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Old 07-13-2010, 03:35 AM
5teph 5teph is offline
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Default mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

I'm experiencing some heavy crackling with my mbox2.
I've been reading posts about this problem- I've done pretty much everything that was mentioned. Still there. I thought that installing 8.0.4 would cure it- nope!
I should add that I'm not experiencing crackling if i turn the monitor mix knob to prefade. So does this point to the core manager? Leopard 10.5.8/ LE 8.0.4 incompatibility?

Also the crackling is still there after changing the sound output in system preference to built in output and listening to mbox via headphones. No softwares are running (protools or Logic pro).

Is Digidesign aware of this? Could they officially address it?

I don't know what to do anymore- any help/ any thoughts most welcome.

Thanks in advance

MacBook Pro 10.5.8
2.4GHz Intel Core Duo
2GB 10676 MHz DDR3
Protools LE 8.0.4
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Old 07-13-2010, 04:59 AM
5teph 5teph is offline
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Default crackling has become really heavy now with distorted audio

If I launch the digicore audio manager it says the Hardware is not supported and it won't connect. But the Mbox 2 pane in System preference says it's connected???

Since my last post i've restart it, ran applejack to clean up. It 's now worth than before. When I start my session in Logic Pro, playback is completely distorted.?????

all this when i've got a session with a client this afternoon-

help please
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Old 07-14-2010, 07:09 PM
FDW FDW is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

Hi 5teph,

Having just rooted out and sorted another sound issue which turned out to be a ground loop, I myself have exactly the same problem with my Mbox 2, experiencing crackles and pops from both the Headphone Jack and Monitor Out, and project playback in Pro Tools is distorted.. It seems to randomly (and rarely) NOT do it however and then kick back in! I feel your pain RE: clients and deadlines.

Since the noise seems to change as I move the USB in the back of the Mbox around I have a sneaking suspicion it is a faulty USB port, as I have tried different ports on Mac, different lead etc..

This thread more or less confirms what I thought! Here's this guys conclusion:


After 3 days of tearing my hair out wondering why my audio sounded "like vinyl" - not being able to do any VO work and with constant snap-crackle and pop while trying every silly software and hardware setting possible - crackling apparent even usually with PT not started, I've finally WORKED it out!!

Firstly, I'm beginning to wonder if there's an epidemic of this specifically with MBOX 2 units - But the issue here was definitely the physical USB port on my MBOX 2.

In the end, hundreds of forum pages and silly reloads later, I tried a handful of USB cables, and the cracking noise seemed to change... Tried different ports and thought I was getting somewhere!! This was a complete RED HERRING!!

The reason why things SEEMED to change was that I was moving the USB connector on the back of the MBOX 2... In the end, I discovered that the USB socket in the MBOX is a lousy looking thing and barely holds onto the plug... Holding the connector at one precise angle, the audio is crystal clear. Releasing the plug, the crackle returns to deafen you another day.

Retesting everything with the USB connector held just right... Every other scenario works - Even my junky USB hub worked.

So I'm off to chase the dealer for a replacement (given the unit is less than 2 weeks old!)... Does Digidesign handle DOAs or do we have to mess with retailers..

I don't really know the best way to go about getting the unit repaired since mine is in warranty but yeah ! Hope this is helpful..

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Old 07-15-2010, 03:50 AM
5teph 5teph is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

I've played with the usb lead on the mbox end and you're right, the problem is definitely there>>> a well dodgy usb socket! the crackles change as you move the usb plug in the socket.

It's basically poorly built- I'm really not impressed with Digidesign!

Thanks again Josh for pointing me out to the right direction.

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Old 07-15-2010, 04:54 AM
khvt khvt is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

Hi - I had a crackling issue too. Bought the mbox2 from Sweetwater and after speaking with them, I sent the box in for repair. They determined it was problem with a potentiometer. Luckily, it was under warranty. Now I'm happy with my mbox2, but I too feel like it's hit or miss with the hardware these days. Good luck 5teph. khvt
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Old 07-15-2010, 12:13 PM
FDW FDW is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

Ah, well it may be that ! Either way apparently it's going to take 10-15 WORKING days..I'm desperately trying to finish my current project in the rare moments where there is no crackling..

I will be very angry indeed if the new one develops this problem..

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Old 01-15-2011, 03:23 PM
dhop dhop is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

That's remarkable. I have the issue with a new Mbox 3 and PT 8.0.4cs2 (installed the cs2 update to see if that would help the static) and tried this... While I didn't get the crackling when moving the usb cable in the Mbox port, it did appear to all but eliminate the "static."

I have a Mac Pro system but it appears that most with this issue are using windows. Not sure what that means, just an observation I guess.
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Old 02-01-2011, 11:15 AM
shilohplace shilohplace is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

Originally Posted by dhop View Post
That's remarkable. I have the issue with a new Mbox 3 and PT 8.0.4cs2 (installed the cs2 update to see if that would help the static) and tried this... While I didn't get the crackling when moving the usb cable in the Mbox port, it did appear to all but eliminate the "static."

I have a Mac Pro system but it appears that most with this issue are using windows. Not sure what that means, just an observation I guess.
forgive me if this is a dumb question but I am having the same issue with my Mbox 3 mini. I have the 8.0.4 update but what is cs2? Am I missing something else. I don't seem to have a bad port as moved the cable around and it didn't change anything.
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Old 02-07-2011, 09:29 AM
jmitchell1532 jmitchell1532 is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

I was having terrible static/crackling noise on my Mbox 2 Mini, as well. It would start once I booted the computer, whether PT was running or not. I was going insane trying to fix it. At first, I thought it was poor headphone wire, then I thought it was a grounding issue. Maybe a driver issue. I tried everything. It would show up in recorded tracks. No fun.

I tired to isolate the noise to figure out where it was coming from. After fiddling with the mix knob, I isolated the sound. Turns out, it only happens with Line 1. My Line 2 input is silent. So, now, I have to go through Line 2, which is only slightly annoying.

I'm assuming that the jack is fired. Or maybe a pot. Thing is, the Line 1 jack isn't loose or anything, and I don't dare open up my little blue box. I've had it since 2007...maybe it's just time for new gear.

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Old 06-22-2023, 01:19 PM
Gpcode Gpcode is offline
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Default Re: mbox2 crackling/static...!!!!

Hi- The first thing I'd make sure of is that the MBox2 is connected directly to the USB computer port, and NOT through a USB hub, even the USB3.0 hub I thought I'd use to upgrade the studio caused those symptoms when using it.
I realize this thread is quite old, but it's for the benefit of all & it's a nice box that still specs out well.
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