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Old 01-24-2011, 10:00 PM
Chronobot Chronobot is offline
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Default Sound coming from only right or left side?

Alright, well here is my issue. Whenever I plug in my speakers (Studiophile AV30's; not the greatest I know, but need to suffice for now til i get my krk 8's..), I get sound only coming out of one side.. I understand they're not 1/8th Aux. input and not 1/4" TRS for each monitor.. but a friend of mine has the Mbox 2 pro which a 1/4" TRS to 1/8th seems to do the job. is there a way to get playback sound from both?

Which is also the same scenario when I plug my headphones in to one of the headphone inputs.. its either right or left side the sound only comes out, depending on which side its placed in. But Once i get my headphones that are actually TRS, what are the odds of the exact same thing happening? since there is 2 headphone outputs..

It may be my 1/8" male to 1/4" Female adapter, but I have yet to switch them out to find out.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
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Old 01-25-2011, 10:46 AM
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Park Seward Park Seward is offline
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Default Re: Sound coming from only right or left side?

Is your adapter two or three wire? Does it have a ring, tip and sleeve connections?
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Old 01-25-2011, 10:50 AM
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Default Re: Sound coming from only right or left side?

Originally Posted by Park Seward View Post
Is your adapter two or three wire? Does it have a ring, tip and sleeve connections?
What I would ask as well. The adapter(s) is the first thing to check. Using real studio monitors(even inexpensive ones) will be a step up. There are some decent choices for under $400, including Behringer 2030A and KRK Rokit6 G2's.
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Old 01-25-2011, 11:54 AM
Bill Denton Bill Denton is offline
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Default Re: Sound coming from only right or left side?

You didn't mention what interface you're using, but assuming it's something like one of the MBox units, this is what you would need:


Whether you use an unbalanced (TS) cable like this one, or a balanced (TRS) cable is immaterial. The Studiophile AV30's don't have balanced inputs.
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Old 01-25-2011, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: Sound coming from only right or left side?

I think he is using an adapter to feed his speakers from the headphone out.

Tough to say since the post is not clear but he is hearing only one side of his headphones when using that same adapter. So it is important to know how his adapter is wired.

We are talking about the output of his hardware and how it is connected to the speakers. He is using an adapter from 1/8" to 1/4". If it is two wire, that's why he hears only from one side.

Yes, he needs a 1/8" stereo to two 1/4" two wire. A headphone output is not balanced.

How his speakers are wired was not part of the discussion.

I don't know why he just doesn't use the main monitor outputs for his speakers. Better impedance matching to a powered speaker.
The Transfer Lab at Video Park
Analog tape to Pro Tools transfers, 1/4"-2"
MacPro 6 core 3.33 GHz, OS 10.12.1, 8 GB RAM, PT12.6.1, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, PreSonus DigiMax, MC Control V3.5, dual displays,
Neumann U-47, Tab V76 mic pre, RCA 44BX and 77DX, MacBook Pro 9,1, 2.3 Mhz, i7, CBS Labs Audimax and Volumax.
Ampex 440B half-track and four-track, 351 tube full-track mono, MM-1100 16-track.
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Old 01-28-2011, 03:43 PM
Chronobot Chronobot is offline
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Default Re: Sound coming from only right or left side?

Hey guys, sorry for the late reply. I made the post super quick(PC's psu died on me, just got new one in mail today) before I went to work.

anyhow.. i'm using the mbox pro 3. Being the burnout I am, i totally forgot about the stereo > two wire trs cable. hahaha.

Makes sense. Also this is what I was trying to get at:http://www.amazon.com/Hosa-GPM-103-3.../dp/B000068O3T

Typical 2 ring'd adapter. I did find it to be a cause of some headphone issues, of which are irrelevant to what I was asking.

Thanks a ton though dudes! Appreciate the spawn of help I got. I shall be continuously lurking the forums from now on

expect many questions, hahaha.

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