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Old 07-31-2008, 09:42 PM
eyeshow eyeshow is offline
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Default "The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when tr

I copied this from the FAQ's section because it's the exact problem I am having:

"The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when trying to open a non-44.1 KHz session in Pro Tools M-Powered.

This will happen when Windows is using the MAudio device as the 'default' sound device.

Go to Start > Control Panel and choose "Sounds and Audio Devices"

Verify that the M-Audio device is not selected as the default device, or the device will be limited to 44.1 KHz."

BUT- what if it's the ONLY thing I have listed in the sounds and audio devices pull-down menu? Yes, there are multiple Delta outs to choose from, but- I tried them all, and haven't had any success. Any suggestions????

WinXP Pro Sp2
Pro Tools M-Powered 7.1
Delta 1010lt pci sound card
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Old 07-31-2008, 09:46 PM
kfoody kfoody is offline
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What are you trying to do?
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Old 07-31-2008, 10:00 PM
eyeshow eyeshow is offline
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I'm trying to open a session I saved on my thumb drive from school (ProTools 6.4 LE on WinXP) that has a 48khz sample rate audio to a 24fps quicktime movie. I'm trying to open this at my home where I have the M-Powered setup. I've transferred a few projects like this in the past with no issues at all, but this is the first time I've used a sample rate other than 44.1khz at my home.
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Old 08-02-2008, 12:18 PM
eyeshow eyeshow is offline
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Old 08-03-2008, 11:12 PM
ReoZ ReoZ is offline
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I have this problem , too . And I can't solve it until now . I use protools m-powered 7.4 . Audio interface is a FW410 . Driver 5036v2 (I 'd installed the latest drivers ,too. And they are not good for use in the part of s/pdif patching and wordclock setting . )

I've tried something , and the results are :

1. Set onboard sound card as defult sound device ---Protools can not start up .

2. Set FW410 as defult sound device and select the sync source on m-audio control panel as "internal optical /or coaxical".(normally the sample rate detected window shows 44100 , but if you switch the selection between internal and external , it will show 48000 or 88200 .) --- Protools start ! But there is only one option "44.1kHz" you can choose when create a new session. On m-audio control panel , the samplerate will jump back to 44100 when star up , no matter what it was .

3.Set FW410 as defult sound device and select the sync source on m-audio control panel as "external optical ". I don't have any optical cable connect . the "s/pdif in"LED on 410 blinks .----Protools start ! When create new session , you have only one sample rate can choose , depends on what it was (44.1 , 48 ,or 88.2) . You can see meters on m-audio control panel move up and down when you use 410 inputs with signals , but you will not hear anything , and you will record nothing .

4.Set FW410 as defult sound device and select the sync source on m-audio control panel as "external coaxical ".I have a coaxical cable connect between s/pdif "in" and "out".------ Protools start ! When create new session , you have only one sample rate can choose , depends on what it was (44.1 , 48 ,or 88.2) . When it starts with 48khz , the situation is the same as when choose "external optical ". If it starts with 88.2khz , LED on 410 light .You can see meters on m-audio control panel move up and down when you use 410 inputs with signals , and you can hear the distortion sound . You can record and play back , but all sounds are distortion .

5.Disable windows audio service . ---- You can not use any applications which need audio service but ProTools .You can choose sample rate from 44.1k to 96k . But when you want to use another software to check your mixdown file or other things , this method seems really very ridiculous .

I'd asked both digidesign and m-audio . They did not give me an useful solution .
So , Good Luck !
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Old 08-04-2008, 08:19 AM
eyeshow eyeshow is offline
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Hey thanks a lot for the heads up! I guess I'll try calling em or something. I managed to get this project opened by manually setting the sample rate to 48k and locking them in the m-audio drivers (and the quicktime's settings) prior to even opening ProTools- and thats the only way it will open. BUT, the whole project is VERY slow ike something just isn't right.

And I'm also experiencing some crackling that's gradually getting more noticable even when I switch back the sample rate to 44.1khz (even in other software) I hope I'm not damaging anything...
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Old 08-04-2008, 12:39 PM
ReoZ ReoZ is offline
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Thanks ! eyeshow

Now I can use this work around to create or open sessions other than 44.1khz . It depends on the audio bit and smple rate setting in QuickTime . Maybe digidesin can fix this problem that occur in some PC .
But at least it works around now .
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Old 06-24-2009, 09:15 PM
ChiDuly ChiDuly is offline
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Default Re: "The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when

Originally Posted by eyeshow View Post
I copied this from the FAQ's section because it's the exact problem I am having:

"The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when trying to open a non-44.1 KHz session in Pro Tools M-Powered.

This will happen when Windows is using the MAudio device as the 'default' sound device.

Go to Start > Control Panel and choose "Sounds and Audio Devices"

Verify that the M-Audio device is not selected as the default device, or the device will be limited to 44.1 KHz."

BUT- what if it's the ONLY thing I have listed in the sounds and audio devices pull-down menu? Yes, there are multiple Delta outs to choose from, but- I tried them all, and haven't had any success. Any suggestions????

WinXP Pro Sp2
Pro Tools M-Powered 7.1
Delta 1010lt pci sound card
been tryin to figure how to get around that problem of making a track on an hd or 96k setup then coming home to my 48k mbox. im sure im not the first to figure this out but there really IS a stupidly simple workaround i discovered today for opening your 192 or 96k sessions on 44.1 or 48k mbox setups. Just create a new session then go FILE/IMPORT/SESSION DATA and select the session file. DONE. I mean thats at least working for me on a m-powered/mobilepre usb PC setup.
Ive gone through such hell with this issue. Funny, such a simple shortcut, i wonder why digidesign doesnt just give u an over ride option instead of that cockblocking message "the current playback engine does not support a sample rate of "??# Khz".
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Old 09-13-2009, 07:11 AM
ssid79 ssid79 is offline
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Default Re: "The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when

I have the same problem. Anyone solved it?
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Old 10-14-2009, 03:18 PM
jojo99 jojo99 is offline
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Default Re: "The current playback engine does not support a sample rate of 48 KHz" error when

Good lord. ANY update on this at all?

* How can anyone here seriously defend the state PT LE or Mpwrd is in?
A complete rewrite is in order - we ALL know it.
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