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Old 07-26-2003, 10:06 PM
Barry Johns Barry Johns is offline
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Default Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Try looking at both forums, Protools is filled with problems after problems, logic 6 forum (http://community.sonikmatter.com/cgi...ultimatebb.cgi) is filled with sharing ideas not fixing problems for the most part.

I switched from protools to logic 6, wow what a difference it made. Think about it. I feel I have a responsibility to share my experience to help other recordists know what the best options are. I’ve gotten double the performance from the same machine on Logic than I did in protools 6. Logic was a piece of cake to learn for recording audio. I don’t dislike protools, I just love Logic and how much more powerful it is than protools.
HD Native Pcie, PTHD 11, PT12 Vanilla, Omni, Lynx Aurora 16, 192 I/O (16 in/8 out), 24 Fader D-Command, lots of preamps and compressors.

MacPro 5.1 (12) Core (2009 MacPro 8 Core Upgraded to a 12 Core MacPro), 56 Gig Ram, SSD System & 3 - 2TB Drives, OSX 10.9.5, Windows 10 Via Bootcamp
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Old 07-26-2003, 11:14 PM
Surf Twang Surf Twang is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

I've never used Logic so I can't comment on it but one reason for more problem reports on the Pro Tools forum may be because there are many more Pro Tools users. I don't know that for sure but it's something to consider.

I know that previous versions of Logic supported Windows but Logic 6 is Mac only. I can imagine it's easier to support only one platform than it is to support two widely different ones.
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Old 07-27-2003, 06:45 AM
froyo froyo is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Hello. I just want to raise a few points. One as you probably well know, there are other fairly large Logic user groups on the web, mainly the one at Yahoo. That one features just as much troubleshooting as any forum out there. Two, look at how many people frequent the forum you mentioned versus the close to 40K registered users here. Three, no PC support greatly reduces the number of variables and problems. Four, I have been a regular on this forum (with a different handle back then), the DUC, since its inception back in the summer of '98 or so. Up until early '00 or so it was a fairly small, tight knit group. Mostly as you describe above, users sharing tips and stories, with the occasional problem. As time went on and the number of traffic grew, so did the dynamics of the DUC. Five, I went into the 6.0 forum on the site you cited. I counted close to 20 threads that talked about problem fixing out of a possible 40 on the first page. Here are some subject titles to illustrate: Logic won't start, err changing default, Help I just don't get it, Automation won't work, 6.1 strange happenings, Is Logic buggy?, etc. Lastly I use both Logic and Pro Tools as a lot of people do. However, if you were to teach someone with no previous experience in either Logic and Pro Tools for the first time, I think the majority would find Pro Tools much, much easier to learn initially. Logic is a much deeper program and hence its complexity.
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Old 07-27-2003, 06:59 AM
kmshroom kmshroom is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Originally posted by Froyo:
However, if you were to teach someone with no previous experience in either Logic and Pro Tools for the first time, I think the majority would find Pro Tools much, much easier to learn initially.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">true.
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:32 AM
Barry Johns Barry Johns is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

I would agree that Protools is easier for the beginner. I would rather use Protools if they could fix the crashes and would not limit the number of tracks. I've recorded the same number of track with the same number and type of plugins in both Logic and Protools and the CPU meter in Logic is about half of what it is in Protools. Where Protools limits my track count and the way in which it processes audio it limits my performance substantially over Logic. Believe me, I want Protools to be better, but it is not. At least for the kind of recordists that I am. I don't share my files between other users and I'm not taking them into large studios, so what I do, stays at home, which is what I believe is the case for most native users of Protools. It’s important for me to get this out to other users, I would have loved to know all of this before I had to go through the expense of buying Protools, then DP4 and now Logic 6 with the Motu 828MKII. I have also owned the 001 in the past. Logic 6 with the Motu 828MKII is an awesome combination and a very powerful setup, at least on my machine.
HD Native Pcie, PTHD 11, PT12 Vanilla, Omni, Lynx Aurora 16, 192 I/O (16 in/8 out), 24 Fader D-Command, lots of preamps and compressors.

MacPro 5.1 (12) Core (2009 MacPro 8 Core Upgraded to a 12 Core MacPro), 56 Gig Ram, SSD System & 3 - 2TB Drives, OSX 10.9.5, Windows 10 Via Bootcamp
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:40 AM
kmshroom kmshroom is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Barry does bring up a point that has had me curious for some time now.

Why is it that Logic is able to run so many more tracks and plug-ins than Pro Tools LE on the same computer power?
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Old 07-27-2003, 08:53 AM
Zeus Zeus is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Logic has a very powerful optimized audio engine that uses all the possible juice of the processor. Emagic does not sell DSP-hardware unlike Digidesign who get much of their profit from selling TDM-systems. So Digidesign has had to limit the processing power of PT LE in order not to make it "too" powerful. I think this involves all kinds of code that slows things down in Pro Tools itself as well as in the RTAS-plug in format. Plus of course the legendary track limitation...There is absolutely NO reason why a modern G4 (let alone G5) could not handle double, thrice or even four times the track count now available in LE.

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Old 07-27-2003, 08:59 AM
kmshroom kmshroom is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

Originally posted by Zeus:
I think this involves all kinds of code that slows things down in Pro Tools itself as well as in the RTAS-plug in format. Plus of course the legendary track limitation...
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">that's so stupid. WTF!!

maybe i should switch to Logic.
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Old 07-27-2003, 09:36 AM
Bender Bender is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

I use both. Many people can not afford both, I barely can.
Most studios that I have worked in use Pro Tools and while you can convert most formats to work in Pro Tools it is easy to just bring sessions back and forth.
I like Logic for many reasons but I just like working in Pro Tools better. Another reason I stick with Pro Tools is when I started out they had a way (Pro Tools Free) for me to try out and learn while Logic was a big $$$ spend just to see if I liked it.
As a rule when I make recomendations to people looking into software I say: If you tracking audio Pro Tools is great, If you writing and you like to have 10 virtual instruments up use logic. In my mind they are different animals.
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Old 07-27-2003, 09:47 AM
spudsound spudsound is offline
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Default Re: Logic Forum, how to use - Protools Forum How to Fix

I have used logic and Protools and find that protools wins hands down.
Digi have had the track limitation in place so as to guarantee the number of tracks that a hard drive can handle before freaking inlogic i have had problems with hard drives not being fast enough to handle the track count.
The plugins (rtas) in PT are way beyond the logic counter parts listen to two identical plugins on the same audio file logic sounds grainy to me......
Ease of use in PT compared to logic to perform edits, audiosuite processing and mixing PT wins logic is too deep/complex for these repeat tasks and ends up being time consuming....
MIDI well logic wins but PT has never been about MIDI...
However, I will stil use both as they suit different functions....
I also have heard that a PT 7 is to be released next year with a few function that are in logic..eg track freeze...
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