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Old 05-11-2010, 07:14 AM
DusanE DusanE is offline
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Default Go to post-production

Hi everybody,

After fifteen years of studio work as a producer, sound engineer, music arranger, etc. .. I would like to enter the world of postproduction. A lot of things I already clear, but would you still ask for advice from your rich experience.

My current setup is:

- PT HD2 8.03cs2 /
- 192 I / O analog 16.ch out
- ICON D - Command
- Mac Pro Quad-Core Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz, Memory: 6 GB, 4x4TB HD
- Apple Cinema HD Display (30 "flat panel)
- ATC SCM20ASL (Stereo) + Sub

What I need to add? Is it enough to start, for a little less demanding projects, one computer? I suppose that would have to change graphic card? Which?
Or is it mandatory to have two or three machines (PT HD, Video satelite, Dubber)
I wonder also what you use and how much Display, two, three or more?

In advance, I thank you for your time and answers.

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Old 05-11-2010, 07:21 AM
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Default Re: Go to post-production

HD2? Then you have room for a Blackmagic Card to send picture to a separate screen.
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Old 05-11-2010, 08:03 AM
DusanE DusanE is offline
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Default Re: Go to post-production

Yes, one PCIe slot is free. Which card you recommend?

Best, Dusan
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Old 05-11-2010, 08:09 AM
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Default Re: Go to post-production

I love my Blackmagic Intensity Pro because it has a breakout cable that provides I/O to a number of ancient and modern connections. It's very inexpensive, and performs well. Blackmagic has higher-end cards as well. Check Avid's compatibility page for details. My card is not officially approved, but since it uses the same driver as the approved cards, it works perfectly.

Read "Pro Tools Video Output Options Compendium":

DTS needs to make this a sticky: http://duc.digidesign.com/showthread.php?t=260631


Nathaniel Reichman
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Old 05-11-2010, 09:27 AM
DusanE DusanE is offline
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Default Re: Go to post-production

Thank you for your comprehensive answer. Can I stay in one display (Apple 30 "HD) or it is necessary to have multiple display? If there are multiple display, all display is powered by a Blackmagic Intensity Pro? I would like to keep the Apple 30" Display in the middle of the eyes height, so I'm thinking to hang center speaker over the Display. Maybe some advice here.

Best, Dusan
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Old 05-11-2010, 10:00 AM
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Default Re: Go to post-production

If you do stay in one display, you don't need to buy the BM card. I've seen some composers and editors who tolerate having a Quicktime window open on their main computer screen. I can't work that way, and I often do use the Apple 30", and even with that amount of screen space, it's frustrating to have the QT movie on the same screen.

If you have clients in the room, you must have a separate video display.

The Blackmagic card does not run "extended desktop", meaning that your standard display card that is driving your 30" screen will stay, and you will add the Blackmagic card in another PCIe slot. You will not see the Finder on the BM screen, only Pro Tools' movie output.

Although there are many posts on this list that support or dispute my experiences, I've had the best luck with Aurora and Blackmagic cards. I also regularly use VVTR which is terrific (and I'm sure Video Satellite is even better, haven't tried it yet). I don't like the performance or ease-of-use of the Canopus boxes, or extended desktop solutions.
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Old 05-11-2010, 12:46 PM
DusanE DusanE is offline
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Default Re: Go to post-production

Thanks Nathaniel,

I agree with you, the professional way the work is certainly needed more display. As provided for in 5.1 surround sound center speaker, I'll probably be left and right of the center speaker adding 24 "display and above the center speaker third display for the QT. I think that this will be ok. What display do you recommend?

Best, Dusan
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Old 05-11-2010, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: Go to post-production

The Samsung HD screens that we have in a couple of the rooms I work in are nothing special. I don't have a good recommendation. But there are others on this list who do...
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Old 06-13-2010, 03:12 PM
DusanE DusanE is offline
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Default Re: Go to post-production


Slowly I have almost everything for the first 5.1 production. I have only troubling question of monitors. Currently I use ATC SMC 20+ sub bass+ KRK ERGO for bass calibration. The combination I am very pleased. For 5.1 I need to purchase additional three pieces of ATC 20 . My question is: how to connect the entire system, it will be useful for stereo and for 5.1?
As the control room is very small (3x5 m) will probably need calibration. Is there anything like a KRK ERGO for 5.1 What would you recommend?

Thanx, Dusan
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Old 06-13-2010, 07:36 PM
ggegan ggegan is offline
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Default Re: Go to post-production

Will you be editing or mixing and will you be working on feature films or smaller projects?

An HD2 is fine for sound editing on feature films, but if you want to mix, by the time you add all the tracks, plugins, etc., you are going to run out of DSP.

I am a feature mixer and my setup is somewhat similar to yours, except I have an HD6. For most medium budget non-action projects I am almost always pushed to the limit on DSP and voices just dealing with FX, BGs and Foley. If there is much action involved, I need at least a 2nd HD3 and often an HD6. However, I can fit an entire micro budget feature on one HD6, Dialogue, Music and FX, if it is straightforward and not over-cut.

I have 2 23" Samsung computer monitors left and right for the Pro Tools session and a 40" Samsung LCD HDTV just above the meter bridge for the picture. My front speakers are above the screen, which keeps the sound from being blocked by the 2 computer monitors. It sounds fine that way, you don't need them at ear level, just tilt them down. I also find that if the picture monitor is too high, I get a very sore neck.
Gary Gegan
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