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Old 02-14-2007, 03:50 PM
the viking the viking is offline
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Default Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

Using padKontrol, it is hooked up and writing into my instrument track and I see notes. I just can't hear anyting, I have notes assigned to a BFD kit but just can't hear what is going on!! I know I won't hear midi but I should be hearing something. Do I need to change my I/O's for midi play back?? Any help would be highly appreciated!!! Just begining. Thanks.
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Old 02-14-2007, 11:51 PM
flommer flommer is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

On a new session, make a single stereo instrument track and insert bfd. Record enable the track.

Now, first question is can you preview the sounds while looking at the bfd plug by clicking with the mouse on the drum name? This would confirm that your bfd is installed correctly and the audio is routed correctly all the way to your monitors.

Next, can you use the padKontrol to trigger other sound sources? You should have sampletank with the ignition pack.. can you get sounds out of ST?

Are you sure the midi notes the padKontrol is sending are matched to sounds in BFD? Open up the Hit Options page, and click on the Advanced tab. On the bottom left there is a LOG button, turn this on and play the pads. You should be generating a list of notes you are triggering and they should correspond to sounds that are mapped in list just above...
MacPro3ghz, 6GB, 10.7.5, PT10.3.2, Digi002 factory/toolkit2/PTIEP, 11R
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Old 02-15-2007, 05:31 PM
the viking the viking is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

I can't find that options advanced menu at all, but I am using this UVI korg plug in and it is lighting up on the midi note indicator light but I can't hear anything still. I even recorded some stuff on that track and it comes up and I can see the notes but can't hear jack. sound is coming out of my mbox cause I can hear mouse clicks. Running mac. Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. I need all the help I can get. Thanks a ton. Viking.
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Old 02-15-2007, 11:59 PM
Stiff Stiff is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

First things first, Did you try this? Did you hear anything?

On a new session, make a single stereo instrument track and insert bfd. Record enable the track.

Now, first question is can you preview the sounds while looking at the bfd plug by clicking with the mouse on the drum name? This would confirm that your bfd is installed correctly and the audio is routed correctly all the way to your monitors.
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Old 02-16-2007, 12:23 AM
flommer flommer is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

Another thing I should have asked is: If you create a master track in your session, are the meters moving at any time?

If not, then the problem is internal to your ProTools session.

Can you record and hear microphone playback or direct guitars? ( take MIDI out of the equation)

I am concerned that you are hearing system sounds through the Mbox. When Protools is running it should be the only thing that is using your Mbox to put out sound. In fact, I can't seem to get system sounds out of my 002 at all, but this might be a difference in the core audio driver for mbox vs. 002.

In your OSX sound preferences, unselect the mbox as your default audio output (use line out). Does this make a difference?
MacPro3ghz, 6GB, 10.7.5, PT10.3.2, Digi002 factory/toolkit2/PTIEP, 11R
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Old 02-16-2007, 12:33 AM
flommer flommer is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

the Hit Options button is on the right side of the plugin window.. The keyboard with the question mark.

The advanced tab is at the top between "page 1" and "MIDI CC's"

Also, post some system info: OS version, PTLE version, BFD version, computer model, etc. Sometimes the problems are version incompatibilities. Just saying you're on mac is implied by posting on this forum..
MacPro3ghz, 6GB, 10.7.5, PT10.3.2, Digi002 factory/toolkit2/PTIEP, 11R
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Old 02-16-2007, 12:41 AM
the viking the viking is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

Right on, thanks again. Ok, I am running tiger on an ibook g4, LE 7.0, All plugins came from my korg pakage and seem to be newer than older. I will try this out and get back to you. Thanks for your time and generosity, I really do appreciate it, Viking.
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Old 02-16-2007, 12:47 AM
the viking the viking is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

The meters are moving and no sound. Doesn't give me line out option, just mbox and internal speakers.
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Old 02-16-2007, 01:03 AM
flommer flommer is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

Try setting the OSX sound out to internal speakers. Does your ibook have an audio out like a headphone jack?

On the Master fader you made is the output path Analog 1-2?
MacPro3ghz, 6GB, 10.7.5, PT10.3.2, Digi002 factory/toolkit2/PTIEP, 11R
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Old 02-16-2007, 06:56 AM
bassntreble bassntreble is offline
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Default Re: Can\'t hear anything from midi playback......

make sure you have the OUTPUT of the midi seciton of the instrument track set to BFD

make sure you have the OUTPUT of the audio section of the instrument track set to your main audio outputs.

make sure the notes from the padkontrol are triggering sounds in BFD. if you're hitting pads and midi is registering, and the track is set to trigger BFD, maybe the pads are playing the wrong note range.
G5 1.8X2/3gigRAM/Mbox/7.4 (retired)
MBP C2D 2.4/4GigRAM/Mbox/8.0.1
iMac i7 3.4/16GigRAM/10.0.1
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