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Old 04-29-2023, 09:14 AM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

I am getting ready to buy a Carbon, and I am still somewhat confused on the whole Protools license situation surrounding it, even after reading the updated (March 23) FAQ, possibly because it's changed over time.

So if I buy a new Carbon now, I know it comes with an Ultimate perpetual license. But I thought somewhere along the way it also came with an option for either regular Studio Protools, or an option to renew an existing perpetual license (1 year of support, etc.).

I believe that it originally came with just the regular license and/or renewal option. Then they added Ultimate as a special. Then they decided to include Ultimate permanently.

So now, do you ONLY get the Ultimate license, and that's it? Or is there still ALSO a separate serial number that can be used for renewals, or a second license, or a subscription, etc.?

So that's the first thing I'm wondering.

Secondly, I'd to be clear on the limitations of the Ultimate license that it comes with. I know it can't be sold, but is it for all intensive purposes just like a regular Ultimate license, so I can keep using it down the road with other interfaces (Avid or otherwise), even if I were to get rid of the Carbon hardware down the line?

Tying in with that, the FAQ mentions that the Ultimate license is deposited in your Avid account upon registering the Carbon. Is it a serial number? I assume that the license still needs to get on your Ilok somehow. How does that happen? Or is it some weird thing where the Carbon acts as a dongle, like back in the 002/003 days?

And finally, tying in with that, assuming it is Ilok based, how would it be differentiated between my existing Ultimate license that is also in my Ilok account? I would probably want to sell my existing Ultimate license, and I guess I would need to know how that is differentiated from the Carbon Ultimate license, so I don't accidentally attempt to sell the wrong one (which can not be sold).

Thanks guys!
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Old 04-29-2023, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

I thought it was a 1 year subscription. In any case, why not give Sweetwater a call and see what they have to say(after all....they sell this stuff every day)
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

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Old 04-30-2023, 07:01 AM
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

Unfortunately Avid has in typical fashion once again put ambiguous wording on it's own web site and with different dealers saying different things. no wonder people are confused

First I (think) choosing an additional year of update and support plan is no longer available

And I (believe) that the Ultimate license that comes with the Carbon is tied to that specific Carbon, and will not work with any other interface Even a different Carbon ( but I am not certain)

I just checked both Vintage King and Sweetwater

VK says it comes with a 1 year SUBSCRIPTION for Ultimate with a frozen " perpetual parachute" if you stop subscribing..

SW says it comes with an Ultimate Perpetual with 1 year of upgrade and support plan.

So who the F**K knows what is actually going on,,,, if even the dealers do not ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????
System :
Studio - Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2024.10.2 Mid 2020 (intel) iMac 27" OS Sequoia 15.2

Mobile - 2021 14 " MBP M1 Pro PT Ultimate 2024.10 --Sequoia 15.1

Enjoy the Journey
.... Kev...
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Old 04-30-2023, 07:29 AM
dominicperry dominicperry is offline
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

Originally Posted by K Roche View Post
Unfortunately Avid has in typical fashion once again put ambiguous wording on it's own web site and with different dealers saying different things. no wonder people are confused

First I (think) choosing an additional year of update and support plan is no longer available

And I (believe) that the Ultimate license that comes with the Carbon is tied to that specific Carbon, and will not work with any other interface Even a different Carbon ( but I am not certain)

I just checked both Vintage King and Sweetwater

VK says it comes with a 1 year SUBSCRIPTION for Ultimate with a frozen " perpetual parachute" if you stop subscribing..

SW says it comes with an Ultimate Perpetual with 1 year of upgrade and support plan.

So who the F**K knows what is actually going on,,,, if even the dealers do not ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????
I agree licensing with Carbon is a total mess and every time Avid touch it they make it worse.
But this bit... "And I (believe) that the Ultimate license that comes with the Carbon is tied to that specific Carbon, and will not work with any other interface Even a different Carbon ( but I am not certain)" doesn't make any sense. I don't think PT Ultimate can be locked down in this way. Carbon is a generic AVB interface and will work with any DAW. And likewise, PT Ultimate will work with any core audio interface. So I don't think the restriction you talk about is possible.
What IS true (even though I've been proven wrong in one specific case) is that the PT Ultimate license is associated with the hardware, meaning you can't sell it separately from the Carbon, and you can't sell the Carbon without transferring the license too......except clearly both of these things have happened in the past. I mean, if you agree to part with just the hardware for £2000, what can Avid do? Nothing. However, preventing you from selling the license as a separate entity is something they have a bit more control over.....but clearly not complete control.
I think Avid's intention is that getting PT Ultimate is a bonus associated with the Carbon, and that the two should be considered a bundle. But there's no real way to enforce that.
Back to the original point - I think the recommendation to talk this through with Sweetwater is a good one, assuming the OP is in the States.

MacBookPro M1Max 16" 10/32 64GB 2TB, Sequoia 15.2, Pro Tools 2024.10.2, Carbon.
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Old 04-30-2023, 01:24 PM
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

Originally Posted by dominicperry View Post
I agree licensing with Carbon is a total mess and every time Avid touch it they make it worse.
But this bit... "And I (believe) that the Ultimate license that comes with the Carbon is tied to that specific Carbon, and will not work with any other interface Even a different Carbon ( but I am not certain)" doesn't make any sense. I don't think PT Ultimate can be locked down in this way. Carbon is a generic AVB interface and will work with any DAW. And likewise, PT Ultimate will work with any core audio interface. So I don't think the restriction you talk about is possible.
What IS true (even though I've been proven wrong in one specific case) is that the PT Ultimate license is associated with the hardware, meaning you can't sell it separately from the Carbon, and you can't sell the Carbon without transferring the license too......except clearly both of these things have happened in the past. I mean, if you agree to part with just the hardware for £2000, what can Avid do? Nothing. However, preventing you from selling the license as a separate entity is something they have a bit more control over.....but clearly not complete control.
I think Avid's intention is that getting PT Ultimate is a bonus associated with the Carbon, and that the two should be considered a bundle. But there's no real way to enforce that.
Back to the original point - I think the recommendation to talk this through with Sweetwater is a good one, assuming the OP is in the States.

Yes I could be mistaken I suppose the license could be tied to one's ilok account so maybe you could use it with a different interface ? I may have just been remembering it can't be sold separately form the Carbon HW unit ??
System :
Studio - Avid Carbon interface , PT Ultimate 2024.10.2 Mid 2020 (intel) iMac 27" OS Sequoia 15.2

Mobile - 2021 14 " MBP M1 Pro PT Ultimate 2024.10 --Sequoia 15.1

Enjoy the Journey
.... Kev...
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Old 01-12-2025, 04:03 AM
PT_NOOB_CH PT_NOOB_CH is offline
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

Originally Posted by dominicperry View Post
I agree licensing with Carbon is a total mess and every time Avid touch it they make it worse.
But this bit... "And I (believe) that the Ultimate license that comes with the Carbon is tied to that specific Carbon, and will not work with any other interface Even a different Carbon ( but I am not certain)" doesn't make any sense. I don't think PT Ultimate can be locked down in this way. Carbon is a generic AVB interface and will work with any DAW. And likewise, PT Ultimate will work with any core audio interface. So I don't think the restriction you talk about is possible.
What IS true (even though I've been proven wrong in one specific case) is that the PT Ultimate license is associated with the hardware, meaning you can't sell it separately from the Carbon, and you can't sell the Carbon without transferring the license too......except clearly both of these things have happened in the past. I mean, if you agree to part with just the hardware for £2000, what can Avid do? Nothing. However, preventing you from selling the license as a separate entity is something they have a bit more control over.....but clearly not complete control.
I think Avid's intention is that getting PT Ultimate is a bonus associated with the Carbon, and that the two should be considered a bundle. But there's no real way to enforce that.
Back to the original point - I think the recommendation to talk this through with Sweetwater is a good one, assuming the OP is in the States.


so I think I understand what is being discussed here 🤔and have a related question… I am considering buying a Carbon interface so that I can work at home and not just in the studio where I have a MTRX with PT ultimate perpetual installed. Since I will never be using them at the same time, i'm wondering if I can move the license between the MTRX and the carbon depending on where I am...
a few questions have cropped up:
- can I buy a Carbon without the ProTools software (which might make it less expensive) or are the software and the carbon are always bundled together?
- Can I also use my existing ultimate perpetual licence with the carbon as long as I de-select my studio computer (in the iLock cloud)? I've managed to download PT Ultimate onto my home computer and also open it but I haven't tried recording or saving any files yet so I'm not sure if this is possible (I had already shut down my studio computer so maybe iLock realized it was not being used by a different machine at the same time..?) or am I forced to use the bundle copy of PT that comes with the carbon whenever I'm using that interface? The reason for my question is of course I only want to pay yearly fees on one copy of PT...
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Old 01-13-2025, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: Clarification on Protools licenses that come with Carbon

Originally Posted by PT_NOOB_CH View Post
- can I buy a Carbon without the ProTools software (which might make it less expensive) or are the software and the carbon are always bundled together?
Maybe if you're buying used.

- Can I also use my existing ultimate perpetual licence with the carbon...
Yes, though I'm an iLok, not cloud user, so I don't know what, if anything you'll have to do on the cloud side
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