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Old 01-11-2004, 12:46 PM
technoboxx2003 technoboxx2003 is offline
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Default how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order.

Anyone had made it...
Brazilian User
DaveC: 32T+9Aux MBOX
A7V8X-X, 2600+, AGP 8X 64MB, 512MB, 40GB+120GB
*don't use a Celeron or Duron processors
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Old 01-11-2004, 12:49 PM
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Cliffy_Boy Cliffy_Boy is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

You make a subfolder in the plug-ins folder for each plug-in with the name of the folder the same, or similar, to the name of the plug-in. You drag the plug-ins from the DAE Plug-ins folder to the appropriate subfolder. - bring both the .dpm and the .dpm.rsr. They will now appear in alphabetical order.

You can use this trick to create an ordered list not necessareily in alphabetical - e.g. make subfolders called Reverb1, reverb 2 etc and put a reverb in each. They will display next to each in the PT insert drop down AND will have the original name - not the one you created.
Cliff Stendel
-iMac 5K 32g
-PT12. HDX
-HD I/O 8x8x8. -HD Omni -Avid S3

-API 2500 -API 5500 -UA 2-1176 -UA 2-610
-Neve 1073, Chandler LTD-1 -Eventide H8000FW -Lexicon PCM96
-Bricasti M7. -Joe Meek channel.

-Waves Mercury, Flux all, Softube All, Plugin Alliance all, McDSP all, Sonnox All, MH production, Wave Arts,a bunch more
-Moog Voyager XL, Nord Piano, Hartmann Neuron, ARP Axxe, Gibson Les Paul, Mesa Boogie Roadster, Kemper, Taylor T5 and T5-12
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Old 01-11-2004, 01:03 PM
Lalaman Lalaman is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

You can bet this idea will be enjoyed by many people.
I said it once already somewhere, Cliffy is a clever boy.

I won´t be using PT too often anymore, but anyway, thanks for the idea!

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Old 01-11-2004, 02:26 PM
Rabidium Rabidium is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order


I won´t be using PT too often anymore, but anyway, thanks for the idea!

Found something better?
I guess I'm back.
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Old 01-11-2004, 02:55 PM
Lalaman Lalaman is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

Hi Rabi,

Yep, Samplitude. Considered best sounding algo there is, stable, versatile, no loss on processing. Combined with a card like Lynx2 there is top converting and very flexible standalone mixer. ( Although I wasn´t in practical need of its A/Ds yet. I use mainly other convertors as long as it is about two channels only. Its D/A comes in handy here however already for monitoring during outboard processing.)


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Old 01-11-2004, 06:10 PM
cyberstudio cyberstudio is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

thanx a lot Cliffy! I will stick with PTLE, will check your tip tommorow. (I belive:)
c y b e r s t u d i o
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Old 01-11-2004, 11:38 PM
GW GW is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

The workaround with subfolders do NOT work with Waves plugins however, since they have a shell.
PT 12.4.0, iMac 27" Retina 4GHz i7, 32GB RAM, PoCo x8,
Digi002 Fact., Logic X|FCPX|Motion
Plugins: Waves Diam. V9|Artist Sign Ser.|SSL|GTR3.5, TC MD3|Harm4|VSS3|DVR2|Nonlin|Unwrap, Sonnox Infl|Dyn, Autotune
VI: Reason 8, Ivory It., Trilian|Omnisphere, VG2/RealGuitar, Kontakt6|GPO, Goliath|Gypsy|Fab Four, Candy, Structure, EZdrum, BIAB Audiophile
Hardware: TLM49|TLM103, SPL Track One, TC M-One, Artist Contr.v2|Transp|3xMix
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Old 01-12-2004, 12:57 AM
Pro-Tools-User Pro-Tools-User is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

Hi Rabi,

Yep, Samplitude. Considered best sounding algo there is, stable, versatile, no loss on processing. Combined with a card like Lynx2 there is top converting and very flexible standalone mixer. ( Although I wasn´t in practical need of its A/Ds yet. I use mainly other convertors as long as it is about two channels only. Its D/A comes in handy here however already for monitoring during outboard processing.)


Just some questions about Samplitude, is there a free trial demo??
How many playlists will it allow on each track ???
Is there a built in click ?
Is the midi implimentation more extensive than PTLE ???
Does it time stamp regions?
Full Pluggin Automation on ALL parameters??? VSTi ??? DX ??? RTAS ????
Auxillary and master channel Automation ?
How do you get arounf the real time Low latency monitoring through the application?

Just Curious??
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Old 01-12-2004, 04:12 AM
Lalaman Lalaman is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order


Just some questions about Samplitude, is there a free trial demo??
How many playlists will it allow on each track ???
Is there a built in click ?
Is the midi implimentation more extensive than PTLE ???
Does it time stamp regions?
Full Pluggin Automation on ALL parameters??? VSTi ??? DX ??? RTAS ????
Auxillary and master channel Automation ?
How do you get arounf the real time Low latency monitoring through the application?

Just Curious??
Hello PT-User,

What I think to know so far:

There is a demo on Magix website. However it is a very small file only. That will certainly mean that the demo is so limited that it would hardly serve to explore the application sufficiently.

Q#2 It provides 999 tracks and 64 aux
Q#3 Yes
Q#4 Can´t say, havn´t used its midi functions yet
Q#5 Yes
Q#6 Yes, if I´m right. However, some of the Waves plugins functions like undo e.g. don´t show up, at least in version 7.1
Q#7 Version 7.2 has full latency compensation

Here is a discription. It is from a commercial website, but what is being said is no hype. Also if you make a search on other boards you will find a lot of user impressions.

So far about the goodies.
Inconveniences in Samplitude that fall into my mind are:

No mentioning of the action under "undo", you need to look it up under the undo history.
While you click on FX knobs during play it can happen that the FX brakes down yielding an ugly loud digital hiss. It get´s back to order though when you close and reopen the FX window, no need to shut the host down.

Most inbuild effects are destructive. You gotta doublicate the region / object first.

Seems also you can´t determine the order of inbuild FXs on the master fader.

Independently of how you name the regions they stay labeled in the internal code, so that you have no way to recognize them when trying to organize within their folder. If I want to get rid of superfluous takes I safe the whole VIP without the files not seen in the session to achieve the goal. ( Might well be though that there is a better way to do, like with all that I´m saying here.)

It also happens that the aplication loses the driver path and you need to check whether it is still on ASIO or might have switched to another version.

One of the many things I like however is for instance that you can place the cursor anywhere in the time line without losing a highlited section. When you want the cursor back to run from start of the highlited passage you just doubleclick into the marked part of the timeline.

This relates to ver. 7.1. From what I hear the newest update however must be improved quite some and has added some features.

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Old 01-13-2004, 06:18 AM
technoboxx2003 technoboxx2003 is offline
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Default Re: how can I sort RTAS plugins in alphabetical order

Thanks guys about the sort thread !!!

Another tip:

I have two DAWS in my home studio.
DAW protoos 6.1.1
MOBO ASUS A7V8X-X, ATHLON XP2600+ 512 MB, 30 + 80GB
DAW Nuendo 2.1

Nuendo is a great software for MIDI and Virtual instruments (VSTi). The MIDI interface is wonderfull, you can see all patches of you synths (virtuals or keys and racks). It's very easy to edit and make MIDI sequences.

Both software are synchronized by a MTC (MIDI TIME CODE ) with a simple MIDI cable in the on board MPU401. So both DAW are started at the same time.

It's very stable, and very cheap solution.

I have dedicated the protools to finalize the session, just for audio, and I use Nuendo for pre production MIDI and tone generator.

When I finalize a production, I make the waves, exporting direct to the disk, from nuendo. The machines are connected thru Ethernet cable. So I import the waves to protools and make the final job.

I have tested also, on the second machine, with a second DIGI001, and it works also. So I have two protools sessions, with 64 tracks...

Is there anyone who made it ?
Brazilian User
DaveC: 32T+9Aux MBOX
A7V8X-X, 2600+, AGP 8X 64MB, 512MB, 40GB+120GB
*don't use a Celeron or Duron processors
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