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Old 06-11-2023, 03:10 AM
luismaster01 luismaster01 is offline
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Default I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cpp"

hello everyone!
Yesterday I installed macOS ventura 13.4, I installed all my plugins, libraries, installed protools, all in order, I can open sessions without any problem, I can create sessions without any problem, everything crashes when I try to create sessions with template.
I have a different template for each session, if I'm going to record pop I have one template, if I'm going to record rock I have another, if I'm going to record acoustic I have another, and so on. So, when I go to my category to choose my template, this message appears:
Could not create a new document because Assertion in "/Users/autobld/gitlabci/PT_COLOR/ProTools/App/Misc/UDashboardListView.cpp", line 1183.

(Use the Copy button to copy this message to the clipboard.).
I don't know what is happening, I delete the preferences and protools works normally, I can create sessions without problem, the problem is when I choose my custom category. I searched for the theme through google pasting the error and I can't find it, I ran native protools and neither, I ran protools with rosette and it doesn't work either, I already gave it full access to the disk, I already checked that it has read and write permissions and if it does, that's it I changed the playback engine and it doesn't work either...
Does anyone know what is going on? I feel very frustrated yesterday I spent all day investigating the problem and there is no solution
I have protools 2023 using macOS ventura 13.4 with a 24 inch iMac m1. a studiolive 32s interface and I clarify, this never happened to me in macOS monterrey, only when I migrated to ventura did I have this problem.
I would really appreciate it if you help me!
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Old 06-11-2023, 07:39 AM
its2loud its2loud is online now
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

Migrate? Did you migrate to a new computer or just update the OS.

Try creating a new blank session then importing session data from the old templates instead of opening them directly. Do you have backups of these template files located someplace else?

Where are you trying to create the sessions from these templates? Don’t use the Dashboard. Open the template by directly clicking on them in the Documents folder and see if you get the same error message.

What version of 2023 Pro Tools are you using?
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Old 06-11-2023, 08:12 AM
luismaster01 luismaster01 is offline
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

Migrate? Did you migrate to a new computer or just update the OS.
I deleted macos monterrey completely, I did a clean install of macos ventura.

Try creating a new blank session then importing session data from the old templates instead of opening them directly. Do you have backups of these template files located someplace else?
I don't have backups of my templates, but yesterday I made one from the beginning (making tracks / routing / names / auxiliaries), and it's the same, it's as if it won't let me create them, as if my templates were damaged because it doesn't matter if I make a template of whatever, it blocks me. And it's funny, because I delete that template and the normal dashboard dialog appears, without having to delete protools preferences.

Where are you trying to create the sessions from these templates? Don’t use the Dashboard. Open the template by directly clicking on them in the Documents folder and see if you get the same error message.
yes, I'm opening them from the dashboard.

What version of 2023 Pro Tools are you using?
protools 2023.6
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Old 06-11-2023, 08:32 AM
its2loud its2loud is online now
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

Don’t use the dashboard. Does the error still occur?

If you are not able to create new templates from scratch then this sounds like a permissions issue with your documents folder. This is where templates are stored.

Move or copy any template you have in the User/Documents/Pro Tools/Session Templates folder into a new folder on your hard drive.

Double click on the file and see if it opens.

When you installed a clean version of Ventura how did you get these files onto your system?

Please try and answer every question very specifically.
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Old 06-11-2023, 10:06 AM
luismaster01 luismaster01 is offline
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

Originally Posted by its2loud View Post
Don’t use the dashboard. Does the error still occur?

no, I can open them without problems!

If you are not able to create new templates from scratch then this sounds like a permissions issue with your documents folder. This is where templates are stored.

Move or copy any template you have in the User/Documents/Pro Tools/Session Templates folder into a new folder on your hard drive.

Double click on the file and see if it opens.

I didn't have to move anything. I only opened them from the documents folder and everything was fine, I was even able to create a new session without getting the error that I mentioned above

When you installed a clean version of Ventura how did you get these files onto your system?

I didn't understand that question, sorry

Please try and answer every question very specifically.
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Old 06-11-2023, 11:47 AM
its2loud its2loud is online now
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

Based on you answers this seems to be an issue with the Dashboard not having proper access to that folder. You might need to clear your Pro Tools preferences. If that doesn't work you could try re-installing Pro Tools but that's unlikely to solve anything.

Another possibility is to create another admin account on the same computer and try using the Dashboard to open the templates with that user account. If everything works as it should then this is clearly a permissions issue. When you installed Pro Tools are you sure you allowed all the permission prompts when they came up? On first launch after installation I believe Pro Tools requests permission to the Documents folder and you need to type in your password to allow this.
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Old 06-11-2023, 03:00 PM
luismaster01 luismaster01 is offline
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

I definitely don't know what else to do. I created an administrator account, I tried to open my template from there, but the same thing happens. the same dialog, then I can't create anything, unless I open it from documents.
yes, i gave protools full permissions when i installed it
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Old 06-11-2023, 05:13 PM
its2loud its2loud is online now
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

I gave you some suggestions on what to do.

Trash preferences. (Search on the DUC for Pete Gates PTPrefs app)
Reinstall Pro Tools.

Those are the two options you have right now that won’t take you a lot of time or require you to do a full system install of Ventura.
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Old 06-11-2023, 10:12 PM
luismaster01 luismaster01 is offline
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

but I already did that. I removed preferences, I removed protools, I reinstalled it, and it's the same. unless I have to remove protools from other parts? do i have to use some app removal manager like app cleaner?
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Old 06-11-2023, 10:49 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: I have a problem starting a session Assertion in "/Users... UDashboardListView.cp

The standard approach to troubleshooting is documented under "Help Us Help You" up the top of each DUC web page.

Order of troubleshooting is always start with trashing prefs (and yes use Pete Gates PT Prefs 2 to make it easy).

Then look at plugins. Rule #1 is "always suspect plugins". Plugins could sure be a culprit here, especially a plugin in the template... but also maybe a plugin that is not.

You should go to the plugin folder /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins and move all the files there to the ../Plug-Ins (Unused) folder. Then trash prefs (again) then start Pro Tools. It will automagically put back the core plugins, test with just that trying to recreate a new totally empty session etc. before trying your templates and see if the same problem happens or not. If not then it likely was a plugin, try putting them back in batches (maybe by the same plugin vendor) restarting Pro Tools and seeing if you can find when the problem comes back.

Check the plugins are all up to date as you go (hopefully are in you just installed them all). PT Prefs2 can produce a nice plugin report of all the versions.

Uninstalling and reinstalling Pro Tools is almost always a waste of time. Same likely with running magical cleaners etc. Don't waste time thinking about any of this until you have done the basic standard stuff... and again you always should be suspecting plugins.

Last edited by Darryl Ramm; 06-11-2023 at 11:02 PM.
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