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Old 10-26-2024, 08:34 PM
M2E M2E is offline
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Default Finally letting go part iii - tdm/rtas/aax/au/vst

Hey Everyone,

As I mentioned before, I rarely get asked to pull up really old sessions nowadays that have these plugins anymore and I figured after 5+ years (The last time I was asked to do so), let it go. This will be the final thread of these plugins from my iLok 2/1. They will be TDM/RTAS/AAX and some can be AU & VST/VST3. Do ya homework on which one you want. I will try to put here if the TDM versions are TDM only or TDM/RTAS or Audiosuite. Please do your homework before purchasing plugins to see if it will work for your system.
Please note, I have the latest installers as well for all my plugins so you don't have to do a search for them and get it off some shady site which greatly helps. For Pro Tools TDM plugins, I've tried to get the latest versions. Same with RTAS. With AAX, there may be later versions as I don't have the latest on those.
Also, PLEASE NOTE: Verify that the plugin/s will work on/for your system before purchasing!!! So do your homework! See if there is a TDM version of the plugin, or RTAS version, or an AAX version and if it works for Digidesign or Avid Pro Tools version you use then you are good to go. There is NO REFUND!!!
I'm just going through the plugins I know I can let go right now and I have iLok keys and going off memory if they were TDM or RTAS.
iLok transfers are $25 extra so please, make sure you add that to the price I'm posting (I did it for you so you can clearly see the total price - Example: $100 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee is $125 total). If you purchase 2 or more, I think iLok has a cap on the transfer amount of $50. I may be able to do a better price if you buy more. I want others to enjoy the plugins that helped me in my journey. So these are the rest of the plugins. Like before, I will suggest a price, and put an iLok amount on them but just know, I'm always open so hit me up to see if I can go lower. It's first come first serve.

With that said, here are 71 plugins. Please request a certain plugin if it's TDM or RTAS or AAX/AU/VST/VST3, and if it's not on this list or even the past 2 threads, I may have it and would be willing to sell it if I'm not using it:

1. AVOX Punch (32bit) - $20 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee (Updated)

2. Amp Farm 3 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee (Updated)

3. BNR LE (Audiosuite) - $10 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee

4. Bruno/Reso (TDM Only) - $10 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee (2 License to sell)

5. DINR (TDM &/or Audiosuite) - $10 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee (Updated)

6. Moogerfooger 12 Stage Phaser (TDM/RTAS/AAX) - $10 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee

7. Moogerfooger Analog Delay (AAX/AU/VST/VST3) - $10 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee (2 Licenses For Sale)

8. Moogerfooger Ring Modular (AAX/AU/VST/VST3) - $10 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee (Updated)

9. Pro Tools 8 HD (TDM/RTAS Only) - $50 + $25 ilok Transfer Fee

10. Purple Audio MC77 (TDM/RTAS/AAX) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee (Updated)

11. Tel-Ray Variable Delay (TDM/RTAS/AAX) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee (Updated)

12. Voce Chorus/Vibrato (TDM/RTAS/AAX) - $10 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee (Updated)

13. Original Crane Song Phoenix (TDM Only) - $75 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

14. Eventide EQuivocate (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

15. Eventide Invigorate (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

16. Exponential Audio Excaliber Reverb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

17. Exponential Audio Nimbus Reverb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $30 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

18. Exponential Audio Phoenix Verb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

19. Exponential Audio R2 Reverb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

20. Exponential Audio R4 Reverb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

21. Izotope Ozone 4 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $10 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

22. Izotope Ozone 5 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

23. Izotope Spectron (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

24. Izotope Trash 1 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

25. Line 6 Echo Farm 3 (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

26. Line 6 Pod Farm (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

27. MOTU Mach Five (RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

28. MOTU BPM (RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

29. McDSP 6030 Ultimate Comp HD 5 (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

30. McDSP 6050 Ultimate CS Native 6 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $75 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

31. McDSP AE400 Active EQ Native 6 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

32. Slate Virtual Buss Compressors (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

33. Softube Spring Reverb (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

34. SSL Drumstrip (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

35. Sonible Smart EQ3 (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

36. TC Electronics Brickwall HD (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

37. TC Electronics Master X HD Native (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

38. TC Electronics MD3 Native (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $100 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

39. XILS PolyKB (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

40. Avid Bomb Factory BF-3A (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

41. Audified U73b (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

42. XILS PolyKB (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $35 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

43. Avid Reel Tape Flanger (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

44. Vocalign Project LE (Audiosuite) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

45. Eventide 2016 Stereo Room (TDM/RTAS) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

46. MIA Laboratories 358 Enhancer (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

47. MIA Laboratories Tape Saturator (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

48. Harrison Mastering EQ (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

50. Softube FET Compressor (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

51. Avid Joemeek SC2 Compressor (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

52. Avid Joemeek VC5 Meequalizer (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $20 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

53. MOTU Machfive 2 (RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

54. Softube Passive Active Pack (TDM/RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

55. Princeton Digital LLC Plate Reverb (TDM/RTAS) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

56. Process Audio SpiceRack (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

57. SSL LMC+ (AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

58. Avid Synchronic (TDM/RTAS//VST/VST3/AU) - $10 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

59. Nugen Audio Visualizer (RTAS/AAX/VST/VST3/AU) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

Note for Waves TDM/RTAS Plugins: You may need Waves Enablers to use TDM/RTAS
If you have them already, you should be fine.

60. Waves TransX V8 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

61. Waves SSL Bundle (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

62. Waves Metaflanger (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

63. Waves LoAir V7 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

64. Waves Kramer PIE V7 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

65. Waves Kramer HLS V7 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

66. Waves Kramer Tape V8 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

67. Waves IRx (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

68. Waves 5.9 Enabler (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

69. Waves 5.9.7 Enabler (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

70. Waves 5.0 (TDM/RTAS) - $25 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

71. Waves Vocal Bundle (TDM/RTAS): DeEsser, Doubler, Renaissance Vox, Tune Real-Time, DeBreathe, Waves Tune, CLA Vocals - $50 + $25 iLok Transfer Fee

If you purchase all of these before one sells, I'll sell all for $1k - That's including iLok fees.

Most TDM plugins do RTAS duties as well if you have Pro Tools 10HD and under. RTAS does NOT do TDM duties. I'm going off memory so again, please do your research as I haven't pulled up my old TDM system in no less than 5 years. Access Virus synth doesn't have an RTAS version I think. LOL, Some of these were not ported to AAX ala Drawmer, MDW EQ 5 (Older style version only for UAD system now), and Access Virus, not sure about Amp Farm HD either. I think Line 6 made AMP Farm HD as an RTAS or AAX version.

PM me if you have any questions and/or concerns or just post below. Also, if you know something I don't, please let me know below.


Thanks as always, Marc
New System: Macbook Pro M1 Max/16 gigs of Ram/Monterey/3 UAD Quad Satellites/2 PCIe Quad UAD cards/Waves Digigrid/Antelope Zen Pro/OWC 3 Slot Thunderbolt PCIe unit/Over 1400 plugins (Beta Tester for 15 different companies)

YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaZYp2wNomc
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Old 01-14-2025, 06:28 PM
Architecture Architecture is offline
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Default Re: Finally letting go part iii - tdm/rtas/aax/au/vst

Interested in your Waves V5 licenses, do you have the installers for Mac?
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