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Old 02-05-2007, 09:54 PM
rbeggs rbeggs is offline
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Default D-Command, delete active groups? Where?

How does one invoke the delete active groups command on the D-Command surface? I'm talking about the pop-up menu item that appears on the left bottom of the on screen mix desk. I understand how to create groups using the soft keys but there's no option that I can find for deleting groups. I'm not interested in suspending groups or some mumbo jumbo in custom faders mode. Just plain old delete active groups.

Is this one of those things that can only be done on the screen via mouse or am I missing something on the control surface? If it's in the manual I'd like to know where.

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Old 02-06-2007, 09:39 AM
levp levp is offline
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Default Re: D-Command, delete active groups? Where?

First, view the group on the softkeys. On d-command this means pressing the groups button on the console and makeing sure you are not in some other softkey mode.

Hold down the three modifiers Control+Option+Command then select the group soft button from the softkeys. It will then bring up a dialog asking if you are sure, press Ok....

this is the same for both d-control and d-command.

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Old 02-06-2007, 03:35 PM
rbeggs rbeggs is offline
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Default Re: D-Command, delete active groups? Where?

Thanks Lev but it still eludes me.

To view the group on the soft keys I push the key labeled "group" in the management section of soft Keys. What appears is a list of options: create, suspend and modify groups. This is where I made the group initially. There is no group or list of groups in evidence. There is however a blank window in the lower right.

Then I hold down Control+Option + Command and press the group button in the management section again. No dialog appears asking if I am sure about anything. That's when I hit the brick wall. Pressing the only other group button in the custom fader cluster only lights up an 8 fader group with blue lights which seems irrelevant.

I'm thinking that, per your first sentence, I'm doing something wrong when attempting to "view the group". What should I see when I'm "viewing" the group? Am I pushing the right button?

I cannot find any keys labeled groups or group in the six windowed keys when the group button is pressed.

If there are multiple groups I would think there would be a way of distinguishing between them. At present all I can think to do is select those tracks in the group to be deleted. Sort of a mirror of what I did to create the group in the first place. Seems clumsy though and doesn't work anyway.

Where am I getting off track?

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Old 02-09-2007, 01:17 PM
levp levp is offline
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Default Re: D-Command, delete active groups? Where?

What you want to do is use the Groups button on the Custom Faders section.

If you are showing custom groups and want to toggle between custom and Mix/Edit groups, press and hold the groups button and it will blink. Then hit the bank/cycle button to toggle between the two.

Now, as long as you are not in a softkey mode (I.E. no softkey mode buttons lit) the groups will display in the softkey section.
TIP: to quickly exit a softkey mode without toggling through pages, hold Command plus the Softkey mode switch to get to the top level.

now that you are looking at groups on the softkeys, you can use Control+Option+Command plus the softkey button relating to the group and it will ask you if you are sure you want to delete the group...

hope this helps, let me know if not, thanks - Lev
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Old 02-11-2007, 12:46 PM
rbeggs rbeggs is offline
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Default Re: D-Command, delete active groups? Where?


That did it. Is that move in the manual? It must be and I simply missed it.

Digi tech support struck out on that one. I asked about it and they had no immediate answer but called back the next day to say it couldn't be done on the Com_D surface.

Many thanks,

R. Beggs
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Old 02-12-2007, 08:07 AM
levp levp is offline
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Default Re: D-Command, delete active groups? Where?

Next time someone "strikes out" on an operational question. Ask them to ask me:) Tech support works really hard to be up to date on all of the latest technical issues and stuff like that can sometimes be further down on the food chain of information that they "need to know".

sorry about that. - lev
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