Consolidation problem with 10.3.1
Hi having some problems consolidating some files, some files I imported into protools are wav files but likely not broadcast wav ie rendered sound design fx or recordings from my 744 recorder which are BWF. When I try to consolidate these the links are missing and the files fail to copy across. With the recorded files I had to specifically choose to consolidate the clip and then manually stretch them out to give them handles and then edit the fades back in which was painful.
It is truely bizarre, it simply cannot link the files, if i manually copy them over, and try to link to the files, by telling protools to search only within that session directory it will go and locate a file elsewhere where I originally placed them in a edit session.
Also when I try to import files it will fail to copy them into the session audio files directly but link to where they originally are placed.
I think it's a bug and a time consuming one to deal with.
Any ideas ?