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Old 04-29-2008, 12:36 PM
a2zproductions a2zproductions is offline
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Default Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro Tools!

I'm having to restart Pro Tools between Every Song! The menu just stops
responding to the mouse, I can still use keyboard commands, but ALL pull
down menus, FILE, EDIT, VIEW, ect...are useless when clicked on via mouse.

When I open and close a session, (plugins inserted or not), I have to RESTART
Pro Tools to be able to open another session. THIS IS VERY TIME CONSUMING!
I've deleted prefs, I have the latest 7.4 cs4. What gives?

Mac G5 dual 2.0
OS 10.4.10
7.4 cs4

PleaSe HeLp!
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Old 04-29-2008, 02:05 PM
a2zproductions a2zproductions is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro Tools!

obviously I'm the ONLY ONE with this problem!

Sidenote: Sometimes, after I restart Pro Tools between these
Freezing moments, my PREFS are Gone, I have to change my prefs,
reinstate my Control 24, change back to classic, blah blah blah.

This is a Fresh Install also, I completely uninstalled 7.3...
I've repaired & verified Disk Permissions...I'm out of options here!

Please somebody chime in.
P.S. Like I said earlier (with or without plugins inserted)

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Old 04-29-2008, 03:21 PM
Andre Knecht Andre Knecht is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

Aside from trashing your Prefs, did you take any of the steps outlined in the sticky Troubleshooting thread found at the top of the forum?

Are all your installed plug-ins up-to-date? Outdated versions can cause problems even when not instantiated. (However, last week I had to backtrack after installing Ntive Instruments B4 II 2.0.4, which caused my otherwise rock-solid system to slow to a crawl and crash repeatedly. Reverting to v2.0.3 eliminated the problem.)

Andre Knecht

We’ll fix it in the shrink-wrap. (Frank Zappa)

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Old 04-30-2008, 12:29 AM
a2zproductions a2zproductions is offline
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Default Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES... Nothing But Problems! since 7.4

I am at the end of the rope here.

Absolutely Nothing is working right since 7.4.

I have Fresh Installed, I've tried creating another user account, I've Trashed Prefs,
I've repaired and verified permissions, I've follow all of the Troubleshooting suggestions,
turned all that crap off etc..., I've removed all unused plugins, I've made sure all my
plugins are up to date according to the plugin compatibility chart on Digidesign website.
I've just opened Pro Tools, didn't even open a session, pulled down the menu to Close Pro Tools...
IT FREAKIN' FREEZES MENUS! I have to Force Quit it. Well that Erases ALL my PREFS everytime I do that,
Here we go again! What the ever lovin' HELL is going on here?

I Can't work like this, and I Can't seem to get any clue about the problem.
I stayed on hold for over an hour today until I was disconnected.
It's almost 1:30 AM, I have a Trio coming in the morning. I'M SCREWED! I will not only
have to restart Pro Tools between songs, but RESET ALL PREFs and Periphs!
I'm beyond FrusTrateD!

If I revert back to 7.3, all the session I opened and saved with 7.4 will give that Stupid Warning Message!
Why should I have to go back anyway?

I'm running this:
Mac G5 dual 2.0
OS 10.4.10
7.4 cs4
Control 24
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Old 04-30-2008, 03:41 AM
25ghosts 25ghosts is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

Try this:

Go to - system prefs. and create a new "Administrator" account. Log out and log in under that new account.
Now go to your TDM plug folder and put ALL 3rd pty. plugs in the unused folder. Now boot PT and see if the problem persists.

If it works now then you are having some problems with your user account. Try repairing the disk permissions and deleting all your PT preferences.

I have personally never had as many problems with an os x version as with 10.4.10 - (is that even pt74 compat?) 10.4.9 was a good one... Dont know about 10.4.11 - I was on Leopard as it came out.
2016 MacBook Pro Retina | 16GB RAM | 1TB SSD | OS X Latest - PTHD 12 Latest | 4K LG Thunderbolt Display | Logic Pro 10
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Old 04-30-2008, 06:31 AM
froyo froyo is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

Hello. I don't think your system has been qualified as compatible by Digidesign. Tiger OS X 10.4.9 is the latest version if I am not mistaken. I believe that is where your problem lies.

Check out this sticky on the TDM forum. Although that speaks directly to 7.3, as far as I know 7.4 has only been qualified also with 10.4.9. To be honest I don't think 10.4.10 or 10.4.11 will ever be qualified; 10.4.9 was the last one qualified for all Pro Tools systems and I am going to guess the next one will be the upcoming Leopard qualification.

I am willing to bet if you get your OS back to 10.4.9 you will be good to go. Good luck.

Tiger Qualifications
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Old 05-01-2008, 07:15 PM
a2zproductions a2zproductions is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

I did create a New Profile today & didn't crash between songs, however,
when I was finished, I went to Quit Pro Tools...That's when the fun began.
It FROZE! It caused me to Force Quit, well that erased all my preferences.

Imagine every time you changed the channel on your TV, you had to go into
your TV menu and set it to Cable input, Video 1, Surround Sound, Color Matrix,
1080, etc...you get the point.

BTW, why did changing to a New Profile allow me to work longer? What is it
that my Main user profile is doing to cause crashing?

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Old 05-02-2008, 11:50 AM
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

I did create a New Profile today & didn't crash between songs, however,
when I was finished, I went to Quit Pro Tools...That's when the fun began.
It FROZE! It caused me to Force Quit, well that erased all my preferences.
Force quitting should NOT erase preferences! How did you arrive at this conclusion, exactly?


Imagine every time you changed the channel on your TV, you had to go into
your TV menu and set it to Cable input, Video 1, Surround Sound, Color Matrix,
1080, etc...you get the point.

BTW, why did changing to a New Profile allow me to work longer? What is it
that my Main user profile is doing to cause crashing?

The new admin account has a fresh set of preferences - if the new admin account worked for awhile, that is a relatively clear indicator that the problem is due to an OS preference, as they also get stored to each admin account.

Have you tried running a hardware test on your system?

A clean install of the OS should have cleared up any issues like this, so I'm not sure what else to recommend other than the hardware test. It could also be bad RAM - you should try swapping/removing RAM to see if that changes anything.
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:28 PM
2fly 2fly is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To


Whenever I've had problems with my system similar to the ones you mention and after trying all the trashing/removing databases etc I've found that reinstalling the OSX seems to sort it out, and even tho' your operating system isn't supported a lot of us are using it very successfully.

If you do reinstall the OSX do it from the dual combo download on the Apple site.
G5 2.5ppc, 4gb ram, OSX 10.5.8, PT8.0.1cs4
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Old 05-02-2008, 06:03 PM
a2zproductions a2zproductions is offline
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Default Re: Menu BUG...Menu FREEZES...Menu LOCKS UP...Restart Pro To

Force quitting should NOT erase preferences! How did you arrive at this conclusion, exactly?

I tried to close out Pro Tools & I was locked out, I had to force quit, after that I opened Pro Tools
again, and my Control 24 no longer worked, my keyboard was set to Transport instead of Classic (my pref)
the record time was (use all available space)...In other words all my "Personal" Preferences were cleared just from Force Quit.

I guess I will try a reinstall of the OS if others are saying they are using it without incident. I really don't know what else to
do, besides upgrade to Leopard.

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