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Old 01-23-2000, 03:05 PM
Jeffrey Percival Jeffrey Percival is offline
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Default DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

I've been being told that the Mix Plus Promo plugin bundles are shipping "tomorrow" several "yesterdays" ago. Will someone at Digi give me a bottom line on when I can expect to see my plugins. I know the Mac versions have already shipped. I used the 15 day trial versions of several plugins, thinking that I'd have key disks by the time they expired. No such luck. Please let me know the ETA. Thanks,

Jeff Percival
Personics Recording
Phoenix, AZ
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Old 01-24-2000, 11:39 AM
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AvidCS AvidCS is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

Hi, Jeff:
Thanks for your patience. We anticipate having stock of the bundles again in the first part of February. We managed to get enough stock in mid-December to fulfill October and November backorders (mostly Mac, one or two NT bundles), but are in the position once again of waiting for one of our third-party vendors to fulfill their part of the bundle. I checked on your order, specifically, though, and it will definitely be one of the first to go out (we ship "first in, first out" - yours is one of the oldest backorders remaining). So - our apologies for the wait, but the "good" news is that February's almost here . . .
Best regards,
CS Admin
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Old 01-25-2000, 12:46 AM
davemc davemc is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

So if I understand this correctly

1) So the next shipment is not to Feb.
2) This will still not be for all people
awaiting their order.
3) Last time only 2 or 3 NT Mixpacks were sent.
4) You are awaiting some 3rd party people to send out the plugins.
5) AND Seeing I am in Australia, I will probably not get a look in at all.

Could we get the plugins that are available now and the others when they come in.

This is stupid.
I purchased at the end of Dec.
I was told there was no delay anymore and I should get them within 2 weeks at the max.

So I now have to wait, what another
month or maybe 2 for the plugins I paid for.

This really stinks

Bye Dave

[This message has been edited by davemc (edited January 24, 2000).]
Bye Dave
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Old 01-29-2000, 01:53 AM
Wolfgang Eller Wolfgang Eller is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

Yesterday I called Digidesign Germany and asked for my free Mix Plus Bundle and PT 5.0 . The answer was that the computer says, I got my Bundle on the 27 of December and 5.0 is shipped one week ago. Sorry Digi that the mail in Germany is that slow ( or is it Irland the headquarter of Digi Europe )you have done all you can.
Thanks Wolfgang
Mac Pro 6.1-8core, OS 12.6, PT2024, HDX2, Sonnet Echo Express III-R, Madi Interface.
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Old 02-03-2000, 12:19 AM
MichaelL MichaelL is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

After receiving and returning a Mac version (I'm registered for the NT platform), I finally received my MixPack today.

And there was much rejoicing.
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Old 02-03-2000, 07:52 AM
davemc davemc is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?

Yes I too was told that I was down for a Mac version.

So hopefully now it is changed to a NT version I do not go to the bottom of the list again.

So how is the pack.
Is the channel strip any good.
would of been nice to get a demo of
channel strip,ampfarm and waves tap delay to see what they were like.

But then again I set up all my presets for D2 and D3 and my demo ran out 3 weeks ago.

Still no word on this theard from digi only mid feb(for thoose on the top of the list). Does not say if all people awaiting will get one or not.

I just ordered wave mechanics pack hope that arrives soon.

Bye Dave

Bye Dave
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Old 02-06-2000, 02:56 PM
davemc davemc is offline
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Default Re: DIGI CUSTOMER SERVICE-Mix Plus Promo Plugin Bundles?


Just recieved my Mixpack.
Over a month of waiting

MAC of course.

This was mean't to be fixed in late jan.
Now I probably will have to wait a few more
weeks.(if lucky)

I will ring Digi Australia when in.
(its still early am in Aust)
I am really thinking of just going Mac
and being done with it.

bye Dave

Bye Dave
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