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Old 05-10-2005, 05:48 PM
bigbrendan bigbrendan is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Eastern Washington
Posts: 26
Default MIDI Patch Names

Why is it so hard to get Patch Names to match. There are so few MIDI device models to chose from and I am having no luck creating a .midnam file. Why is there no database of .midnam files from Digidesign or from the manufactuers. I figure thousands of people must have this problem.

KZ PC 88mx, JV-1010 and Boss DR 770 are the 3 devices I need patch names to show in Pro Tools.
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Old 05-10-2005, 07:23 PM
bigbrendan bigbrendan is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Patch Names

Good news! I just got lucky and and solved the patchname prob for the PC 88mx and the JV-1010. The New .midnam needed to say

where it once said

and I was calling the JV-1010 a JV-1080 in Audio/MIDI setup. I also had to creat a new .midnam for this device. I changed the line


These seem to work fine because I had minimal language to change. I was basically working from a Template for the devices.
My version of PT LE has only one .midnam for a Boss product in the Patchmane folder (the GX-700). It seems like I dont have an easy template from a similar model for my Boss DR 770. I thought there use to be a .txt for the Boss DR-660 back in the OMS days. My old system (Mac 9600) is burried in a storage unit. Why is there so little support for this?!
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Old 05-10-2005, 11:03 PM
bigbrendan bigbrendan is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Patch Names

I have read everything Digidesign has to say on MIDI patchnames. . .

Ok, but what if no similar .midname is available for the DR 770 in my current library. I don't see a .midnam for say. . . the DR 660 that shipped with 6.4.1. As a mater of fact there are a surprisingly few number of .midnams that come with PT! The only patchname for a Boss product is the GX-700. Can I build a successful file from that or any other .midnam just by changing the manufacturer and model name? I have looked at lots of these in text edit and they all have very specific parameters that pertain to banks and not to mention the different patchnames. What a task! This seems like something that can be supported easily with the right download. We are just talking about text files here.

I'm even pulling out my 5.x disks looking through old OMS files for a DR 660.txt file I use to see. No use there, have to do an OMS install on 9.xNo way. I might have to fire up my 9600 and troll through the system/OMS/Factory Names.

Can anyone help here. I am going nuts setting patches every time I open a session. Heaven forbid I don't write the 770 patch name down before closing a session. Without that patch name (none) it will play a MIDI track with what ever kit was last used on the last pattern. I am going to pull out my hair.
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Old 05-11-2005, 01:45 PM
bigbrendan bigbrendan is offline
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Location: Eastern Washington
Posts: 26
Default Re: MIDI Patch Names data base for users!

We need this resource badly. I have Worked out the text for The PC 88mx and the JV 1010 .midnam and could share. Can we collect these .midnam files for each other and find someone to host them on an FTP server or something? There should be thousands of us with patchnames called "none" on our MIDI tracks! Wouldn't it be nice to have that same voice every time you launch a session? Where are you all?
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