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Old 03-03-2005, 08:59 AM
A Spooner A Spooner is offline
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Default Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

Am upgrading home studio. We work on original music. Upgrading from LE to HD. WHICH control surface would be the best all around unit??? Please share all your thoughts. THANKS!
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Old 03-03-2005, 11:24 AM
trakbytes trakbytes is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

home studio...original music...

I'd go with the C24. You get 24 faders, 8 mic pres, and an 8x2 sub-mixer for about the same price as a used (or refurbished) Pro Control main unit. Pro Control has nicer faders, but you'd need at least one extra fader pack to feel comfortable mixing music with it. Unless you have unlimited budget or need a big write-off, I'd say the C24 is the way to go.

That being said, it is my suspicion (unfounded with any facts, just a hunch) that both units will be replaced with something new in the fairly near future. They are both getting a bit long in the tooth.

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Old 03-03-2005, 11:51 AM
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Chris Lambrechts Chris Lambrechts is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

That being said, it is my suspicion (unfounded with any facts, just a hunch) that both units will be replaced with something new in the fairly near future. They are both getting a bit long in the tooth.

take coffee beans (10 to 15 should be enough) .... squash them with a hammer or something you can squash them with ... untill it becomes powder. But leave the little shells in it. Now, take some boiling hot water (you can cook the water while you squash the coffee beans). Next, take a cup or a mug, put the powder in first, then slowly add water. Not too much, like say 1/3 of a normal size mug should do it.

Now, the next part is the tricky part. Print the digidesign logo, you know ... the big blue D on a piece of white paper ... you might wanna resize it a bit in photoshop or something. You need the logo because you are going to copy it onto a piece af white cloth. A square cut out of a bed sheet for example will do nicely. Put the cloth on the paper ... hold it up against a window or something so you can see the logo through the cloth and carefully copy the digidesign logo on the piece of cloth with a marker. A Blue marker of course. Don't worry too much about it being the exact same pantone colour as the original logo. The closer you can get to the original colour however, the better the result in the end but your printer probably screwed up that pantone colour anyhow so no need to get all paranoid about that ...

Now that you've copied the logo to the cloth, spread it out over a bowl ... like you want to make a filter ... poor the contents of the mug on to the cloth .... not too fast not too slow.

Now ... Fold the cloth ... alternating from top to bottom and left to right ... 3 times in each direction. Now put some phone books onto that cloth ... or anything that has enough weight to keep it down and squeez it. And leave it like that for like 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes you take the cloth and unfold it. Hold it against a light source and let the future reveal itself.

(or you can wait untill one of the next major trade shows of course)
Chris Lambrechts
Applications Specialist- Live Sound
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Old 03-12-2005, 07:11 AM
A Spooner A Spooner is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

I guess there are no ProControl users out there who can cite any advantages of ProControl over Control 24???
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Old 03-14-2005, 12:24 PM
uno1234 uno1234 is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

Do they still sell the ProControl?

ProControl is so much better, evem with just 8 fader. I use every aspect of it to the full, all the plugin editor controls and group buttons and channel matrix. It rules. The Control 24 just feels cheap to me.
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Old 03-17-2005, 10:09 AM
bryston bryston is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

I know they are'nt making anymore edit packs, but i have'nt heard anything about the Pro Control.
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Old 03-17-2005, 11:48 AM
Jay Levin Jay Levin is offline
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Default Re: Should I get a ProControl or Control 24???

A lot of folks "suspect" a replacement is on the way. Other than wishful thinking, I see no reason to expect a replacement.

I agonized over this question for a couple of months. After speaking to about a dozen actual users, I settled on Pro Control and got one extra fader pack.

A whole bunch of faders is just more eye-candy, ultimately. We have 16 faders and absolutely no need for more. More faders would just be out of reach -- even for a very long-armed engineer.

I can definitely see somebody being satisfied with just eight faders. It may seem farfetched that someone would prefer and eight-fader Pro Control to a 24-fader Control24, but there is some logic to it. The Pro Control is a great device with the feel of a professional console.

The big difference, I feel, is feedback. Pro Control has two eight-character displays on each fader, for track names and various paramaters, plus ten more in the plug-in and master sections. The ability to instantly know what you're looking at and editing is crucial. Without it, you're constantly looking at the screen, which greatly reduces the value of the surface.

Control24 has a single four-character display on each fader. Except on very simple sessions, these are borderline useless. You have 24 faders and minimal idea what's on them at any given moment.

The dedicated dynamics and eq buttons on each fader are also a tremendous plus.

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