M-box Noise Blast Problem
i have the M-box 1 running PT-7 on a G4 tower i have 2 problems with the M-box first there is a high frequency whine when i use it with pro-tools. it is super quiet but now i hear it all the time and it is driving me crazy it happens also when i use it with ableton live to my second problem is the classic m-box problem loud white noise blast that occurs and almost makes my ears explode it usually stops when i switch the clock sync to ext but low and behold it comes back like two minuits later. this problem is getting worst now anytime i try to even use the m-box it makes a loud distortion when i turn the inputs up or down leaving me without protools sorry for bringing up the same old topic which i am shure has been answered a million times (hopfully it has been fixed)...i tried searching for this topic in the search feild with no results i dont really know what to search for so any help would be greatly appreiacted even if someone just points me in the right direction search wise.....anyways thank you in advance