - USB.
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Old 06-13-2011, 04:33 AM
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Hi All,

Thanks again for the feedback.

@bgk: thanks for the bug reports and feature requests. I've passed these on to the development team to look into.

@hihat: Thanks for putting the app through its paces with file transfer. We'll be certainly trying to make this smoother. Out tests seem to indicate this is OK with 200+ files but we'll continue to investigate what could be causing the problems you're having. As you may know, the iPad will quit an app if it runs out of memory, even if it's in the background.

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Old 06-14-2011, 05:55 AM
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

Hi everyone.

I have some good news! We have released Scorch 1.0.1, which should fix the problems with deleting scores and missing cover art. You can download the update directly from the App Store.

But, you will find that any scores on your bookshelf now appear twice. This is caused by a database conflict as a result of the fixes included in v1.0.1 and can be solved by simply uninstalling and reinstalling Avid Scorch. This however will reset the scores in your bookshelf to the ones just included in the app. You will therefore need to redownload any in-app purchases you had previously made while signed into your Avid account by tapping the Scorch Score button and going to the Purchases page. After signing in, you'll see all your scores you bought.

NOTE: if you bought scores from the Scorch Store and didn't create an account or sign in, please create an account by clicking the Register button in the Purchases page in Scorch and post to this thread and I'll be in touch with you directly to resolve this.

If you had added any scores using iTunes, Mail or Dropbox, you'll need to add these again too.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience – we will be working to ensure that any future updates are able to be applied without requiring a fresh install.

Hope this is all clear and I hope you find the fixes included in 1.0.1 beneficial.


Last edited by Sam.Butler; 06-14-2011 at 06:23 AM.
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Old 06-14-2011, 07:41 AM
Emesar Emesar is offline
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Default Re: Features and Suggestions

BUG Report - I've just purchased the latest update of Scorch and have been unable to fill in my email address or a password to register to purchase scores from the Scorch store. The app won't bring up the keyboard and no cursor shows in the appropriate boxes.
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