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Old 08-06-2011, 06:09 PM
evnoic evnoic is offline
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Default Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

I am unable to open Sibelius 7 files on My iPad using the Scorch app. I have tried placing files on the iPad using iTunes and DropBox. The files appear OK but inform me that an error is preventing Scorch opening any of the files. Files created on Sibelius 6 open OK. I have noticed though, that I can't move the cursor to any part of the music to play, and I can't place the cursor at the start either. When the file plays, it misses the first beat of the bar. I can live with this problem at the moment, but the app has been rendered useless if I want to play Sibelius 7 files. Perhaps there is a workaround. Has anyone else noticed this problem.


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Old 08-07-2011, 01:52 AM
Shawn12 Shawn12 is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

Exactly the same problem for me as well. I've tried to export several .sib files from my Mac to the iPad. They transfer properly, they show up in the 'bookshelf' of the Avid Scorch program..... BUT they will not open. Every single one stops with an error "There was a problem loading the score". I have also tried formatting the score to fit the iPad (hoping that that would fix the problem), however that didn't change anything. I am using Sib 7.

I hope somebody can chime in to help us out.

-EDIT- I just tried deleting and reinstalling the app. That didn't change it's behaviour either......still broken.
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Old 08-07-2011, 04:36 AM
evnoic evnoic is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

It's good to hear another voice out there at last. I thought I was doing something stupid. I have tried just about everything you described except re-installing Scorch. Thanks for replying.

The app store is usually a great way to contact the developer, and in the past where I have had glitches, developers respond directly and quickly. I know Avid is a big company, but they could do well to look at this form of direct support to customers purchasing their program. Communication is usually quick and efficient. You are informed if they are aware of it and a fix is on the way. It would be nice if Avid could pick up on this and at least let us know either way. The app is useless otherwise, and if you depend on it as a teaching tool, your pupil base comes to a standstill. This is quite a serious problem.
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Old 08-07-2011, 11:44 AM
evnoic evnoic is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

An update from the Sibelius 7 forum. Daniel from Sibelius has informed us that an update for Scorch is on it's way to the Apple App Store for approval shortly. In the meantime he suggests, along with a couple of other posters, to export the file from Sibelius 7 for use in Sibelius 6 and add this file to the Scorch library on the iPad. I haven't tried it yet but this probably means that it is possible to export other earlier versions too.

Best regards

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Old 08-09-2011, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

Hello Evnoic and Shawn12,

As Daniel mentioned, there is a fix for this issue coming soon.

Hopefully, Scorch will function perfectly from now on, but if not, I'll be here to help out!

Best wishes,

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Old 08-11-2011, 11:39 AM
evnoic evnoic is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

Hi Joe,

Thanks for the information. I have used the export to previous version, saving the file in a DropBox folder and the file loads up in Scorch. Sometimes Scorch crashes, but the file is on the Bookshelf. I really like this feature for transferring files. Much better than using iTunes.

I've noticed that Scorch doesn't always start just before the first note(s) in the score. It's probably a bug which will get fixed. Just wondered if you were aware of it. I was also under the impression that you could drag the cursor to any part in the score. Perhaps I have misread this in the Help file. Can you clarify these points when you have time.

Thanks again for responding.

Best regards

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Old 08-12-2011, 02:54 PM
evnoic evnoic is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

I have downloaded the latest Scorch App update for the iPad. I have tried to load 3 different files via DropBox and each time the App still says 'Problem Loading the score' and crashes. When I reopen Scorch, the files are on the book shelf. When I attempt to open them I get another message which says that "Some text and graphics in this score may appear differently than in Sibelius 7". The score then loads up and seems to be OK. The App is still not working properly. Disappointing.
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Old 08-15-2011, 07:16 PM
JMDNYC JMDNYC is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

This may not be a comprehensive answer, but I've had a lot of problems with the program crashing when opening files, and I think it has something to do with orientation. If I open a file that's in portrait view while the ipad is in landscape view it seems to crash, and vice versa. If I correct the orientation on the ipad then re-open the file it often works. Again, not a scientific observation, just an ancedotal one.
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Old 08-17-2011, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

Hello Evnoic,

Did you mean that you downloaded the update to 1.03? Is the drop box feature working properly now that you have restarted the app?

The message that you received re. Sibelius 7 scores is normal; Scorch 1.03 cannot display all of Sibelius 7s advanced text and graphics features yet, however we are hoping to include this in a future update. You should hopefully find that the vast majority of items on the score display normally.

@JMDNYC, I would be interested to hear if you can come up with a specific step by step method for producing a crash here. If so, I'm sure this will be something I can pass to the development team to get ironed out. In the mean time, I'll have a go at crashing the app myself by opening files in different orientations.

Best wishes,

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Old 08-17-2011, 02:30 PM
JMDNYC JMDNYC is offline
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Default Re: Sibelius 7/Scorch on iPad problem

Originally Posted by Joe Pearson View Post
@JMDNYC, I would be interested to hear if you can come up with a specific step by step method for producing a crash here. If so, I'm sure this will be something I can pass to the development team to get ironed out. In the mean time, I'll have a go at crashing the app myself by opening files in different orientations.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce it. I just tried to open three different scores, each time in the wrong orientation. The second time I got the message "There was a problem opening the score." I opened it again, still keeping the wrong orientation, and this time it worked. So orientation may be a contributing factor to scores not opening, but it is not a determining factor.
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