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Old 12-01-2013, 05:44 PM
gondor1976 gondor1976 is offline
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Default PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Dear friends,

I really hope you can help me, I am absolutely desperate, almost hopeless!

I upgraded to PT 11.0.3 from PT 10.3.7. Installation OK, new Ilok2 permission OK. AIR Plugins installed ok.

I have all my libraries and audio files in a 1 TBWD MyPassport external drive, all working absolutely fine in 10.3.7 for months, not a single bug (format Format : Mac OS Extended (Journaled))

When I try to open a new session in PT11, it shows the following message:

"Session must be on an audio record volume. Set the volume in question to "R" in the Workspace"

When I go to Window/New Workspaces, every volume is set as "R" in the permissions!

If anyone has any ideas, it will be very welcome!

Thanks in advance.
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Old 12-01-2013, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Try setting all permissions to (read and write) on that drive and try again.
Also if that doesn't work please read this and post back again with sufficient info to help you.

Welcome to the forum aswell
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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Old 12-01-2013, 06:33 PM
gondor1976 gondor1976 is offline
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Thank you so much Christopher for your message and your kind welcome :)

Unfortunately, I have reset the permissions, delete the preferences and the Digidesign databases and the situation remains exactly the same...

The weird thing is I can open old sessions from the Workspaces folder... but not from the finder. And of course I can not create any new sessions.

Is there any extra info I could give you to start having an idea of the origin of the problem?...

Thanks again Christoper.
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Old 12-01-2013, 06:46 PM
gondor1976 gondor1976 is offline
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

I am really sorry Christopher, I forgot to tell you my specs!

MacBook Pro
8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5

Edirol FA-66

Pro Tools 10.3.7
Pro Tools 11.0.3

As you can see, a small home studio, but i would love to keep it running in PT11 if possible, not in PT10...

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Old 12-01-2013, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"


So you have read and write permissions set to Yes on that whole drive?

I am gonna ask another member if that is a Yes answer.

Best regards
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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Old 12-01-2013, 07:08 PM
gondor1976 gondor1976 is offline
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

It is a yes, unfortunately... I have reseted the permissions and no changes

Maybe I have made a mistake purchasing the upgrading to PT 11 and I should have stayed in PT 10.3.7?...

Many thanks again for your help Christopher, I will be looking forward to your answer.
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Old 12-01-2013, 07:33 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Originally Posted by gondor1976 View Post
Thank you so much Christopher for your message and your kind welcome :)

Unfortunately, I have reset the permissions, delete the preferences and the Digidesign databases and the situation remains exactly the same...

The weird thing is I can open old sessions from the Workspaces folder... but not from the finder. And of course I can not create any new sessions.

Is there any extra info I could give you to start having an idea of the origin of the problem?...

Thanks again Christoper.
Are you absolutely sure the path of the session file in the Workspace is the same as in the finder? There are no strange characters in any path name?
How exactly are you "opening the session in the workspace"? You mean just going File> Open and then navigating to the session file?

When you say you cannot open sessions from the finder. Exactly how are you tryign to do this and exactly what happens?

Can you list the session files and their properties.... In a Terminal window change directory (with the cd command) to the directory containing your session folders, including some that have these problems, then type the following commands

ls -efl */*.ptx

What sessions files listed there have this problems and which are not (that's key info).

Are you sure your account has Administrator privileges? (set in the Preferences . Users and Groups Prefpane)

You can try creating a new Account with administrator privileges, log in there and and try opening the same session files from the finder.

Attache a screen shot of the Disk Utility with the volume containing your session file highlighted/selected in the left column, like the attached screen shot (here only one drive so trivial, but you need to select the volume your session files are on). I want to see all the info show for hat voluem in the bottom of the window.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg disk_screen_shot.jpg (40.8 KB, 0 views)
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Old 12-01-2013, 07:48 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Originally Posted by gondor1976 View Post
MacBook Pro
8 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5

Pro Tools 10.3.7
Pro Tools 11.0.3
Why are you running 10.3.7 on OS X 10.7.5? Its qualified on OS X 10.8.4 (and many folks are running it on 10.8.5 as well).

Why are you running Pro Tools 11.0.3 on OS X 10.7.5? Let alone a co-install, the requirements there again is OS X 10.8.4, (but again lots of folks are running 10.8.5).

I no idea if this is causing your problem, but you really need to get your system up to date and properly configured. I would *strongly* encourage you to completely wipe your OS X disk and install a full clean mountain lion install (I personally suspect 10.8.5 is OK, I know some folks are reporting rare problems) and then do a clean Pro Tools 10.3.7 and 11.0.3 install. One good way to do that (on non-retina MBPs) is to do a clean install onto an external HDD or SSD (use a bare drive with a USB to SATA adapter cable or dock) and then physically swap that drive into the Mac. If you need specific recommendations just ask (Samsung 840 Pro or Evo SSD are at the top of my list, you might be able to repurpose your current HDD as an audio/session drive).

There seems to be lots of problems induced by in-situ upgrades or migration assistant (aka migration assassin) helped upgrades. A full wipe and clean OS install is a great way to clean up a system, especially one like yours that is having problems. I am just not confident the Pro Tools uninstallers will correctly clean up the mess you have got yourself in.

And I hate to break it to you but those cheap WDC MyPassort drives are likely 4,800 rpm or 5,400 rpm and don't meet the Pro Tools Audio drive requirements. And worse they likely have nasty WDC "green" features that are notorious for causing problems with Pro Tools. So if you are not having a bunch of DAE errors with it you are likely just been lucky so far (or have "ignore errors" set and may be getting audio glitches in your sessions you are not noticing... yet). I would open the nearest window and throw that junk drive out it.

As above, you've got to get your system properly configured, go buy a 7,200 rpm external HDD or an SSD or repurpose your current boot/system drive as an audio drive as mentioned above (just install it in a USB2, USB3 and/or Firewire 800 dock). Vendors like Glyph, G-Tech, OWC and Lacie make suitable HDD and SSD models. Personaly I'd only look at an SSD drive nowadays, but if a vendor does not clearly mark an external HDD as being 7,200 rpm it's a bad sign. Broad market/consumer focused vendors like Seagate and WDC seem convinced the external drive market is an opportunity to sell their slowest cheap crap HDDs to unsuspecting consumers. Avoid at all cost.
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Old 12-01-2013, 07:56 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

I'm still not following *exactly* what is happening here, what exactly is begin done and exactly what happens, but making one obvious guess.... if you are trying to just double click on a .ptx file icon in the finder to open that session in Pro Tools and it is not working....

Then in the finder Control-Click on that file icon and go to "Open With..." in the pop-up menu. What is shown on the ... (default) line? if it is not Pro Tools.app then select "other" and navigate to Pro Tools.app and check the "always open with box" once you select Pro Tools.app. Does double clicking on that session icon now open it in Pro Tools? And you've got to navigate to the right version of Pro Tools.app (for 10 or 11) that you want to open that session when you do this. That might possibly be a part of this problem.
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Old 12-01-2013, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: PT11 - Error "Session must be on an audio record volume"

Thank you very much Darryl for helping us out here

Gondor1976 : You are in Great Hands with Darryl and I am sorry I couldn't help out more this time but we are a great community and we do what we can to assist eachother so post the answers to Darryls questions and hopefully we can sort this out.

I have to blame the JetLag after flying back from Santa Barbara during the Thanksgiving weekend and just landed in Amsterdam on the way home to sweden so again Thanks a million for helping out and I will let you handle this Darryl

Best Regards
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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