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Old 07-11-2023, 12:26 PM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default wrong play back speed somtimes??

i just recorded a choir on a MAc g5 with a 003 and a behringer ada8000 adat as the master clock. synced to 44.1

during recording it sounded fine. and play back was fine. it was a little grainy do to the quality of the Behringer. but definitly passable

Today when i opened up the session it was fine, the when bounceing some takes, it started out fine, then, during bounce , everything was sped up lots and was way higher in pitch.

now it;s always sped up in the session.even though when I first opened it up the playback was correct

the same thing happens when i open up the session on my TDM system.

I:ve tried importing the audio into sessions with different sample rates

and not converting and I can;t figure it out.
help please?
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Old 07-11-2023, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

This is almost certainly a clocking issue and by what you describe, I bet the Behringer was set to 48K(assuming you used the Behringer ADAT/Optical as the clock source). There are a few ways to approach this so here's mine(and I hope I am not backwards on this as its been years since I dealt with the same issue):
1-does it happen on ALL tracks(or are any at normal pitch)?
2-For audio that plays back too high, its probably 44.1K audio but being clocked at 48K(raising the pitch).
3-before anything else, check the Behringer clock setting AND the session clocking(Hardware menu?) and make sure everything matches and says 44.1K
3-Create a new blank session at 44.1K and go to File>Import>Session Data and point to the troubled session. Select to import all tracks, but MAKE SURE that Sample Rate Convert is NOT checked(you want to import 44.1K audio into your 44.1K new session with no changes) and once everything is imported, cross your fingers and hit PLAY.
4-if things are still a mess, create a new session at 48K(disconnect the Behringer so it defaults to internal clock) and do the Import Session Data(but again, do NOT apply SRC during the import). The idea is to figure out the actual sample rate of the audio files, and bring them into a session that matches. If you into the audio files folder of the original session, pick any audio file and right-click to select Properties, you might be able to see the actual sample rate(not at my PT machine and have no wave files on this computer)
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

BTW, my name is Dave, but most people call me.........................Dave
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Old 07-12-2023, 07:53 AM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

many thanks for that! yeah I was sure it was a miss matched clock, but it wasn;t.

and the wierdist thing is that it worked at the start

gonna give it a go
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Old 07-12-2023, 08:15 AM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

so still no resolve. I:m going to try on my tdm system.

Again, the weird thing is that it worked during the session recording, and playback, than at home it worked for a while until I tried to bounce, then on, it;s fast and high pitched.
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Old 07-12-2023, 08:51 AM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

the only thing i can think of is if somehow the session recorded at22khz sample rate. is that even possible?

and the fact that it worked in the moment and at home.

I'm really trying to avaoid t have to record the session again, even at that, how do I know this wont happen again.

I:ve used my location rig dozens of times. the last one was 16 tracks for over 3 hpurs with no crash or any issues...
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Old 07-12-2023, 09:44 AM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

think i solved it. on the transport there is a "halfspeed" option.
for some reason, it keeps defaulting to fast playback.

I created a stereo track that I bussed all the tracks to and it plays at the right speed.

What would cause this? how could I reset the default? why would "half speed" be the correct one? makes me belive the sample rate is 22khz

what a HUGE reliefe. thought for sure I was going to have to rerecord.

any insight into the different session playback speeds?

many thanks
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Old 07-12-2023, 10:32 AM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

maybe half speed was enabled during recording?
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Old 07-12-2023, 01:39 PM
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albee1952 albee1952 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

Originally Posted by pie55 View Post
maybe half speed was enabled during recording?
That is possible AFAIK. If you are still in trouble, its going to be w long road to a solution, and it may not sound good. As an experiment, export an audio clip as a 44.1K wave. Create a blank 44.1K session and import this audio to a new track. If it really is a 22K file, it should give you a message of a sample rate mis-match. In any case, import it WITH SRC to a new track, and import again(same file) but WITHOUT sample rate conversion and see if either file sounds right. In the end, it might be the only solution to re-record the choir(at no charge) to correct the issue. You can tell them there was a drive crash that corrupted the files as this happens, and most folks will be understanding
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

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Old 07-12-2023, 02:07 PM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

oh dear

after a few listens, there is something major going on with the sample rate.
for the proper playback pitch, it needs to be at half speed. so somehow the sample rate for the recorded material is 22khz.

during recording it was fine, but when I listen back, especially the esses were like a low res mp3. (due to the lower samplerate)

I didn;t spend too much time listening back after the recording, because durihng recording it sounded great.

I;m going to have to give the group the option of a huge discount on the current project, or re do the whole thing for the aggreed price.

has anyone encountered anything like this. even though it says sync and locked, and the sample rates are right the audio is obviously recorded at a much lower sample rate? tonight I:m going to do a bunch tests with different converters and such. any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 07-12-2023, 02:28 PM
pie55 pie55 is offline
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Default Re: wrong play back speed somtimes??

thanks for the reply.
I imported as recommended. they are both chipmunks. it;s not the difference from 44.1 to 48. it;s twice/an octave.

I didn't know it was possible to record at half speed. I didn't do anything different I haven;t done 1000 of times before

during the session playback pitch was right without selecting half speed, but it did sound a bit grany. I chocked it up to the ada8000 as I havn;t used it in a long time, and at the gig there wan;t much I could do anyway. the church was rented for a select amount of time.

my only solution I can think of is sending the tracks from my g5 location rig at half speed, to my TDM system line ins and see if the poor quality bothers them enough to rerecord. I really want to rerecord becasue they were great and it would be a shame to sound like crap mp3's. im going to record more tonight.

thanks again for the input
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