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Old 12-04-2012, 08:46 PM
jomelia jomelia is offline
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Location: Norwalk, CT USA
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Default Score purchased in app store cannot be played

I just purchased a version of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus for SATB through the Avid Scorch store on my iPad. I am a singer and bought it so I could use it for practice, changing tempo etc. I first saw a version that had an explicit warning that this score could only be displayed and not played or altered, so I thought that's not for me. I finally found a version that had no such disclaimer and bought it for $3.99. When I opened it in Scorch player I found no playback or tempo/key change controls whatsoever. Since I cannot use this in the way I had hoped AND there was no disclaimer warning me that I could not, I would like to know how I go about getting a refund for this piece.
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Old 03-13-2013, 05:04 PM
LarkDeb1 LarkDeb1 is offline
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Thumbs down Re: Score purchased in app store cannot be played

I have a similar complaint.

I purchased digital sheetmusic for two pop songs (for SAB choir) via the Scorch store, for my Ipad. I don't recall seeing a message about them not having playback and editing capabilities, but even if there was such a message, it did not tell me just how useless having these songs in scorch would be. Both songs have repeats in them, where I have to turn back 3 or more pages. As far as I can see, I am only allowed to do this one page at a time, which makes the music completely useless. Is there a feature that I am missing, or am I correct that I wasted my money on these purchases? If it's not fixable, can I get my money back? I don't even know how to go about it...

Also, I have a few other sheet music reading apps on my Ipad. Is it possible to export these songs (through Dropbox, the cloud, etc...) into a program which gives me more options for turning pages on my Ipad?

These two songs also "flicker" when I turn pages, which is very distracting. Other songs in my Scorch library don't do that...
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