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Old 12-26-2000, 06:31 PM
ciaglia ciaglia is offline
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Default how do I configure digi+BRC?


Please friends,

How do I configure my Alesis BRC and Digi001/PTLE501 to sync 48 channel (PT+Adats)with PT as master?

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Old 12-27-2000, 07:11 AM
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DigiTechSupt DigiTechSupt is offline
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Default Re: how do I configure digi+BRC?

How to lay tracks back and forth between ADAT and the 001 using a BRC (assuming both optical cables are connected between 001 and ADAT):

1. On the BRC, enable the GEN SYNC light.
2. Press the EDIT button once then the GEN SYNC button twice.
3. Using arrow keys, set MTC to ON.
4. Hit EDIT button once.
5. Connect MIDI cable from BRC out to 001 in.
6. In PT LE choose Setups>OMS Studio Setup.
7. Define a device connected to the 001 called ADAT, with properties send/receive MTC only. Quit OMS Setup.
8. In PT LE Setups>Peripherals>Synchronization. Choose Generic MTC Reader, port ADAT. Hit OK.
9. Windows>Show Session Setup. Press play on BRC. Should see spinning numbers in Current TC. If not, begin OMS troubleshooting such as restart computer, trash prefs, new Studio Setup in OMS, possibly reinstall OMS.
10. Assuming we made it past #9, check session start time to match timecode on ADAT tape. Allow a few seconds of preroll before track actually begins playing.
11. In Session Setup window, choose frame rate to match that of the BRC (usually 30NDF) and sample rate to match that of the ADATS (in the case of blackface ADATs, all tapes are formatted 48k - only newer models have option to format at 44.1)
12. Create new tracks and assign inputs to optical corresponding to the tracks of the ADAT, and record enable the tracks.
13. In Transport window, go online and hit record button. Both should be flashing.
14. Press play on BRC. PT should chase to ADAT and begin recording.
15. Rewind and play the BRC to A/B the lock between the recorded material in PT LE and the material on ADAT, monitoring 1/4" outputs directly from the ADAT against those of the 001.
16. If more tapes need to be stacked together in PT LE, replace tape with new one in ADAT and repeat steps 12-15 until finished recording into PT LE.
17. Once finished recording, set sync back to internal in Session Setup.

Laying back to ADAT:
1. Enable DIGITAL button on BRC, record enable tracks on the BRC.
2. In PT LE Transport window, go online.
3. Set individual track outputs for material to be laid back to ADAT to the desired optical outputs corresponding to tape tracks on the ADAT.
4. Press record and play on BRC and PT LE should chase and play back while material is being recorded to ADAT.
5. Rewind, disarm record-enable on ADAT tracks, and play back to A/B recorded material against PT LE, referring to #15 above.
6. If more tapes are involved, replace tape and repeat steps 20 through 22 above until complete.

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