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Old 10-11-2007, 03:10 AM
mecks mecks is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2
Default Recording setup and linking faders

Im considering a setup for a corporate gig. This used to be done on a different digital console and what i did then and want to replicate on a D-show now is the following scenario:

Six or so wireless mics go in to the stagebox and are eq´d compressed and mixed for the PA system. The same mics ar split in the patchgrid to a second set of channels which a only get a hi-pass and are adressed to a subgrup and out to recoding from there. So far all good. But then i linked the faders "WL1PA->WL1Rec" and so on for all the wireless.

Then i get a recording without the compresion and eq, but with level correction.

Anyone has an idea how to do this on a D-show?

I could do some actions to mute the recording channel when the pa channel fader is all the way down. but then i would have to adjust all the levels afterwards.

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Old 10-11-2007, 01:21 PM
Steve McCale Steve McCale is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Kansas City, MO. USA
Posts: 12
Default Re: Recording setup and linking faders

If I understand the problem correctly, the wish is to have a processed feed to the PA system and an unprocessed feed to the recording mix, with level changes to both being made by moving 1 fader.

One way to approach this would be to use the TRIM plug-in as a bridge between two channels.

For example:

Mic One is patched into channel 1. The input strip is left in default, with no dynamics or EQ inserted. Route this channel to your recording buss, but NOT to the PA.

Create an instance of the "Other" plug-in called "Trim". Assign the (post fader) Direct Out of the mic channel to drive the input of this plug-in while the output is patched into channel 2. Now use channel 2 as the processed feed for the PA, using all of the EQ and Dynamics you wish.

Adjusting the fader level of channel 1 will directly effect the level of channel 2. The drawback is that you are adjusting channel 2's input, not output, so it will change the threshold level on any dynamics you have assigned.

Another way is to use VCA's to combine the fader moves under one handle. These assignments can be changed with a snapshot, so you can maximize the usage of the 8 VCA faders and always keep the ones you need on the surface.

A third way is the KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) method which is to place the faders side by side and move them together with your fingers (old school)

I hope some of this helps, if I can come up with any more ideas I'll chime in.
Steve McCale
WW Tactical Sales - Live Sound
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