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Old 06-27-2009, 06:31 AM
SoundReplay SoundReplay is offline
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Question Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

If you would record a drum overhead, would you setup 2 mono tracks (each hard panned L/R), or 1 stereo track (also hard panned L/R)?

Regardless of the panning, the theoretical outcome must be that both must sound the same, right?

I use 1 stereo track, which makes it easier for automation and FX sends, rather than two individual mono channels.

Are there any (dis)advantages by using 1 stereo track or 2 mono tracks?

Greetings and thanks!
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Old 06-27-2009, 10:41 AM
BradLyons BradLyons is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

It totally depends on what you're doing, how you're recording, and how you're mixing. I'm tracking a live concert this evening to Pro Tools HD and providing a live mix to TV broadcast where I'm using a Royer SF24 over the drums. While this is a stereo mic, it makes sense for me to use a stereo track. But let's say I was doing X/Y with (2) mics, then it's not a cut and dry thing. Why? Well, understand that it's not easy to get perfect stereo matching---that's why stereo mics are so wonderful. Alot of times, matching the levels on pres can also be hard---but something one can sort out. Whether you're recording as a stereo track or (2) mono tracks, you're still using the same DSP and channel count per say.... but having both on a single fader, especially in a live environment, is a great option to have. Personally, I do prefer stereo tracks--but there are times where I don't want that.
Thank you,
Brad Lyons
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Old 06-27-2009, 10:47 AM
docric docric is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

If you would record a drum overhead, would you setup 2 mono tracks (each hard panned L/R), or 1 stereo track (also hard panned L/R)?
90% of the time I use one stereo track. Simpler to deal with at mixdown...

Regardless of the panning, the theoretical outcome must be that both must sound the same, right?..
Well... that depends on how you define "drum overheads" I think...

The other 10% of the time (above answer), I use 2 different mics for "ovhds", in order to bring out the different character of the floor tom side of things from the snare side of things. This is generally when I'm doing minimalist (3 or 4 mic) techniques. In this case, I opt for 2 mono channels, since it allows me to process them a little differently...

-C' ya'

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Old 06-27-2009, 12:37 PM
barismanco123 barismanco123 is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

I like to treat as much of a mix in mono as possible to have more control - I suppose that as long as you remember to use mulimono plugs to treat each channel independently if it were on a stereo track it wouldnt make the world of difference although if you wanted to gel the tracks together then you could use a stereo track to effect levels together and use just stereo plugs or outboard to gel it that way too.

It's a tricky one and a personal one too, a combination of what you prefer and what is needed for the job at hand I would say.

Peace and good luck and fun experimenting!
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Old 06-29-2009, 10:51 PM
preachers preachers is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

i found that two mono tracks will cause serious phase problem when you use elastic audio to edit them.

i didn't think there are different between two mono tracks and a pair of stereo track before using elastic audio. so i randomly tracked my OH with mono or stereo. now there are different between mono and stereo........
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:07 PM
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

Originally Posted by preachers View Post
i found that two mono tracks will cause serious phase problem when you use elastic audio to edit them.

i didn't think there are different between two mono tracks and a pair of stereo track before using elastic audio. so i randomly tracked my OH with mono or stereo. now there are different between mono and stereo........
I agree on this, but by grouping the drum tracks(all of them), EA works most (for gentle corrections) of the time without phase issues(but sometimes will develop some artifacts that usually sound like warbling. I generally duplicate the playlists so I can grab original audio if I need it. By recording to 2 mono tracks, you can EQ them slightly different, which can help create a wider image(whether that is something you want is open for discussion). Sometimes I will EQ one side slightly different to bring out the ride cymbal if it gets played softly. If I were using a stereo mic, I might go with a stereo track, but most of my stuff is done with L&R mics spread apart(observing the 3:1 rule). Of course, I have a lower ceiling than many of you, so that can impact everything.
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Old 06-29-2009, 11:44 PM
preachers preachers is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
I agree on this, but by grouping the drum tracks(all of them), EA works most (for gentle corrections) of the time without phase issues(but sometimes will develop some artifacts that usually sound like warbling. I generally duplicate the playlists so I can grab original audio if I need it. By recording to 2 mono tracks, you can EQ them slightly different, which can help create a wider image(whether that is something you want is open for discussion). Sometimes I will EQ one side slightly different to bring out the ride cymbal if it gets played softly. If I were using a stereo mic, I might go with a stereo track, but most of my stuff is done with L&R mics spread apart(observing the 3:1 rule). Of course, I have a lower ceiling than many of you, so that can impact everything.
in my situation with two mono tracks OH, i grouped all of the drum kit, and i got that phase issue between two OH tracks. i don't know why, but it happened indeed~~~
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Old 06-30-2009, 10:39 AM
ajazzie ajazzie is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

I have always recorded 2 channels in mono with a matching stereo pair, About the panning thing, hard L and hard R,- May just be me but I keep everything from the o/h mics panned straight up the middle, I find it keeps the drums tighter in mixdown.

Hat just off ctr with the toms the most extreme panning to make them stand out.

Just an opinion.
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Old 07-01-2009, 12:30 PM
EsquireAudio EsquireAudio is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?

i don't believe there is a right or wrong to this question it all depends what you like and what you want to accomplish, i like keeping things separate because it leaves you a little more headroom for playing around with different techniques, like simulating a room with different wall dimensions then what was originally recorded. Possibilities are endless as long as something you do doesn't limit what could be done later.
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Old 07-03-2009, 04:28 AM
SoundReplay SoundReplay is offline
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Default Re: Drum Overheads: 2 mono tracks or 1 stereo track?


thank you all for the clarifications. At least it turns out indeed that either ways are OK to record overheads or other (stereo) instruments.

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