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Old 08-28-2006, 11:40 PM
Eman Eman is offline
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Default Blast of noise 002 :o

Has anyone heard of this problem?

I have a 002r.. and every so often it'll make a loud blast of white noise type sound blast out my monitors.. It doesn't happen that often or at any particular time.. but its still annoying.

Any ideas?


E. .. oh I'm running pro tools 7.1 btw
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Old 08-29-2006, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

Has anyone heard of this problem?

I have a 002r.. and every so often it'll make a loud blast of white noise type sound blast out my monitors.. It doesn't happen that often or at any particular time.. but its still annoying.

Any ideas?


E. .. oh I'm running pro tools 7.1 btw
Any chance you are running IK Amplitube LE? We had an issue with this from a Quad user. Once he took out the plug-in, the problem stopped.

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Old 08-29-2006, 02:24 AM
Eman Eman is offline
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

I do have the amplitude plugin but it is a POS so I never use it.. and it's never active when the sound has occured.. When you say he removed it.. you just mean he doesn't currently have it as an active plug-in yeah? or do you mean completely uninstalled.

Thanks for your response
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Old 08-29-2006, 02:24 AM
Eman Eman is offline
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

I do have the amplitude plugin but it is a POS so I never use it.. and it's never active when the sound has occured.. When you say he removed it.. you just mean he doesn't currently have it as an active plug-in yeah? or do you mean completely uninstalled.

Thanks for your response
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Old 08-29-2006, 04:36 AM
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

I do have the amplitude plugin but it is a POS so I never use it.. and it's never active when the sound has occured.. When you say he removed it.. you just mean he doesn't currently have it as an active plug-in yeah? or do you mean completely uninstalled.

Thanks for your response
Completely uninstalled and out of the computer. Try that first. If you still get the white noise burst then remove all plug-ins from the plug-in folder except the stock Digi plug-ins. Put them in a zip folder somewhere else. Work with your rig for awhile and see what happens with just the stock plug-ins. Just about every single problem in the Quad thread was plug-in related, including 'Bounce to Disk', noise bursts, system freezes, -9xxx errors. ALL of them were plug-in related. When we removed the offending plug-in the user had a rock solid stable system back.

Hope that helps.

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Michael Wagener 25th July 2005, 02:59 PM


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Old 08-29-2006, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

I had this happen on my old system(xp2500+ on A7N8N mobo). Once I put the computer and 002 on a UPS, the problem never came back. I suspect that the 350watt power supply may have been a little weak. The UPS also saved the day twice already due to power outages at my house. The clients were pleased when we finished the bounces and calmly saved and shut down. The best $120 I ever spent. APC 800VA or bigger. I have attached the computer, both screens, DIGI002, and some outboard gear on the UPS. I put the powered speakers straight to the wall outlet. If your system is not on a UPS, I highly recommend it.
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Old 08-29-2006, 08:58 AM
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

GUYS, I HAVE JUST FIGURED OUT WHAT MY ISSUE WITH THIS WAS. IT WAS A BAD IDE CABLE Sorry to yell, but that was what the problem was. You should try and change your IDE cable that your drive is conected to. Easy and cheap fix. At first I thought my problem was Amplitube as well (although all IK stuff is a drag on my comp) I removed amplitube and the problem dissapeared, then out of nowhere it started coming back again So I phoned up a computer guru friend of mine and he told me that maybe my cable was bad (this has happend to him before using a different daw). I swapped the cable and the problem has now been gone for 2 days (fingers crossed)

I do a lot of drive changing, like 2 or 3 times a day so it makes sense that the cable would give out. I now have a huge supply of extra IDE cables
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Old 08-29-2006, 10:06 AM
andyxj6 andyxj6 is offline
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

HI .. this is a copy of my latest post on the 'sudden white noise' thread ... just found about this thread.

"Been following up on this noise blast matter ... I've run PTLE 7.1 with and without ADAT connections, with and without plug-ins, used an external clock etc. etc.,. I now know that the blast will occur in any of these situations. It happens after recording, with playbacks and it seems to be cumulative in that it gets worse as the sessions wears on.

my work around, when i 'sense' it is about to happen, is to shutdown PT including shut down of the 002 rack ... I even re-boot the computer ... then i'm good for a few hours. I can tell when the blast is going to happen because I start to hear audio crackles on playback.

the problem got a lot worse when I used Antares auto-tuner as an insert but the problem did not occur when the plug-in was used out of audiosuite drop-down, post-recording. I should note that the problem was not severe when using Xpand! virtual instrument plug-in ... perhaps something in the way digi writes their own plug-ins."

as Yoda would say "a nasty little bugger, this is ..."

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Old 08-29-2006, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

HI .. this is a copy of my latest post on the 'sudden white noise' thread ... just found about this thread.

"Been following up on this noise blast matter ... I've run PTLE 7.1 with and without ADAT connections, with and without plug-ins, used an external clock etc. etc.,. I now know that the blast will occur in any of these situations. It happens after recording, with playbacks and it seems to be cumulative in that it gets worse as the sessions wears on.

my work around, when i 'sense' it is about to happen, is to shutdown PT including shut down of the 002 rack ... I even re-boot the computer ... then i'm good for a few hours. I can tell when the blast is going to happen because I start to hear audio crackles on playback.

the problem got a lot worse when I used Antares auto-tuner as an insert but the problem did not occur when the plug-in was used out of audiosuite drop-down, post-recording. I should note that the problem was not severe when using Xpand! virtual instrument plug-in ... perhaps something in the way digi writes their own plug-ins."

as Yoda would say "a nasty little bugger, this is ..."

That is exactly what happened to me, swap out your IDE cable and see if it works, it worked wonders for me. They are cheap (or even free) just replace them all, especially if you are changing drives a lot.
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Old 08-29-2006, 11:15 AM
peter kuchar peter kuchar is offline
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Default Re: Blast of noise 002 :o

Hi, I got rid of the blast of white noise by removing the dynamics 3 plug ins. I thought the offender was the snare expander gate.I've been Noise free for about a month and a half now. I've also heard IK multi media plugs could be causing the blast. I'm running 6.4 cs9 and dynamics 3 is for 6.9 and up. good luck taming the blast
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